Apprendre à construire des personas - We Love Users Qu’est-ce qu’un persona ? Définition Un persona est un archétype représentant un groupe de personnes dont les comportements, motivations et buts sont proches. Les personas sont utilisés en Design1, Ergonomie, Marketing, Informatique, etc. pour permettre au(x) concepteur(s) de déterminer ce que le produit ou service doit faire et comment il devrait fonctionner. Exemple Origines La méthode des personas a été créée par Alan Cooper. À quoi servent les personas ? Les personas sont des outils d’aide à la conception et de communication. Lorsque les comportements et les buts de plusieurs personas sont trop différents pour être servis par un même produit, il convient de fabriquer plusieurs produits distincts. Pour illustrer cette idée, nous pouvons nous appuyer sur l’exemple fourni par Cooper dans « About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design ». En résumé, les personas servent à : Mais surtout, ils aident la prise de décision dans la conception d’un produit. Comment les construire ? Recherche 1.
Put Design Thinking to Work Design thinking can be used for diverse work, but it most easily adopted for the discovery phase of a project: when you are still seeking the meaningful problem to work on, or the right solution to pursue. So choose a project in its early stages or one you really want to shake up. Second, choose a challenge that has a human element to it. Design thinking helps you excel in understanding people, gaining insights that you can leverage, and experimenting your way to a solution. That said, it doesn’t have to be a consumer project. One way to frame your project around people, is to (re)state the challenge using this format:“Redesign the [ topic ] experience for [ user ].”The first blank is the project area/topic/goal (but make sure the solution isn’t already dictated). Some examples:
User Interface Design and UX Design: 80+ Important Research Papers Covering Peer-Reviewed and Informal Studies Important peer-reviewed and informally published recent research on user interface design and user experience (UX) design. For the benefit of clients and colleagues we have culled a list of approximately 70 curated recent research publications dealing with user interface design, UX design and e-commerce optimization. In our opinion these publications represent some of the best formal research thinking on UI and UX design. These papers are also among the most widely downloaded and cited formal research on UI / UX design. We have referenced many of these studies in our work at MauroNewMedia. Pay walls: As you will note in reviewing the following links and abstracts, most of the serious research on UI / UX design and optimization is located behind pay walls controlled by major publishers. Important disclaimer: We do not receive any form of compensation for citing any of the following content. Abstract User experience seeks to promote rich, engaging interactions between users and systems.
Curriculum Home Page Welcome to the Curriculum Resources Home Page This is a collection of curriculum created by the K-12 Lab at the design school and teachers who are using design thinking in their schools. Please feel free to use all of the resources presented here.If you discover a new way to implement a lesson or run into a challenge with the particular constraints at your school please add feedback or comments in the feedback and comments section of the lesson. We have organized curriculum in multiple formats to so that you can can search in the way that is most appropriate for your work: Activities organized by step in the Process and Skill Level Links to full design thinking projects and challenges Design Thinking Projects and Challenges Links to full STEM-based curricula integrated with design thinking Use the following guide: | S T E M for which subject areas each curriculum covers
Modelos de Canvas: 17 modelos para adotar e praticar a inovação Modelos de Canvas – 17 modelos para adotar e praticar a inovação 4.5 (90.91%) 11 vote[s] A utilização dos quadros Canvas como ferramenta de análise e criação de novos modelos de negócio tem com o objetivo criar, capturar e entrega valor. Empresas como SAP, Intel, Nasa, Xerox, utilizam-se desta ferramenta e afirmam que os modelos de canvas uma oportunidade de análise de negócio que cumpre como um instrumento inovador para identificação de ideias empreendedoras. Desde o seu surgimento, esta poderosa ferramenta visual e colaborativa tem se tornado cada vez mais popular nos diversos mercados e segmentos que buscam inovação, novos negócios e desenvolvimento, dentre outros. Hoje uma série de diferentes tipos de Canvas estão disponíveis para os mais diversos fins. Para saber mais sobre aplicações Canvas acesse também: Modelos de Canvas Várias são as vantagens oferecidas por ele: Mas você conhece os principais modelos de Canvas disponíveis atualmente ? 1 – Business Model Canvas 2 – Lean Canvas 8. 9. 10.
