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Reading Like A Historian

Reading Like A Historian
The Reading Like a Historian curriculum engages students in historical inquiry. Each lesson revolves around a central historical question and features sets of primary documents designed for groups of students with diverse reading skills and abilities. This curriculum teaches students how to investigate historical questions by employing reading strategies such as sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating, and close reading. How do I use these lessons in my classroom? The 73 lessons in the U.S. curriculum, initial 37 lessons of the world curriculum, and 5 lessons in the introduction to historical thinking unit can be taught in succession. 1) Establish relevant background knowledge and pose the central historical question. *Note: United Streaming requires a subscription to Discovery Education. 2) Students read documents, answer guiding questions or complete a graphic organizer. 3) Whole-class discussion about a central historical question. Of course! Related:  Evaluation SkillsHistoria

SearchReSearch: Answer: Fake or real? How do you know? 1. Is this a faked photo? If so, how can you tell? (Be specific.) The obvious thing in the picture is the jet fighter in the upper left. (Let's not start to wonder whether or not all of the buildings in the scene are actually just as they are... I've added a couple of arrows to indicate the direction the light is falling. Remmij also spotted the roundel on the wing and tried to identify it. Remmij ALSO spotted another indicator of being shopped: A cursor left in the image! So this image is clearly a FAKE! Review 1: Stayed here for two nights with my wife and golden retriever in a pet friendly room. Review 2: We only stayed for one night but I would have happily stayed here longer. How do you start on a question like this? If you think about it, there are many great reasons to write a fake review (of hotels, restaurants, music recordings, films... anything that people buy AND review will attract faked reviews). One obvious thing to do is to check other reviews by the same person. 3. 1. 2. : News, Information and Media Literacy The onset of the digital age forever changed the way readers interact with news and the way that journalists do journalism. Now that more data is produced in a single second that can possibly be consumed in a lifetime, the need for news literacy has never been more important. Simply put, news literacy is the ability to use critical thinking skills to judge the reliability and credibility of news reports and information sources. As 21st Century citizens, we must know what is in the news we consume — where to get the news, what to do with it and how to make news of our own. Want to learn more? News Literacy Model Curriculum and Lesson PlansThese lessons integrate news literacy into math, social studies, English and science classrooms. News and Media Literacy Lesson PlansThese lesson plans, curated from selected organizations, help teachers easily bring news and media literacy into any classroom.

Här är bilderna som ändrade världen Amerikanska soldater reser flaggan i Iwo Jima, Japan 23 februari 1945. Foto: Joe Rosenthal/AP/TT En man faller från World Trade center i New York, 11 september 2001, Foto: Richard Drew/AP/TT Den sydvietnamesiske polischefen avrättar en Viet Cong-soldat i Saigon, 1968. Foto: Eddie Adams/AP/TT Buddhistmunken Quang Duc bränner sig till döds i Saigon 1963, i protest mot den sydvietnamesiska regeringen. Skräckslagna och brända barn flyr sedan sydvietnamesiska styrkor av misstag napalm-bombat egna soldater och civila 1972. Löparna John Carlos och Tommie Smith gör black power-hälsning vid OS i Mexiko 1968. En grupp judar förs bort ur ghettot i Warszawa april 1943. Astronauten Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin på månen, juli 1969. Situation room i Vita huset. Den östtyske gränsvakten Conrad Schumann hoppar över den nästan färdigställda Berlinmuren 15 augusti 1961. En ensam man möter stridsvagnarna i Peking när militären slog ner demokratiprotesterna 1989. Lennart Nilssons banbrytande bilder på ett foster.

SearchReSearch: Search Challenge (11/11/15): Fake or real? How do you know? Unfortunately... ... people have been faking stories, photos, and claims for as long as humans have been around. Of course now we're aided by technology, which sometimes makes these deceptions a bit more difficult to ferret out. Here's an early famously faked photograph: This is one of the images of the Cottingley Fairies. 2. Review 1: Stayed here for two nights with my wife and golden retriever in a pet friendly room. Review 2: We only stayed for one night but I would have happily stayed here longer. 3. Quote 1: “Do you want to know who you are? Quote 2: “That the obliquity of the ecliptic, when these elephants lived, was so great as to include with the tropics all those reasons in which the bones are found." Quote 3: “Gun control works great for the people who are law-abiding citizens and it does nothing for the criminals, and all it does is put the people at risk.” As always, let us know how you figured these Challenges out! Search on!

The Intersection of Digital and Media Literacy Because both digital and media literacy are fairly new concepts, there is considerable debate amongst experts and academics around the world as to how they should be defined. It is generally agreed that skills and competencies for digital literacy and media literacy are closely related to each other and to additional “21st-century” skills that are needed for living and working in media- and information-rich societies.[i] For example, the key concepts for media literacy – that media is constructed; that audiences negotiate meaning; that media have commercial, social and political implications; and that each medium has a unique aesthetic form that affects how content is presented – are as equally applicable to watching TV news as to searching for health information online. Digital literacy encompasses the personal, technological, and intellectual skills that are needed to live in a digital world. An example of this can be found in the evolution of gaming. [1] Hobbs, Renee (2010).

