GuideGuide: Free Plugin For Dealing With Grids In Photoshop Advertisement This article is the fourth in our new series that introduces the latest, useful and freely available tools and techniques, developed and released by active members of the Web design community. The first article covered PrefixFree; the second introduced Foundation, a responsive framework; the third presented Sisyphus.js, a library for Gmail-like client-side drafts. Today we are happy to present Cameron McEfee’s Photoshop extension GuideGuide which provides a tool to create pixel accurate columns, rows, midpoints and baselines. Take a moment and think about creating a multi-column grid in a Photoshop comp. (siteWidth - (gutterWidth × (numberOfColumns - 1) ) ÷ numberOfColumns = columnWidth I was sitting at my desk one day doing this exact equation when I thought, “Man, this looks just like code. Enter: GuideGuide I created GuideGuide for the sole purpose of making one of the most time consuming parts of Photoshop based design as easy as possible. Columns and Rows Midpoints (il)
50 Excellent Digital Photography Photoshop Tutorials Advertisement Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard for digital-image editing and graphics creation. Photoshop’s versatility makes it a popular choice among Web designers, graphic designers, digital media artists, print designers, photographers and other professionals in design and image-editing. Whether you’re designing a business card or website or digitally enhancing an image, you can rest assured that Photoshop will give you the necessary tools to get the job done. In this article, we focus on tutorials on digital photography. Without further ado, we present you with 50 Excellent Photoshop Tutorials for Digital Photography. Photo Effects HDR-Style Results Using Layers in Photoshop1Learn how to achieve HDR results in Photoshop using bracketed exposures during the production process and then Photoshop layers afterwards. Photoshop HDR tutorial3This tutorial shows you how to create true HDR using bracketed exposure and Photoshop for post-production. Image Enhancement and Correction (al)
Is Twitter About to Let Businesses Claim Locations? Twitter has allowed users to tweet their location via its Places feature for a while now, but now it looks like the company is taking Places a step further with a feature that lets businesses "claim" a location or place. The feature, first spotted by the Hacker News community and tech pioneer Dave Winer, provides a permanent URL for specific locations, along with a list of people who have recently tweeted from that location and their tweets. The interesting part though is that at least one of these pages, Twitter HQ, has been "claimed" by @Twitter. The "claiming" of Place pages could be a sign that Twitter is getting serious about competing in the geolocation space currently dominated by Facebook and Foursquare. Place pages are nothing new; Places launched in June and the updated Place pages were likely part of the launch of the New Twitter.
Useful Photoshop Tips And Tricks For Photo Retouching Advertisement When it comes to designing in Photoshop, there is a myriad of ways one could use to achieve a certain result, especially when it comes to photo retouching. Designers use technique they are most confident as well as comfortable with, which is great because it’s always useful to peek into the workflow of our colleagues and learn new design approaches. We have had articles on cloning1, compositing2, masks3 and obscure Photoshop time-savers4 in the past. This article is different. I’ll be covering some of the useful techniques and tricks which I’ve learned from my experience. Here is a short overview of the techniques we’ll be covering: Naturally Increased Light The light of the sun creates texture. Increase light on a separate layer. Then use the brush tool with a soft brush, and hold the Alt/Option key to pick up colors from the area that you want to brighten. The blending mode “Color Dodge” creates realistic results. Simulate Infrared Images It’s almost like an infrared image.
Compositing in Adobe Photoshop: Time-Saving Tips Advertisement Compositing is a skill and process that spans the entire spectrum of creative industries. At the high end, compositing boasts its own specialized profession in film and television post production and visual effects. Dedicated software such as NUKE and Shake have taken the craft to powerful levels of its own, leaving behind the relatively basic compositing toolset of Adobe Photoshop. However, for many graphics practitioners compositing is a vital everyday process — and as with all pixel-pushing endeavors, Photoshop remains the entry point and hub to learning and ultimately mastering the fundamentals of this important skill. In this article, I’ll share some of my own time-saving tips for compositing in Photoshop. Tip 1: Matching Tones, Channel by Channel One of the challenges we face when compositing is matching the colors and tones of various images to produce a realistic and convincing composite. 1These are the three images we will composite together Visual Evaluation 1. 2.
