Intelligence collective. Collaboration. Social Annotations. CollaborativeContentCuration. Collective. Working in Groups. Internet COLLABORATIF - TICE. Social Collaboration. Networking, sei regole per essere circondati da “quelli bravi” - ilSole24ORE. Una delle prime regole del networking, del “fare rete”, è quella di dare prima di ricevere. E’ così che la magia della rete si accende, è così che dalle relazioni umane si ottiene il massimo del valore: quando non si è solo connessi, non ci si conosce solo superficialmente, rimanendo ognuno nelle proprie case, uffici, scrivanie, ma si vive la rete facendo qualcosa che possa essere utile anche per qualcun altro.
Perché se è vero che tutti siamo mossi da una motivazione e un’esigenza personali, prima o poi il turno di quello che potrebbe avere bisogno di qualcosa, tocca a tutti, e perché è nella natura umana quello di aiutare le altre persone. O forse voi, quando qualcuno vi chiede un’indicazione per raggiungere un luogo che non conosce nella vostra città, vi girate dall’altra parte e stizziti non proferite parola? Nel maggio di quest’anno durante il mio viaggio in Silicon Valley ho conosciuto J.
Io sono sicuramente una persona give, give, get. E tu sei una persona give, give, get? Webinar Tools. Visioconférence. Why Groups Fail to Share Information Effectively. “No, leaks aren’t on the agenda…” In 1985 Stasser and Titus published the best sort of psychology study. Not only does it shine a new light on how groups communicate and make decisions, it also surprises, confuses and intrigues. Oddly, the results first look as if they can’t be right, then later it seems obvious they are right, then attention turns to what can be done about it.
The findings were relatively straightforward and, as is often the case with decision-making research, another blow for the fragile human ego. As it happens Stasser and Titus’ (1985) participants were making a relatively trivial decision—who should be student body president—but subsequent research has tested all sorts of other scenarios. Again and again the results have shown that people are unlikely to identify the best candidate, make the best investment or spot who really committed the crime. The explanations At first these results seem deeply counter-intuitive. Trained doctors do no better And in reality? Kill Your Meeting Room — The Future's in Walking and Talking. “Sitting has become the smoking of our generation.” I argued this in my recent talk at TED2013 and elsewhere while advocating for the concept of “walking meetings” (or as I informally call them, “walkntalks”).
Simply put: We spend more time sitting (average 9.3 hours a day) than sleeping (7.7 hours) – and it doesn’t even occur to us that this is not OK. So instead of using a standing desk, doing sitting meetings over coffee, or meeting in some fluorescent-lit conference room, I do one-on-one meetings as walks. It resolves the tradeoff between “taking care of health” and “getting stuff done.” The solution seems so obvious, yet it raises all sorts of “But…” questions: “How do you take notes?” It’s interesting that we immediately turn to technology here, that all of these obstacles revolve around technology. #### Nilofer Merchant ##### About [Nilofer Merchant]( has gone from admin to CEO to board member of a NASDAQ-traded company along her 20-year career. Explain 5 Conflict Management Techniques In The Workplace. As per the PMBOK, there are 5 conflict management techniques to resolve team conflicts.
In this blog post we will go through each of these 5 conflict management techniques in detail. Just to emphasize, the 5 conflict management techniques are part of human resources management knowledge area of PMBOK guide. I am sure each one of us might have had conflicts at some point in time in our professional or personal life. Though you may not be familiar with the terminology used in project management or PMBOK, but some of us might have already used the conflict management techniques in the workplace within your teams. So, let me start with a basic question. What Is A Conflict? Eventually a conflict is a situation, where two people or parties does not agree on a common opinion. Got it. In a very simpler terms a conflict can be defined as difference of opinions or diversity of opinions. What Are The Reasons Or Sources For Conflicts? What Are Conflict Management Techniques In Project Management? Forcing. Collaborative tools. Outils 2.0. Corkboarding - Bacheche con post-it.
