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Snow-Globe Soap
Dec19 by Brenda Ponnay Stuff their stockings with something they can wash their hands with!By Brenda Ponnay
How To Paint Particleboard / Laminate Furniture
Remember these sturdy Broyhill bookcases I got on Craigslist for our schoolroom? Well, they were hiding a little secret.... While the front and the drawers were made out of real wood, the sides, shelves and backs were made out of what I like to call the fake stuff.
DIY Solar Lamp: Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Sun Jars
The principle is simple and seductively clever: solar lights that store energy during the day and release light at night. These can be purchased ready-made in a variety of colors (yellow, blue and red) but they can also be built at home. A simple, less-technical approach involves buying a conventional solar-powered yard lamp and then essentially harvesting it for key pieces to put in a jar. This is simply a way of taking an existing solar lamp design and appropriating its parts to make something more attractive for display around a house or home. A more electronically-savvy individual can take the more complex route and built a solar lamp from the ground up using small solar panels – though the aesthetic result may not be as impressive. Whatever route you choose to go, these are fun and sustainable gadgets that make it easy to go green, automate the process of turning on lights at night and can add some color to your porch, patio, garden or windowsill.
169 So Cool Headboard Ideas That You Won’t Need More
A headboard is probably the most important decor element of any bedroom. There are so many them on the market nowadays that everybody can find the one they will like. Don’t also forget about all these DIY headboards that people make in order to save some money and show their creativity. Sometimes they achieve so great results that their personalized and unexpected headboards are much better that ones you can find on the showroom floor. I gathered for you the largest gallery every of headboard ideas that can help you find the one that will fit your bedroom. Many of them can be made by yourself.
Petticoat Tutorial
For the last year, I have been looking for a petticoat- I know this might sound a little strange but I wanted something frilly and white to go under my skirts or even be worn as a skirt and to pair with my extensive collection of knee high boots! I had a very specific "vision" of what I wanted in my head and finally gave up my search and decided it was time to just make one for myself (like everything else-if I can't afford it or find it- I MAKE IT!). Since I didn't have a pattern, I made my own from an old skirt. While I don't wear it anymore, I loved the shape and design which was a little bit A-line- just what I wanted for my petticoat! Start by cutting up an old skirt to use as a pattern (or use a pattern!) Cut out the pattern from fabric.
I guess About Me is a more aptly named title!
I suppose it is about time I fill in this page, nearly a year after it arrived on my header! The main reason that is has been a vacant spot for so long is that it kind of feels like a weird first day of school assignment to write the obligatory "About Me" essay, specially at my age. What age would that be exactly? Well, I guess that would be a good place to start. I am a 29 year young wife and mom of an awfully sweet 4 year old (that would be Wren, the real star of this blog). my little buddy.
Tutorial: Homemade Sidewalk Chalk
by Michelle Vackar, Modern Handmade Child One of our favorite outside activities at our home is drawing with chalk on the driveway. You can play hopscotch, four-square, and of course draw and create silly stories. My daughters and I were talking one day as we played hopscotch about how to make chalk and I thought to myself, let’s try it!
Notebook paper fabric tutorial
I've made a lot of stuff with this method and it's really fun to do. Also it's a lot easier then it looks. I've made a Kindle Cover An Ipad Cover and Zipper Pouches