Qu’est-ce que le design thinking ? D'où ça vient? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Le design thinking est apparu dans les années 2000 au cœur de la Silicon Valley sous l’impulsion de Tim Brown directeur de l’agence Ideo. Depuis, il fait couler l’encre aussi bien dans le domaine économique que dans ceux de l’éducation, de la sociologie ou de la philosophie. 1er principe du design thinking: placer l’humain au centre de la réflexion Dans le design thinking, la personne la plus importante, c'est l'utilisateur. Objectif : faire émerger ses problèmes profonds pour y apporter des solutions innovantes. Dans cette conférence de 2009, Tim Brown, gourou du design thinking, appelle à un mouvement vers une « pensée design » locale, collaborative et participative. Une méthode collaborative d’innovation Plus on est de fous... plus on rit. Les étapes clés du processus de Design Thinking Application dans l’entreprise : atouts et limites du design thinking Avantages pour elles : - Un regain de confiance des clients Attention! Le Design thinking en images
Complete Beginner's Guide to UX Research In an industry devoted to the people who use our products, services, and applications, research is paramount. We ask questions. We take notes. UX research—or as it’s sometimes called, design research—serves many purposes throughout the design process. In this Complete Beginner’s Guide, we’ll look at the many elements of design research, from interviews and observations, to usability testing and A/B testing. What is UX Research? UX research encompasses a variety of investigative methods used to add context and insight to the design process. The main goal of design research is to inform the design process from the perspective of the end user. UX research has two parts: gathering data, and synthesizing that data in order to improve usability. One example of a user research process, diagrammed. We can also divide UX research methods into two camps: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research is any research that can be measured numerically. Common Methodologies Observation Analysis
Capturing User Research Recording Video You should record video whenever it’s important for you to be able to review the visual elements of your user research sessions. For example, in usability testing, contextual inquiries, and ethnographic observations, it’s important to see participants’ actions. For other research activities such as interviews, the visual element is less important, so audio recordings are sufficient. Video also gives you a powerful way of allowing others to experience your user research. So, if video provides the benefit of capturing both the audio and visual elements of research sessions, why not capture video all the time? It’s important to weigh the advantage of capturing the visual element against the disadvantage of making participants uncomfortable. Taking Photos Taking photos is an effective way to capture both the research environment and the tools participants use. Using Event-Logging Software A disadvantage of this approach is that you need an additional person to do the logging.
Design Thinking en Español El Design Thinking se desarrolla siguiendo un proceso en el que se ponen en valor los que nosotros consideramos sus 5 características diferenciales: La generación de empatía: hay que entender los problemas, necesidades y deseos de los usuarios implicados en la solución que estamos buscando. Independientemente de qué estemos desarrollando, siempre conllevará la interacción con personas. Satisfacerlas es la clave de un resultado exitoso. El trabajo en equipo, ya que pone en valor la capacidad de los individuos de aportar singularidad. La generación de prototipos, ya que defiende que toda idea debe ser validada antes de asumirse como correcta. Todo ello bajo una atmósfera en la que se promueve lo lúdico. Durante el proceso se desarrollan técnicas con un gran contenido visual y plástico. Para comenzar a utilizar la metodología es muy importante preparar estos cuatro puntos: Los materiales: Los usados en las técnicas de Design Thinking están al alcance de cualquiera.
Taller de Prototipado y Diseño de MVP by Nestor Guerra on Prezi Le Design Thinking appliqué à l’innovation numérique (part. II) – Synthèse de la #MCGIW Cet article fait suite à la première partie de la synthèse L’idéation Cette deuxième phase correspond au processus de génération, de développement et de mise à l’épreuve des idées. La première étape est divergente: il faut créer des choix. Faites appel au grand public : que ce soit via un outil clé en main ou fait maison, vous pouvez aujourd’hui très facilement faire appel aux foules pour répondre à votre problème. Passons à présent au prototypage. Il faut faire simple pour prouver une valeur fonctionnelle : quand on vous dit prototype, ne répondez pas concept car; Bien qu’il s’agisse effectivement d’un prototype, il est issu d’une étape bien ultérieure du processus. Alors comment prototyper un service ou un produit numérique? Un dessin, des post-it : mes premiers prototypes de site ou d’application sont quasiment toujours des dessins grossiers sur des feuilles volantes. L’implémentation Désirabilité, viabilité, faisailité
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