Leveraging The Tension Between Conversion Optimization & SEO In today’s post I am going to discuss the importance of conversion optimization (or landing page optimization), why it is critical to online marketing success and how it interacts with SEO. I am not going to cover conversion optimization in as much depth as the team that writes the conversion science column, but will set the stage for understanding the way it impacts SEO. There are a few major factors which are at the root of conversion optimization, such as: Where the user is in the conversion process. Are they ready to buy, or are they just browsing for info? Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg have long pushed us to understand that people have different personas that we need to cater to. How people normally interact with content. The goal of your web site. When does conversion typically occur? What is your call to action? There is much more than these few points to this type of optimization, but you get the idea. Another interesting element is color. Tension With SEO Finding The Balance
Astuces et Conseils pour la photomanipulation avec Photoshop Smashing Magazine nous a dernièrement gâté d’un article sur les techniques de photomanipulation avec Photoshop. Suite à la demande exprimée sur la page Facebook de Design Spartan je me suis chargé de traduire le principal en donnant mes impressions. Voici ces conseils et astuces repris dans notre belle langue afin de parfaire votre technique et maîtriser diverses situations. Chaque professionnel et même chaque amateur possède ses propres techniques et ses habitudes sur Photoshop. Quelque fois, des articles comme celui-ci tombent du ciel et viennent rafraîchir notre vision de Photoshop, de ses outils et des différentes possibilités offertes pour aborder une situation. Voici donc les astuces et conseils sur la retouche photo abordées ici : Augmenter la lumière de façon naturelle Voici une technique très efficace pour contrôler l’intensité lumineuse d’une photographie et l’augmenter à volonté sur un calque séparé. Les niveaux Cela fonctionne aussi pour trouver un gris neutre. Coucher de soleil
Google Cleans Up Messy Data with Refine If you live for data, slave over spreadsheets and constantly find yourself sifting through endless rows and columns of facts and figures, Google's got a lovely new product just for you — and it's free and open-source, too. Google Refine is a project born of Freebase Gridworks, a data-cleaning tool Google acquired when it bought Metaweb during the summer. Google has since renamed Gridworks and relaunched it as Refine. Basically, Refine makes it much easier for data geeks to clean up and use big sets of data. For example, if you're writing an academic paper, government study or news article that requires you to download and parse spreadsheets from or similar source of free information, you might notice all kinds of inconsistencies when you try to sort the data. Google Refine builds on its Gridworks roots by helping its users correct inconsistencies, changing data formats, extending data sets with data from web sources and other databases and much more.
70 tutoriels photoshop pour la retouche de la beauté 70 tutoriels photoshop pour la retouche de la beauté La retouche de la beauté est probablement l’un des domaines d’application les plus populaires dans lesquels Adobe Photoshop est employé intensivement. Il y a deux raisons simples de cela. D’abord, Photoshop offre une série d’outils avancés pour lisser la peau et les cheveux, pour optimiser des proportions de corps et pour souligner quelques beaux détails. Et en second lieu, si vous avez une certaine expérience avec Photoshop il est facile d’apprendre les bases et de produire rapidement des résultats très impressionnants … Naturellement, la retouche de la beauté est un art, tout à fait trompeur. Peau Une belle peau Personne n’a une peau parfaite. Cheveux Couleur changeante de cheveux Comment changer la couleur de cheveux. Corps (seins, visage, etc.) Plus léger Élimination de graisse avec l’outil de liquéfaction. Yeux, bouche et dents Galeries Célébrités avant et après Montre quelques photos des célébrités avant et après les retouches.