Skype. Online annotation tool. Trello - Gestion de tâches et notes. Trello est un service web gratuit permettant de gérer une ou plusieurs board de tâches et notes proche d'un Kanban board. Trello est le nouveau né du fondateur de StackOverflow. Le concept est simple: Permettre de gérer des boards collaborative de tâches, messages, infos (sous forme de "cartes") ... classées dans différentes listes. L'idée est d'organiser toutes vos tâches facilement et de manière collaborative avec les membres de votre équipe. Tout est disponible en temps réel (changements en live des qu'un collaborateur modifie ou ajoute quelque chose) et sur différentes plateformes (navigateurs web et mobile), pratique ! Les "cartes" peuvent contenir différent type de contenu: Description avec markupDeadline pour réaliser la tâche ou noteListe des activités de la carteUpload d'images, de fichiers etcGestion d'une todo liste interne dans la cartePouvoir voter pour la tâcheGérer les différents membres lié à cette carteEtc Les possibilités d'utilisation du service sont nombreuses:
Gather various content on a single page. HiTask - Easy Task Management for Teams, To-Do List, Project Management, Team Collaboration and Online Calendar Software. Miro. Product Roadmap Software & Roadmapping Tool | Roadmunk. eMargin. Free reference manager and PDF organizer | Mendeley. Bounce - How to Give Easy Webpage Feedback. Pixorize: Image Annotation Made Easy. BizPad, Online Project Management Software and Collaboration Tool. Tableau Public - How It Works.
EtherCalc. EtherPad. SimpleSurface. DOODLE. Teamplifier - Project Collaboration Tool. Draft. Write Better. PLUM - Gestion de Projet en Ligne. Hackpad. BusyFlow. ThinkFree Cloud Office. Project Management Software, CRM, Sales, Intranet - thousands of apps - Podio. Annotation and Notetaking tools. Definition: There are available downloads, applications, and plug-ins that allow you to take notes, share them with other researchers, attach them to digital resources, and more. Tools: an "online annotation, collaboration, and indexing system for documents and images, supporting PDF and MS Office formats...lets you easily give, collect and store detailed notes on documents and web pages" (Free, web-based)Annotator's Workbench: "a software tool that enables depositors to create a collection from a set of existing video files, segment that collection at several levels, create annotations for those segments, assign controlled vocabulary terms to segments, and control access to parts of the collection.
" Created by the EVIA Project. (free? Resources: NoteTaking Tips? See Also: - the web highlighter. Draw on any webpage. Share thoughts. Move ideas. - Markup. Pundit: A novel semantic web annotation tool. Quick Markup. Pixtick. Scribble Maps - Create custom google maps. Free Online Idea Management and Collaboration Service |
NarraFirma. Google Story Builder: How to guide and examples. How to build your collaboration footprint. How to build your collaboration footprint Right now, there is one career-boosting habit that is guaranteed to add a bit of va va voom to your workplace mobility. Collaboration. Put simply, it’s how you work with people outside your usual area to create great things. We’re so over teamwork. Now it’s all about stretching those limbs and mental muscles to connect with new people in new places to do wonderful things. IBM has been measuring the impact of its most networked people. It won’t be long before organisations try to find a way to clone these types. So what can you learn from these super IBMers?
Firstly, it’s not about LinkedIn connections or numbers of Facebook friends. There are people who are just good at making themselves visible and open to new opportunities. But all of us can be good at it, if we just gave it a bit more thought — and time. So how do you start thinking and acting a bit more like the super IBMers? I’ve defined these as the elements of my collaboration footprint: InkleWriter. Créer des histoires interactives – Les Outils Tice. InkleWriter est un outil en ligne qui permet d’écrire des histoires interactives où le lecteur choisit régulièrement la suite de l’intrigue entre plusieurs options. Un outil très simple à utiliser seul ou avec vos élèves pour créer par exemple des livres où le lecteur est le héros. Nostalgie. InkleWriter permet de travailler l’écriture créative, le français, la lecture bien sûr, la logique.
