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10 componenti aggiuntivi Per Google DOcs utili ...

10 componenti aggiuntivi Per Google DOcs utili ...
Related:  strumenti 2.0 BISScuola

SafeShare: video youtube in classe senza pubblicità Nell'enorme archivio di Youtube troviamo tantissime risorse utili per la didattica. Il problema è che molto spesso l'eperienza di navigazione all'interno della piattaforma è piuttosto... frustrante a causa delle pubblicità, dei commenti non appropriati o dei suggerimenti di video non particolarmente adatti ad un contesto scolastico. La rete ci mette a disposizione soluzioni ricche di funzionalità accessorie per poter far visualizzare video ai bambini in totale sicurezza. Una di queste è SafeShare che dovrete custodire nella vostra "Cassetta degli attrezzi" per la notevole dotazione di funzioni, particolarmente utili nella didattica. Ecco come funziona. Andate su SafeShare (non serve registrarsi), incollate l'indirizzo URL appena copiato e cliccate su Generat Safe Link. A questo punto è possibile cliccare su Invio e visualizzare il video depurato di tutti quegli elementi che possono infastidire l'esperienza di fruizione. Ecco un esempio di video in SafeShare Articoli correlati

Field Papers GoConqr: creare mappe mentali, quiz e flashcard su dispositivi Android GoConqr è un sitema di app gratuite per dispositivi Android che permette la creazione di flashcard, quiz e mappe mentali su tablet e smartphone. L'applicazione GoConqr si integra completamente con un vostro account web, per poter disporre sempre e dovunque delle varie risorse didattiche e per sincronizzare punteggi ed attività. Nel sito web è anche possibile creare piani di studio, costruire una comunità di apprendimento, condividere mappe mentali, le Flashcards, Quiz, presentazioni, note e molto altro ancora. Gli studenti possono creare flashcard basate solo su testo oppure possono scegliere di incorporare immagini. Ecco dunque i vari link per scaricare le diverse applicazioni GoConqr: Articoli correlati

100+ Chrome Apps and Extensions for Teachers and Students | Shake Up Learning Save Pinterest There are now 150+ Chrome Apps and Extensions in this database. I have put together a Google Chrome App and Extension Database for Teachers (also at the bottom of this post) that is loaded with apps and extensions for productivity and classroom integration. This database is searchable and filterable by category, subject area, and grade level! If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you probably know that I love the Google Chrome web browser! Google Chrome is the learning environment for all things Google and allows you to customize your browser to fit your needs. The magic of that customization comes from the Chrome Apps and Chrome Extensions available in the Chrome Web Store. What are Chrome Apps? Apps are often enhanced shortcuts that optimize the website or app within the browser. What are Chrome Extensions? Extensions are installed in the browser and give you added features and abilities to customize your browser. Warning! Summary Article Name Description YES!

4 Great Google Drive Tools to Create Stunning Visual Content to Use in Class Adding some variety to your teaching content can positively impact students learning and comprehension. Web 2.0 technologies empower teachers with various educational tools and apps to create engaging content. In today’s post, we are sharing with you some examples of applications to utilize with your Google Drive to design beautiful visual content to incorporate in your teaching. Some of the things you can do with these apps include: creating diagrams, flowcharts, posters, flyers, infographics, newsletters and many more. 1- Lucidpress Lucidpress is a great platform that allows you to create a wide variety of educational materials such as brochures, flyers, newsletters, digital banners, reports and many more. 2- Canva Canva is another great application for designing beautiful visual content. Gliffy is a very good diagram editor that is integrated with Google Drive allowing users to easily and instantly create and share beautiful diagrams and flowcharts.

4 Great Google Drive Tools to Make The Best of Your PDFs March 1, 2016 Here is a collection of some very good add-ons to use on Google Drive to edit and share PDFs. Some of the things you can do with these tools include: merge several documents into a single PDF, split or extract pages into one PDF, convert PDFs to images, compress and reduce the size of your PDFs and many more. All of these add-ons are web based and do not require any software installation. You simply add the Chrome extension to your browser and start experimenting with it right away. Give them a try and see what works for you. 1- Merge PDF Send PDF allows you to quickly split, merge or convert PDF to JPG. 2- PDF Merge ‘PDF merge allows you to take your separated pdf files and merge them into one PDF file easily, fast, efficient and most important - compressed high quality PDF file.All uploaded pdf files can be sorted by you with drag and drop system and they will be merged in that order, also you can remove and add new pdf files at all time.’ 3- PDF to Image Converter

Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator Smart List: 33 Great Apps for Sharing, Showing & Tracking Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with the 3rd Annual Smart Lists. During October and November you’ll see about 20 ‘Best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate doing innovative work. Today we are recognizing great apps for teachers to share lessons, apps for students to show what they know, Common Core resources, and tools for tracking achievement. Sharing Lessons & Reviews BetterLesson: Teachers sharing lessonsCheck out blended learning lessonsShowMe: Create and share lessons on iPad * Share what you knowPinterest: It’s for teachers tooTeachers Pay Teachers: Sell stuff to other teachersShareMyLesson: An AFT JV to share lessonsTeaching Channel: Videos and community TED-Ed: Lessons worth sharing Common Core Resources Student Achievement Partners: Digital tools and resourcesHunt Institute: Videos Achieve: Parent resources PTA: Parent resources Council of the Great City Schools: Parent roadmaps

Online Latex Equation Editor Convert Latex Equations into Images to Embed in DocumentsEmbed Equation in Web Page, Forum, Google Docs, TwitterRender Latex Math Equations into Plain Text ASCIIInsert ASCII Eqn as comment in source-code or emailConvert your email or address to image to avoid spamSupports (PNG, GIF, JPG, TIF, BMP, PNM, FIG, PS)Control Equation Font Family, Size, Color, and OpacityUnlimited Uploads, No Registration Learn Latex QuickySymbolsBook 1Book 2Book 3 | You need not to enter Latex math tags such as $...$, \begin{equation}...\end{equation}, or \begin{eqnarray}...\end{eqnarray} ➘ More Productivity Tools i2Clipart Royalty Free Public Domain Clipart suitable for academic presentations and project logos i2Symbol Personalize social messages, e-mails, and tweets with rich graphical symbols i2OCR Convert scanned documents, faxes, or screenshots into editable text in 33+ languages iPdf2Split Split long PDF file i.e., dissertation, books into smaller PDF files i.e., chapters and proofs iPdf2Merge i2PDF iWeb2Shot i2Speak

Componenti aggiuntivi per Google Drive - Enhanc...
