Colored Pencil Jewelry
Note from Design Mom: I asked Kate of Mini Eco to create a Back to School themed project for us to try. I think making beads out of colored pencils is brilliant! Wouldn’t these beads be fun for your elementary school-ers to string for a class project? It would also be a fun activity at an art-themed birthday party. Here’s Kate: Lately I have become a little addicted to making (and wearing) colored pencil jewelry.
40 DIY Bracelets You Need to Check Out
Glamming up a bare wrist is super easy. Throw on a chunky cuff or slip on stacks of bangles and you’ve effortlessly made a style statement. Making your own bracelets can be just as simple, and we’re smitten with the creative ways these DIYers have sewn, twisted, baked and glued together scraps of materials to turn them into gorgeous works of arm art. Check out these 40 beautiful bracelets you can make yourself! 1.
DIY Chan Luu Bracelet «
My goal this holiday season was to really try my best to make some homemade gifts. So far I’m doing pretty well with my wreath, some burlap covered candles, some personalized coasters and this past weekend I gave a try at some jewelry. You may have noticed how wrap bracelets are everywhere lately.
Make This - Stab Bound&Journal - Luxe DIY
Make a hand bound journal with elaborate side stitching for yourself or as a gift. The stitching is a lot easier than it looks and is so much nicer to hold than a spiral bound edge. Supplies and Equipment – sharp utility knife and cutting surface BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THE SHARP BLADE – rulers – drill with 1/16th inch bit OR a small paper punch BE VERY CAREFUL WITH POWER TOOLS – fancy cover paper – I used Cavallini Vintage Tickets Wrapping Paper – 20″ x 28″ – 1 sheet of 8.5×11 for endpapers (this can be fancy or the same paper as your pages) – 10 sheets of 8.5×11 paper for pages – 3 yards of embroidery floss – mat board – I used Crescent No. 33 White & Cream Smooth Mat Board – Yes Stikflat Glue or other archival glue that leaves paper flat – heavy object to use as a weight – waxed paper – cutting/hole punch template – click here to download – thin cotton or linen fabric (optional) – needle with an eye large enough to fit embroidery floss – brush for glue
Macrame Bracelet
Growing up by the beach in Southern California, the ability to knot a macrame bracelet was practically a right of passage. Although those days are long behind us, we’ve never forgotten the ever-so-simple square knot technique. This time, however, we’re replacing hemp and wooden beads for more updated elements like colorful nylon cord and glossy metal charms. Happy knotting! You’ll need: Start by cutting the knotting cord into two 30 inch, two 20 inch and one 10 inch lengths.
Tubular Friendship Bracelets
My line-up of DIY projects was put on hold last week when a friend’s grandfather passed away. She asked if I could make her and her family a series of red, tubular embroidery thread bracelets to wear during the mourning period. And so back into the friendship-making mindset I went!
How to Make a Fork Bracelet DIY Fashion and Craft Tutorials
I've always loved taking everyday items and making them into something interesting. Ever since I was a little crafty kid I loved devouring books that taught me how to make little dolls from clothespins, beads from rolled up magazines, and little fairy ornaments from wire and fake flower petals. The first time I saw my friend wearing a bracelet made from a fork a few years ago, I knew I had to try it (*ahem Carly ;)). I wrote up a tutorial a while back, but I've had some questions about the directions I gave so I decided to make a proper tutorial with a video! :)
Cake postcard tutorial
Supplies Materials needed to make two cake postcards: 1 large sponge (yellow paints the best)Serrated knifeX-Acto or utility knifeSpray paint (brown, yellow, pink or white)1 tube acrylic latex caulk (brown, cream or white)Spray adhesive (3M Super 77 works great!)Cardboard, kraft paper or scrapbook paper Instructions Cut sponge into wedge shape
Wooden Summer Bangle
Here's a fun tutorial on how to make a message bangle that's one-of-a-kind, done in the sun, waterproof and weatherproof. Even after several trips to the beach, it won't fade or wash off! Essentially, it's the Perfect Summer Bangle.
Utility Cord Bangle
ANNOUNCEMENT: A select number of these bracelets are available for sale here. I know, I know. ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE UTILITY CORD AND BRACELETS! I couldn’t resist! I had extra utility cord lying around from last week’s project, and was highly inspired by these Orly Genger bangles.
5 DIY haircuts to try today!
Ever thought about cutting your own hair? Have you tried it? It is really fun and liberating but it can also be intimidating and a flat out mess. Enter, the Ponytail Cut. The beauty of the ponytail cut is that it brings all the hair to one place for you to cut, keeping it neat and straight forward.
DIY: Nerdy Chic Book Clutch
Alright, you nerds, it's time for another 'book'torial. The whole reason I created the first two 'book'torials (here and here) was so that I could create this nerdy chic book clutch. I'm completely smitten with how it turned out. Carrying a library card never looked so fashionable. ;) Wanna make your own?
Travel Map Pin Board DIY
Since we moved up North, Zander and I have been doing quite a bit of weekend traveling. I really wanted a special way to keep track of the places we have been together (and our bedroom walls were bare) so I decided to make this travel map cork board! It was pretty easy once I figured out the logistics… so now I’m going to share the how-to with you! paper // printer // tape // frame // cork roll // spray paint // exacto knife // spray glue // map tacksThese links are what I used but feel free to be creative! 1.
Paper Bead Jewelery
Most of us have a little stash of leftover decorative papers from projects and parties. But before you put your scraps in the recycling bin, take a look at what you can do with them. These colourful beads can be made from any paper – junk mail, magazine pages, used giftwrap or leftover stationery papers – and they’re so easy, you and the kids can whip them up by the dozen.