Pour créer une histoire, il suffit de lui donner un titre et d’indiquer le nom de l’auteur. La suite dépendra donc du choix du lecteur, à vous d’imaginer et d’écrire des suites différentes. InkleWriter surprend par sa facilité d’utilisation. On peut utiliser InkleWriter sans inscription, mais votre livre ne sera pas sauvegardé. Vous pourrez ainsi leur proposer une histoire à choix multiples ou mieux encore leur demander de participer à l’écriture d’une histoire collaborative ou par petits groupes ils pourront s’occuper d’un scénario possible. À tester. Lien : InkleWriter Sur le même thème. Twine: a tool for creating interactive stories. About | Juxta. Juxta is an open-source tool for comparing and collating multiple witnesses to a single textual work. Originally designed to aid scholars and editors examine the history of a text from manuscript to print versions, Juxta offers a number of possibilities for humanities computing and textual scholarship.
As a standalone desktop application, Juxta allows users to complete many of the necessary operations of textual criticism on digital texts (TXT and XML). With this software, you can add or remove witnesses to a comparison set, switch the base text at will. Once you’ve collated a comparison, Juxta also offers several kinds of analytic visualizations. The desktop version of Juxta also allows users to annotate Juxta-revealed comparisons and save the results, and can output a lemmatized schedule (in HTML format) of the textual variants in any set of comparisons.
Juxta has also been developed as a web service with a limited set of the features available in the desktop application. MixedInk - Free Collaborative Writing Tool. Social Folders. RealtimeBoard. Tableau blanc virtuel pour le travail en groupe.
RealtimeBoard est un étonnant service qui permet de créer un ou plusieurs tableaux blancs en ligne sur lesquels travailler, collaborer, réfléchir en temps réel seul ou à plusieurs. C’est sans doute ce que j’ai pu tester de plus abouti et de plus fonctionnel dans ce domaine. Pour travailler seul ou avec des collègues, pour brainstormer en équipe ou avec vos étudiants, pour offrir u espace de travail collaboratif à vos élèves, RealTimeBoard peut avoir un nombre infini d’usages de toute sorte.
L’utilisation est simple comme bonjour. Une fois que vous aurez identifié où se trouvent les principaux outils, l’usage est on ne peut plus naturel et intuitif. On part d’une feuille blanche ou d’un des nombreux modèles fournis par le service. Vous pourrez y dessiner à main levée, écrire, dessiner des formes, insérer des flèches… On y colle également de notes repositionnables colorées et l’on peut insérer où l’on veut des commentaires.
Une bonne, une très bonne surprise. Lien : RealTimeBoard. Framapad. Padlet: un muro virtuale per appuntare, assemblare, collaborare. “Carta per il web” oppure “muro virtuale”: due definizioni che ben si addicono a Padlet, un’app per pc, tablet e smartphone che necessita solo di una semplice e veloce registrazione per essere utilizzata. Una volta entrati con il nostro account, cliccando l’icona in alto a destra “+” si aprirà una nuova bacheca, ossia un muro virtuale sul quale apporre, tramite doppio click, post-it altrettanto virtuali, che possono contenere testi ma anche link, immagini, video, mappe e documenti di vario genere. Esso può pertanto essere utilizzato per appuntare idee o contenuti digitali riguardanti un argomento (come un block notes virtuale), oppure per assemblare una lezione multimediale o ancora per realizzare un brainstorming o un cooperative learning a scuola.
Qualcosa non ci è chiaro? Clicchiamo sull’icona “?” Nella nostra home page personale, tramite la barra in alto, possiamo invece scegliere di visualizzare: Su youtube non mancano i tutorial riguardanti Padlet, sia in inglese che in italiano. The Official Padlet Blog (blog) 30 creative ways to use Padlet for teachers and students. I’m always excited when I’m using Padlet. Is it the interface, the way everything is designed, its purpose or the fact that I’m organizing things smoothly?