Night will fall När de allierade gick in i nazisternas koncentrationsläger var det de dödas och halvdödas rike som mötte dem. Och allt dokumenterades på film. Andra världskrigets koncentrationsläger befriades av de allierade 1945 och allt dokumenterades på film. Filmerna skulle bli avgörande i de internationella tribunaler som fällde många av de ansvariga nazisterna för krigsbrott. Filmmaterialet från brittiska, amerikanska och sovjetiska krigskameror skapar tillsammans med de starka ögonvittnesskildringarna från soldater och överlevande, en unik inblick i nazisternas värsta illdåd. Brittisk dokumentär från 2013 av André Singer. How Photos Fuel the Spread of Fake News Even rudimentary skills aren't required to create, say, a meme of Seddique Mateen, whose son Omar Mateen fatally shot 48 people at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, that allegedly shows him visiting Hillary Clinton’s office at the State Department this year. Never mind that Clinton resigned from the job three years before. Photos play a key role in making fake news stories go viral by bolstering the emotional tenor of the lie. They elicit an emotional response, which makes it far more likely that someone will click the link, then share it. Such images can reinforce existing prejudices. These dirty tricks work because most people believe a photograph represents reality. Makela's photo of Clinton shows how insidious, and easy, it has become to use photos to sell a lie. This works to the advantage of those who sell lies as truth, knowing that people believe what they see—and see what they believe.

Social Media Superstar Finalists Announced! Acknowledging the role social media plays in school library promotion, AASL has launched a new recognition program – Social Media Superstars. Nominated and endorsed by their peers, the program will recognize school library professionals who enrich the profession and its work on behalf of students by sharing information, expertise, ideas, encouragement, dialog and inspiration widely via a variety of social media channels. After an open nomination period, the Social Media Recognition Task Force is proud to announce the following finalists in each category. Through April 14, members of the school library community and the public are invited to post endorsements of their personal superstar by leaving a comment on each category’s post. After April 14, the Social Media Recognition Task Force will consider the endorsements and the original nominations and select an overall Superstar for each category. Superstars will be announced Thursday, April 27 at 6:00 p.m. We want to hear from you!

Bedömningsstöd i historia 1a1 och 1b Det här bedömningsstödet i historia 1a1 och 1b ger stöd för bedömning i relation till den del av kunskapskraven som rör arbetet med historiskt källmaterial. Den uppgift som ligger till grund för bedömningsstödet har en tydlig koppling till ämnets syfte, det centrala innehållet i de aktuella kurserna i ämnesplanen och kunskapskraven i dessa kurser. Uppgiften kan också användas som modell för liknande uppgifter, med annat källmaterial och andra historiska processer och sammanhang i fokus.

The Daily Mixer Don't Get Faked by the News Recently California State Assemblyman Gomez introduced AB 155, which states: “This bill would require the Instructional Quality Commission to develop, and the state board to adopt, revised curriculum standards and frameworks for English language arts, mathematics, history-social science, and science that incorporate civic online reasoning, as defined.” The impetus of this bill is the proliferation of fake news, as evidenced in 2016. While fake news has always been part of the (dis)information picture, social media and campaign documents have highlighted its impact. Schools need to insure that their students become information and communications technology (ICT) literate. Use criteria to evaluate news and other information sourcesUse fact-checking sitesRead reputable sourcesLook for different perspectives to discern alternative claims and evidencePractice media literacyMinimize sharing questionable newsSupport and engage in high-quality journalism.

1. Åskådarens betydelse I en situation där det finns förövare och offer så finns det många gånger även andra som tysta tittar på och inte ingriper, det vi kallar åskådare.Vad är det som gör att vi inte ingriper i en situation där en eller flera människor blir utsatta för något? Den första övningen går ut på att eleverna får reflektera över varför människor blir passiva åskådare i stället för att ingripa. Det finns givetvis många olika orsaker till detta och användbara begrepp i övningen kan vara risk, ansvar och handlingsutrymme. Eleverna får också möjlighet att fundera över åskådarrollens betydelse för situationens händelseutveckling. Den andra övningen ger utrymme för en estetisk och/eller litterär reflektion kring åskådarrollen i ett historiskt perspektiv. Syftet är att se likheter mellan situationer som ägt rum tidigare i historien och de som inträffar idag. Du hittar diskussions- och gestalningsövningar längre ned på sidan efter vittnesmålen. Titta på vittnesmålen: Övning A Att ingripa eller inte? Övning.
