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RSS 2.0 Specification (RSS 2.0 at Harvard Law) Internet technology hosted by Berkman Center.

RSS 2.0 Specification (RSS 2.0 at Harvard Law)

[Der Schockwellenreiter] [Note 1]: Dieser Text versucht, zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe zu schlagen.

[Der Schockwellenreiter]

Einerseits soll er auch technisch nicht so versierten erklären, was RSS ist, zum anderen aber auch Programmierern ermöglichen, in eigenen Projekten RSS zu integrieren. Diese technischen Teile sind eingerückt zwischen zwei horizontalen Linien eingeschlossen und mit dem Truthahn markiert. Sie können, ohne daß das Verständnis des Resttextes leidet, übersprungen werden. [Note 2]: In diesem Text kommt sehr häufig der Begriff XML vor. Ich werde hier nicht erklären, was XML ist. Push versus Pull Ein Besucher, der auf normalen Wege das Web abklappert, tippt URL für URL in seinem Browser oder läßt sich von Link zu Link, den er anklickt, auf seinen Reisen durch die Weite des WWW leiten.

RSS 2.0 Specification (RSS 2.0 at Harvard Law) Deutsch: Computer: Datenformate: Markup. Computers: Internet: On the Web: Syndication an. WWM in XHTML: Was ist RSS ? Michael Charlier Auf Webseiten mit täglich wechselnden Inhalten findet man oft einen kleinen Button mit der Aufschrift "XML" oder "RSS".

WWM in XHTML: Was ist RSS ?

Je nach Browser sehen Sie beim Klick auf den Link entweder einen XML-Dokumentenbaum oder einen unformartierten Text - oder gar nichts, wenn es sich um einen Browser handelt, der mit dem Format nichts anfangen kann. Der Inhalt ist jeweils der gleiche: Eine Art kommentiertes Inhaltsverzeichnis der neuesten Beiträge. Wenn Ihnen diese Gestalt nicht besonders zusagt, hat das durchaus seine Ordnung: RSS (Rich Site Summaries)-Feeds sind zwar stets zum alsbaldigen Verbrauch bestimmt, aber man sollte sie keinesfalls roh zu sich nehmen, sondern ordnungsgemäß zubereitet in einem RSS-Reader, RSS-Aggregator bzw. Newsreader. Blogs machen RSS populär Intensiv-Blogger wie Schockwellenreiter Jörg Kantel schicken täglich in mehreren Raten 20 oder mehr Einträge an ihre Blogs. Creating a Custom RSS Feed with PHP and MySQL. RSS has become the standard technology for syndicating information to large audiences.

Creating a Custom RSS Feed with PHP and MySQL

Many people have something to say, but its finding the right audience for your voice that matters. A great place to start is by creating your own RSS feed and adding to it as often as you can. In this article you'll learn how to syndicate your own custom RSS feeds using PHP and MySQL. We'll first learn how to create two database tables and then how to retrieve data from them which will be formatted into an RSS feed. Here's an example of the completed RSS feed and a download link to the code.

O'Reilly Network: RSS DevCenter. Microsoft plugs zero-day IE hole Cumulative Internet Explorer bulletin affects current Windows versions, including Windows 7.

O'Reilly Network: RSS DevCenter

[Source: News] Mayor Gavin Newsom: Role of Social in Govt (Part 3) In the final part of this three-part video interview series with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, we talked about the role of social networking, not just in winning a political race, but in ongoing government -- in building participation among citizens. He talks about his successes and failures, and what he's learned along the way. InformationWeek's RSS Feed is brought to you by [Source: InformationWeek - All Stories] Seagate Launches Its First Enterprise SSD Pulsars, which use single-level cell (SLC) flash, come with SATA (serial ATA) interfaces and are available in 50GB, 100GB, and 200GB capacities, all on a 2.5-inch card.

Introduction to RSS - Introduction to RSS Want more traffic?

Introduction to RSS -

An easy way to distribute your news? Then you need an RSS news feed. To start all you need is content you want broadcast, and one RSS text file. What is RSS? Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a lightweight XML format designed for sharing headlines and other Web content. Web / Authoring / Languages / XML / RSS - RSS Links and Resources Defined in XML, the Rich Site Summary (RSS) format (aka "Really Simple Syndication"), previously known as the RDF Site Summary, has quietly become a dominant format for distributing news headlines on the Web. WebRef maintains its own RSS feeds, including our our front page, and JavaScript Tip of the Day. Here are some top resources for more info on RSS. WebReference Articles Creating a Custom RSS Feed with PHP and MySQL RSS has become the standard technology for syndicating information to large audiences. Popular urls to the latest web buzz.

Software Garden ListGarden Program: Adding an RSS feed to a norm. This page gives step-by-step instructions for using ListGarden to add an RSS feed to a normal website. RSS is becoming a very popular means to learn about additions and changes to websites. Born and raised in the news and blogging world, it is moving to the mainstream and is now becoming a replacement for email as the major way to notify readers of ongoing changes. Once you start using an RSS aggregator to read your news, you'd like other things to go there, too. A logical RSS use is for update notices on "regular" websites. By regular websites, I mean normal business and organization sites, such as for a manufacturer, a restaurant, a church, a conference, etc.

An issue here is that, unlike weblogs and news sites, most regular websites are not created with automated content management systems that automatically create RSS feeds. The Software Garden ListGarden program provides a manually operated tool to fill in the gap here. [Anfänger] [Tutorial] RSS-Feed in eigene Website einbinden.