I don’t know. It just makes me happy. And today I’ll try to make you happy as well. How is it that this online Post-it board can make your day? How to use Padlet in your classroom? But first: What is Padlet? Padlet can be used by students and by teachers. Whoever has the Padlet board opened on his smartphone or computer, can see what’s on it and what everyone is writing. How to use Padlet? Using Padlet in the classroom is easy. Here you create an account and make your first board. Let your students insert the link in the browser or in the Padlet app. Then there’s one more question that needs to be answered: How to post things on Padlet? Double click anywhere on the board;drag files in;paste from clipboard;save as bookmark with Padlet mini;or just click the ‘+’ button in the lower right corner. 30+ Ways to use Padlet in the classroom 1.
PADLET USES. Padlet pour faire quoi ? 5 Alternatives to Padlet. For the last 24 hours the Twittersphere has been buzzing about the recent changes to Padlet. While none of the following tools have as many features as Padlet, they all provide the core element of a digital wall to which you apply digital sticky notes. Here are five alternatives to Padlet. These are in the order in which I prefer them right now. LinoLino, sometime referred to as Lino.It, provides digital walls or corkboards to which you can add sticky notes that contain text, images, videos, or document attachments.
Notes containing video links will play the video within your Lino wall. Images can be uploaded to your notes. And you can attach document files to your notes for other people to view. The best feature of Lino is the option to create private groups. WakeletWakelet is the newest entry into this market. DotstormingDotstorming was built for people to share ideas in the form of digital sticky notes and then vote for their favorite ideas. – The new way to collect, organize and share anything. FlockDraw - Free Online Drawing Tool - Collaborative Group Whiteboard. Limnu | The online whiteboard you’ve been looking for. Free Online Whiteboard | NoteBookCast. 15 amazing tools for online collaboration | Design.
Individuals in design teams don't always work together in the same office. You may be positioned in distributed groups, or working from home, and clients can come from all over the world. This is where collaboration tools come in – they make it easier and faster for designers to get feedback and approve artwork in a professional manner, and they come in all sort of forms, from free Android apps to Chrome extensions.
Here we gather together some of the best available online tools to allow designers to collaborate together in real time. Some are created specifically for designers, some serve as a concept crafting whiteboard, and we've also included some more full-on project management tools for when you need to take your collaborative project to the next level. 01. Slack Want to improve communication with your team? Perfect for anyone managing a team of remote employees, Slack enables project development to move forward more smoothly. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. TitanPad. Collaboration Web Tools.
Utiliser des outils de travail collaboratif. Tools: Community Collaboration Cycle. Wemaster | luglio 14, 2014 Continua il nostro appuntamento dedicato ai tool in ottica Weconomy. In questa seconda puntata obiettivo puntato sul Community Collaboration Cycle, service design tool utile in ottica community e collaborative management, ma non solo. Trovate la versione cartacea di questo articolo sul nostro ultimo quaderno #6 di Weconomy (a proposito, stiamo lavorando al prossimo, in uscita a ottobre!)
Che potete scaricare qui. Communication collaboration cycle Si tratta di un modello che codifica il processo che alimenta la collaborazione di massa. Perché usarlo? La codifica di dinamiche comunitarie che, in sistemi collaborativi, sono spesso difficili da prevedere e gestire, è un utile tool che supporta e guida l’estrazione di valore all’interno del processo. Quando usarlo? Questo strumento, riassunto schematico di una cornerstone del community management, è utile in ogni fase del processo progettuale e di gestione.
Come usarlo? Ti potrebbero interessare anche: MOOVIA - Team Collaboration Network. Bitrix24: Social Intranet, Task and Project Management, Activity Stream, Online Storage, CRM, Instant Messenger, File Sharing, Calendars and much more! Open Atrium. L'outil de création de graphiques. Conceptboard. Edistorm - Online Brainstorming and Planning. Create Tutorials in One Click on Tildee ! - Project management.
Teambox. Freedcamp - Free Project Management. RealtimeBoard : Plan de travail collaboratif. Gantter - web-based project scheduling. Asana - Task Management for Teams. Home - allthings. Do and it's done.