25 Super Health Benefits of Delicious, Natural, Creamy …What?! - Page 2 of 4
Photo credit: bigstock.com You’re super health conscious, so you avoid butter because it causes heart disease, right? Time to bone up on your reading and learn the facts about butter. Natural, creamy butter goes back probably thousands of years to when our ancestors first began domesticating animals for food. The first written reference to butter was found on a limestone tablet that was at least 4,500 years old describing how butter was made.
23 Psychological Life Hacks to get an Advantage
Have you always wondered about the subtle things you can do to totally improve the outcome of a situation? It is something that I have constantly been thinking about. After spending some time searching up on the subject I came across some incredible bits of advice from a reddit discussion. From this, I’ve pulled out and organized users’ top advice on how to improve your outcomes.
7 Health Benefits of Ginger
I love the aromatic spicy taste of ginger and how it adds a unique flavor to my meals and beverages. But ginger has plenty of other beneficial properties besides its taste. Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine have used ginger to help treat and prevent health problems for thousands of years.
Coconut Water Kefir can help heal the gut, improve immune function and prevent cancer. Here is how to make it!
Coconut water kefir is basically fermented coconut water. It is an unbelievably rich probiotic drink that also contains really high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. The vitamin and mineral content of coconut water includes beta carotene, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Niacin, pantothenic acid, folates and vitamins A,B6, C, E and K. What’s more important and why it’s considered better than regular kefir is the fact it doesn’t contain the problematic substances that regular dairy has such as casein and lactose. This just means that your body will process these probiotic benefits better.
Reevaluate Your Life In 10 Minutes
I’m 24, which means that most of my friends are asking themselves some version of — What’s next? For me, journalism was out. That career dream died the day I actually imagined myself holed up in a news room, busting out click bait. I thought about advertising, PR, doing biz-dev for a web video outfit that did story-based branding (would you like another buzzword with that?), even joining a tech startup. I went to a lot of exploratory meetings that ended disastrously.
Fresh Fruits, Veggies, Not Medication
If you’d rather eat fresh fruit or a carrot than pop a pill to stay healthy, go for it! Increasing research indicates that a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables could be as good or better for you than drugs when it comes to controlling or eliminating some diseases and illnesses. Here are five ways eating fresh fruits and veggies could make you healthier than medications you may be taking: 1) Statins - Oxford University researchers have found that eating a piece of fruit each day significantly lowers the likelihood of a heart attack.
Detox Your Liver with This Tropical Turmeric Cleanser Green Smoothie
Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body. It is the filter of the body, helping you get rid of toxins that you may consume throughout the day. Take some time to learn more about your liver and you will understand why taking good care of it is so important. One of the best ways to help your liver function the way that it is supposed to is by eating the right mix of foods.
30 Of The Hardest (But Most Necessary) Things That Must Be Done To Achieve SuccessElite Daily
Success is defined differently for everyone; however, facing difficulties on the road to success is a common denominator for anyone pursuing his or her passions. What separates those who see their dreams through and those who don’t is the ability to do what others will not. Everyone can dream of eventual success, but accomplishing one’s goals requires taking on the difficult tasks and functions for which many people do not have the courage or stamina. Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Taking on the hard tasks time and time again is what defines a person’s character and generates the most rewarding results. Success is not a tangible product.
Common Medications Linked To Brain Disease
When most people think of brain disease, they probably think of genetics, traumatic brain injury and other causes. But, there is a silent brain disease culprit that few people know about: prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Multiple studies even link some medications to dementia—a loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living, lasting more than six months, not present since birth and not associated with a loss or alteration of consciousness. A new study published in the medical journal JAMA Neurology (Journal of the American Medical Association Neurology) found that a class of drugs known as anticholinergics are linked to an increased risk of dementia as well as brain shrinkage and dysfunction. Anticholinergics are a large group of drugs used in the treatment of hypertension, heart disease, lung disease (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD), insomnia and some other conditions. Love This?
Possibly The Healthiest Cookie In The World: How To Make Chocolate Avocado Cookies
Yes, there is such a thing as “healthy cookies”! And these do not contain any artificial sweeteners added, so be careful. Instead of butter, for these chocolate cookies you need avocado. Sounds crazy, right? But, these cookies are organic and super-healthy. Avocados have rich and soft texture, and they are an ideal substitute for unhealthy butter.
111 Lessons Life Taught Us
post written by: Marc Chernoff Email Sometimes thinking about your life and sorting out what you have learned is just as important as tackling a new venture. That’s what our new sister site, Everyday Life Lessons, is all about. It’s an online community where people share, rank and discuss life’s greatest lessons. The site challenges you to reflect on your past, dig deep within yourself and answer one simple question:
At Chernobyl and Fukushima, radioactivity has seriously harmed wildlife
The largest nuclear disaster in history occurred 30 years ago at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in what was then the Soviet Union. The meltdown, explosions and nuclear fire that burned for 10 days injected enormous quantities of radioactivity into the atmosphere and contaminated vast areas of Europe and Eurasia. The International Atomic Energy Agency estimates that Chernobyl released 400 times more radioactivity into the atmosphere than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Radioactive cesium from Chernobyl can still be detected in some food products today. And in parts of central, eastern and northern Europe many animals, plants and mushrooms still contain so much radioactivity that they are unsafe for human consumption.