HOW TO: Get the Most From a Small Business Social Media Presence Scott Gerber is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, public speaker and author of Never Get a "Real" Job: How to Dump Your Boss, Build a Business and Not Go Broke. The content for this post was sourced from the Young Entrepreneur Council, a group of successful Gen Y business owners. You can submit your questions to this group on Today's reality is that your business needs to be on social media, but the mere existence of your business on sites like Facebook and Twitter doesn't guarantee a single sale, or even a single referral. When the right tools are used effectively with the right motives in mind, social media can have a huge impact on small business marketing and customer service efforts. I asked a panel of successful Gen Y entrepreneurs how small businesses can go about getting the most out of their social media marketing and how they can convert more of their existing social media followers into paying customers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Hall of Fame des tutoriels Photoshop | Flux de la Passion Hall of Fame des tutoriels Photoshop Voici une liste de plus de 60 tutoriels Photoshop les plus populaires sur la toile. Ceux-ci sont triés en catégories. Cette liste a été faite par Vandelay Design Blog que je vous conseille de lire car c’est un très bon blog dans la thématique webdesign, wordpress et web development. The O Series Super Cool Abstract Vectors in Illustrator and Photoshop Create a Simple Vibrant Light Effect in Photoshop Flying Girl in Photoshop Lighting a Giant Elephant Create Amazing Photomontages Telling Stories with Shadows Voir tous les tutoriels sur Vandelay Design Blog Create a Retro Photo and Background Create a Realistic Blackberry Style Mobile Phone from Scratch Apple iPhone Mobile Phone Design CD Cover Design Create a Trendy Typographic Poster Design Favorite Bands Tutorial Create a Dream Design with 3D Typography Create a Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop 3D Typographic Effects How to Create a Sleek and Textured Web Layout in Photoshop Creating Custom Patterns
Why the Best Online Marketing May Be Headed Offline Hamilton Chan is CEO of Paperlinks and Paperspring. Through its iPhone app and QR web platform, the just-launched Paperlinks platform makes context-sensitive marketing plug-and-play for small, medium and large businesses. The hyperlink is the fundamental building block of the Internet, and effectively ties reference points to useful content. Without the hyperlink, the web would be nothing more than silos of content lacking semantic connections. Traditionally, hyperlinks live in browser windows on desktop monitors. By printing a Quick Response (QR) bar code on any item — a lamp, the program booklet of an event, or a retail store window -– a consumer can quickly link from the real-world experience to rich web content via his smartphone. The ability to place a QR code on anything offers opportunities for businesses and consumers. You have been looking for the perfect lamp for your living room for a long time. Context-Sensitive Marketing From the consumer’s standpoint, CSM is a convenience.
Photoshop Tutorials Create A Scrapbook Alphabet In this Photoshop Text Effect you'll learn to create a simple Scrapbook style text effect that can be used as a stand alone word treatment or converted to individual reusable .png files with a transparent background. Create A 3D Push Pin In this Photoshop tutorial I'll show you how to create a 3D Push Pin using Photoshop Extended's 3D drawing and rendering capabilities. Modern 3D Text Effect In this Photoshop tutorial we're going to step outside my usual Photoshop Only philosophy and use the 3D rendering power of Adobe Illustrator to create a cool little 3D text effect. Film Inspired Photo Borders In this Photo Effects tutorial I'll show you how to extract a photo border from it's background and make it infinitely more versatile for your photography projects. High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photos – Part 1 A Simple Wedding Invitation The Wheels Text Effect I probably get 2-3 spam emails a week from some company wanting to sell me new wheels for my car.
What is a Long Tailed Keyword… and why do I want one? | WSI Digital Marketing Blog No the keyword “alligator” would not qualify… unless of course you sold alligators. Even then that single word is not what I am referring to. “alligator shoes” is better, but not quite the long tail I was looking for. How about “alligator shoes for women”? Long Tail Keywords are search phrases that combine 3 or more words. Let’s take something that I am a little more familiar with: “website marketing”. Website DesignWebsite HostingWebsite portfoliosNothing to do with anythingEtc. “website marketing” is better, but still awful competitive, and not nearly as targeted as it can be. “website marketing company orange county” is about as long-tailed as you want to get. There are 4 things that I want you to take away from this article: At the end of the day, I would rather have 5% of the traffic from 300,000 searches than 0% of the traffic from 192 million searches. Gain some more digital marketing tips and techniques to incorporate into your business’ Search Engine Optimization strategy.
This article is nice and helpful. by picsartphotoeditor Oct 11