Related: The problems with philosophyBanana equivalent dose A banana equivalent dose (abbreviated BED) is a unit of radiation exposure, defined as the additional dose a person will absorb from eating one banana. The concept is based on the fact that bananas, like most organic materials, naturally contain a certain amount of radioactive isotopes—even in the absence of any contamination due to human nuclear endeavors. The banana equivalent dose was meant to express the severity of exposure to radiation, such as resulting from nuclear power, nuclear weapons or medical procedures, in terms that would make sense to most people. History[edit] The concept probably originated on the RadSafe nuclear safety mailing list in 1995,[original research?] Relationship with standard units[edit] The BED is supposed to be a radiation dose equivalent unit; that is, a unit for measuring potentially damaging radiation absorbed by body tissue, rather than the total radiation (of any kind) emitted by a source or absorbed by matter. Criticism[edit] See also[edit]
Absolute space and time Theoretical foundation of Newtonian mechanics Absolute space and time is a concept in physics and philosophy about the properties of the universe. In physics, absolute space and time may be a preferred frame. Early concept[edit] A version of the concept of absolute space (in the sense of a preferred frame) can be seen in Aristotelian physics.[1] Robert S. Newton[edit] Originally introduced by Sir Isaac Newton in Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, the concepts of absolute time and space provided a theoretical foundation that facilitated Newtonian mechanics.[3] According to Newton, absolute time and space respectively are independent aspects of objective reality:[4] According to Newton, absolute time exists independently of any perceiver and progresses at a consistent pace throughout the universe. Absolute space, in its own nature, without regard to anything external, remains always similar and immovable. Differing views[edit] Mathematical definitions[edit] Special relativity[edit]
Ted Honderich Ted Honderich (born 30 January 1933) is a Canadian-born British philosopher, Grote Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic, University College London.[1] His work has been mainly about five things: consciousness and mind, including the consciousness–brain relation; right and wrong in the contemporary world particularly with democracy, terrorism and war; advocacy of the Principle of Humanity; determinism and freedom; particular problems in logical analysis and metaphysics; the supposed justification of punishment by the state; the political tradition of conservatism. He has given lectures and talks in British, continental European, Irish, American, Canadian, Asian, Russian, and African universities. Biography[edit] Honderich was born Edgar Dawn Ross Honderich on 30 January 1933 in Baden, Ontario, Canada. An undergraduate at the University of Toronto, qualifying as B.A. His papers in philosophical journals have been published in three volumes by Edinburgh University Press.
plato.stanford 1. Introduction In most of what follows, I will speak simply of determinism, rather than of causal determinism. This follows recent philosophical practice of sharply distinguishing views and theories of what causation is from any conclusions about the success or failure of determinism (cf. Traditionally determinism has been given various, usually imprecise definitions. Determinism: The world is governed by (or is under the sway of) determinism if and only if, given a specified way things are at a time t, the way things go thereafter is fixed as a matter of natural law. The italicized phrases are elements that require further explanation and investigation, in order for us to gain a clear understanding of the concept of determinism. The roots of the notion of determinism surely lie in a very common philosophical idea: the idea that everything can, in principle, be explained, or that everything that is, has a sufficient reason for being and being as it is, and not otherwise. 2. 2.1 The World
Humanism Home Center for Naturalism Applied Naturalism Spirituality Philosophy [back to Antifoundationalism] Humanism and Postmodernism: A Reconciliation (This originally appeared in the Humanist, 1993, V53, #1, pp. 18-23.) Humanism is often characterized as a secular alternative to religion in our quest for a good, moral, and self-fulfilling life. I would not want such an anti-foundationalist critique to be construed as an attack on core humanist values, since I share and want to protect these values. I don't think that I am setting up a straw man to contend that secular humanists often resort to rather simplistic appeals to reason, science, and human nature to butress their case against religion. All this is not to deny that many humanists are aware that the assumptions underlying their agenda are just that, assumptions in need of whatever further justification can be mustered. Postmodern Anti-Foundationalism Cognitive Contingency and Relativity
Sceletium tortuosum Sceletium tortuosum (Mesembryanthemaceae]) is a succulent herb commonly found in South Africa, which is also known as Kanna, Channa, Kougoed (Kauwgoed/ 'kougoed', prepared from 'fermenting' S. tortuosum[2]) - which literally means, 'chew(able) things' or 'something to chew'. The plant has been used by South African pastoralists and hunter-gatherers as a mood-altering substance from prehistoric times.[3] The first known written account of the plant's use was in 1662 by Jan van Riebeeck. The traditionally prepared dried Sceletium was often chewed and the saliva swallowed, but it has also been made into gel caps, teas and tinctures. It has also been used as a snuff and smoked.[4] Effects[edit] Sceletium tortuosum's flower Pharmacology[edit] S. tortuosum has been reported to possess significant mood-elevation and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties.[3][5] S. tortuosum contains about 1–1.5% total alkaloids. Interactions[edit] References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b "SCELETIUM TORTUOSUM HERBA" (pdf).
Henri Poincaré French mathematician, physicist, engineer, and philosopher of science Jules Henri Poincaré (,[4] ;[5][6][7] French: [ɑ̃ʁi pwɛ̃kaʁe] ( listen);[8][9] 29 April 1854 – 17 July 1912) was a French mathematician, theoretical physicist, engineer, and philosopher of science. As a mathematician and physicist, he made many original fundamental contributions to pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics, and celestial mechanics.[11] In his research on the three-body problem, Poincaré became the first person to discover a chaotic deterministic system which laid the foundations of modern chaos theory. Poincaré made clear the importance of paying attention to the invariance of laws of physics under different transformations, and was the first to present the Lorentz transformations in their modern symmetrical form. The Poincaré group used in physics and mathematics was named after him. Life[edit] Education[edit] First scientific achievements[edit] Career[edit] Students[edit] Death[edit] Work[edit]
Indeterminism Indeterminism is the concept that events (certain events, or events of certain types) are not caused, or not caused deterministically (cf. causality) by prior events. It is the opposite of determinism and related to chance. It is highly relevant to the philosophical problem of free will, particularly in the form of metaphysical libertarianism. In science, most specifically quantum theory in physics, indeterminism is the belief that no event is certain and the entire outcome of anything is a probability. Causation without determinism[edit] A number of philosophers have argued that lack of determinism does not entail absence of causation. Necessary but insufficient causation[edit] Indeterminists do not have to deny that causes exist. If x is a necessary cause of y; then the presence of y necessarily implies that x preceded it. If x is a sufficient cause of y, then the presence of x necessarily implies the presence of y. Probabilistic causation[edit] Philosophy[edit] Aristotle[edit] John D.
determinism#:~:text=Determinism%2C%20in%20philosophy%2C%20theory%20that,act%20otherwise%20than%20they%20do Determinism, in philosophy, theory that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by previously existing causes. Determinism is usually understood to preclude free will because it entails that humans cannot act otherwise than they do. The theory holds that the universe is utterly rational because complete knowledge of any given situation assures that unerring knowledge of its future is also possible. Pierre-Simon, Marquis de Laplace, in the 18th century framed the classical formulation of this thesis. For him, the present state of the universe is the effect of its previous state and the cause of the state that follows it. Read More on This Topic problem of moral responsibility: Determinism Determinism is the view that, given the state of the universe (the complete physical properties of all its parts) at a... Indeterminism, on the other hand, is the view that at least some events in the universe have no deterministic cause but occur randomly, or by chance.