La Science au XXI Siècle - Cookies Required Co-hosted by and the Education Division of Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA). Game-Based Learning is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides educators, game developers, researchers, and industry executives with a place to learn, ask questions, discuss topics, and share information about games and learning. The community hosts free monthly webinars and live chats with leaders in the field that are highly engaging and interactive. Upcoming Webinars Thursday, November 7, 2013 - 4pm / Eastern Time Presenter: Joli Barker, third grade teacher at Earl H. Monday, December 2, 2013 - 4pm / Eastern TimeInnovation, Authenticity, and GamesPresenter:Jeff Mummert, teacher at Hershey High School in PA, adjunct professor at York College of Pennsylvania, Director of, and Founder/Owner of Pre-registration is not required for Game-Based Learning community members. You'll be automatically emailed a CE certificate for attending a live session.
International Board of Metal Toxicology Top of Page Download MS-Word Document For This Article The small study we launched in India is changing the face of pollution and lack of accountability in that country. From: Carin S. Dear Grace Thanks for your faithful work for IBCMT and remembering to alert us when there are articles worthy of dissemination. I have been progressively amazed how the small study we launched in India is changing the face of pollution and lack of accountability in that country. Below are a number of links - the first confirms that the central government has now officially started to seal hand pumps in Punjab and the article reported on in the link records the landmark closure of ground water pumps in the town of Faridkot, where this all started with the 400 odd disabled children 3 years ago! Then I also wish to bring to the attention of members a very meaningful initiative in India, which targets toxicity and we need to work towards seeing such initiatives replicated in all countries worldwide.
Wakelet – Save, organize and share content Revue des sciences 09/11 Un quasar lointain éclaire les débuts de l'univers Revues : Pour la Science - La Recherche - Sciences et AvenirBrèves : Physique - Climat - Biologie - Santé - Technologie La loi de l'information veut qu'on ne se répète pas mais ce n'est pas parce qu'on arrête d'en parler que le Japon est sortie d'affaire, la caractéristique du nucléaire étant sa durée déraisonnable. C'est donc sans doute pour longtemps qu'il y aura encore des pluies radioactives sur le Japon. Le mois d'août est normalement un mois creux pour l'information mais il y a quand même encore bien trop de nouvelles scientifiques pour un seul homme, pas de pause de ce côté. La crise qui traîne en durée elle aussi manifeste à quel point le monde est désormais unifié même s'il ne le sait pas assez et que chacun voudrait se replier sur soi, ses intérêts, ses préjugés, son histoire. Le N°39, c’est le piratage informatique des automobiles. Pour la Science no 407, Vivre dans un monde quantique - Vivre dans un monde quantique, p22
Digital Games Transforming K-12 Assessment and Learning Many teachers are searching for new ways to engage their digital-native students. They are looking for, write researchers at Florida State, “alternative ways of teaching – ways that increase student engagement and yield a rich, authentic picture of the learner(s).” These researchers say more educators should take a look at the latest in digital games. GlassLab, a new nonprofit educational game design initiative, has just released its first game— SimCityEdu—based on the popular Simcity brand and called SimCityEDU: Pollution Challenge! The Games, Learning, and Assessment Lab, or GlassLab is a unique partnership between the nonprofit Institute of Play (known for their Quest to Learn schools), the game-design firm Electronic Arts, and others. Last year, the Institute of Play received $10.3 million in grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to start the lab, which is dedicated to exploring the potential of digital games in the classroom. Photo by nixerkg.
La référence de l'actualité scientifique 7 ways to evaluate educational games Educational games are becoming more mainstream–here’s how to evaluate them As educational gaming moves from a future technology to a practice found in more and more classrooms, educators are recognizing game-based learning’s (GBL) potential to engage students and help them prepare for future learning. By ensuring that games meet certain requirements, educators will find themselves on the path to choosing an impactful game that goes beyond the typical drill-and-practice or end-of-unit reward game. “It can be overwhelming, but as gaming becomes more mainstream and there’s more out there about it, educators will be better equipped to evaluate games and GBL,” said Dan White, founder of Filament Games, a member of the advisory board for Games for Change, and a founding member of the Games Learning Society at the University of Wisconsin. (Next page: What makes a good educational game?)
Cocktail de polluants hormonaux : des effets inattendus Le triclocarban est utilisé comme antibactérien dans certains savons. Des études ont montré qu'il perturbe l'activité de l'hormone masculine, la testostérone, chez le rat. Son mécanisme d'action n'a pas été élucidé, mais de nouveaux travaux montrent qu'il pourrait aussi agir sur les estrogènes, les hormones féminines, en présence d'un autre perturbateur endocrinien. ©Shutterstock/Audi Dela Cruz Pour en savoir plus E. M. H. L'auteur Marie-Neige Cordonnier est journaliste à Pour la Science. Les perturbateurs endocriniens, des substances qui modifient l’activité des hormones, sont rarement isolés dans l’environnement. Seul, le bisphénol A imite les estrogènes – les hormones féminines. La question des effets combinés de polluants hormonaux n’est pas nouvelle.
Sown to Grow: Tap into the Power of Goal-Setting and Reflection | Cult of Pedagogy This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. By now, most teachers know that one of the best things we can do for our students is to help them develop a growth mindset, the belief that they can get smarter through effort. One important approach is to teach students how their brains work. With those practices in place, the next step a teacher can take is to create structures that allow students to see their growth in action. With Sown to Grow, a new student goal-setting and reflection tool, students can now set and track their goals digitally, and teachers can coach and support them from the sidelines. How it Works Step 1: Creating the Learning Cycle Teachers start the process by creating a learning cycle. Step 2: Checking In After the learning cycle has been created, students enter the platform. Step 3: Goal Setting Next, students set their own goals for the learning cycle. Meanwhile, the teacher can track progress for the whole class. How Teachers are Using Sown to Grow