MLA Formatting and Style Guide
Summary: MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook (8th ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page. Contributors:Tony Russell, Allen Brizee, Elizabeth Angeli, Russell Keck, Joshua M. Paiz, Michelle Campbell, Rodrigo Rodríguez-Fuentes, Daniel P.
How To Drive Yourself Crazy as a Writer
Here are four simple ways to drive yourself crazy (or to drive other writers & readers crazy!): 1. Think the very first book you’ve ever written is ready for publication. This is a very hard truth for beginning writers to swallow.
List of academic databases and search engines
Wikipedia list article This article contains a representative list of notable databases and search engines useful in an academic setting for finding and accessing articles in academic journals, institutional repositories, archives, or other collections of scientific and other articles. Databases and search engines differ substantially in terms of coverage and retrieval qualities.[1] Users need to account for qualities and limitations of databases and search engines, especially those searching systematically for records such as in systematic reviews or meta-analyses.[2] As the distinction between a database and a search engine is unclear for these complex document retrieval systems, see: the general list of search engines for all-purpose search engines that can be used for academic purposesthe article about bibliographic databases for information about databases giving bibliographic information about finding books and journal articles. Operating services[edit]
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Big Data Analytics - MetaGrid Analytics by Red Lambda
Making sense of massive volumes of data is a constant struggle in IT environments. Most often, data is simply archived and indexed without analysis due to complexity, backhaul bottlenecks, or lack of scalable analytics tools. MetaGrid™ Analytics unlocks the intelligence in data at any scale, uncovering surprising patterns and valuable insights in previously unexplored territory. MetaGrid™ Analytics provides three valuable tools for navigating big data in any format: Clustering—Simplifies data and organizes it, dramatically reducing volume without losing detailClassification—Learns from operators to tell you what is happening based on prior context and predicts what new events areAnomaly Detection—Discovers unusual patterns, events and timelines deterministically
Rules for Writing Numbers
Except for a few basic rules, spelling out numbers vs. using figures (also called numerals) is largely a matter of writers' preference. Again, consistency is the key. Policies and philosophies vary from medium to medium.
How Do You Know You’re Growing as a Writer?
I’m not sure how to open this post. I thought about playing the simile card and saying something about how becoming a better writer is a lot like becoming a better other thing – a better architect, a better juggler, a better OPI color namer, a better human. That would have been entirely true. And entirely boring. I also considered manufacturing a conversation between a beginning writer and a seasoned writer that could foreshadow the post’s inevitable wisdom.
Play Submissions Helper
Check out the post below for 54 playwriting contests with September+ deadlines. But there’s a catch: Every one of these opportunities has a deadline coming up this soon… So don’t wait!
Writing Tips by Henry Miller, Elmore Leonard, Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman & George Orwell
Image by Austin Kleon Here's one way to become a better writer. Listen to the advice of writers who earn their daily bread with their pens. During the past week, lists of writing commandments by Henry Miller, Elmore Leonard (above) and William Safire have buzzed around Twitter.
Questions About Punctuating Dialogue
June 29, 2012 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill last modified July 19, 2012 Actually, we’re going to address a handful of questions, not just one. These were begun in the comment section of Punctuation in Dialogue, and I thought they deserved a larger audience. (Some questions are answered in the comments section. Others have been pasted into the body of the article.) Several of these questions have to do with commas.
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