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Gears: An Index of Songwriting Techniques

Gears: An Index of Songwriting Techniques

Songwriting Articles - The Golden Rules of Songwriting (David Schindler) The Golden Rules Of Songwriting by David Schindler There is no power on earth like the power of music, and the business of music is, quite simply, a phenomenon. It is one of the handful of great cultural icons that defines our particular part of the twentieth century more clearly than any scientific data or anthropological study ever could. It is a multi-billion dollar monster, not just here in Canada and in the U.S., but all over the world. We buy CD's, watch videos, go to concerts, and purchase instruments and sheet music, while publishers, promoters, broadcasters, record companies and record sellers try to invent ever wilder stategies to get us to lay our money down. So where is the engine that propels this juggernaut? You see (and I'm sure you already know this), it all starts right here, with the songwriter. A few years ago, I wrote a short list of rules for myself. They keep me going. Here are David's ten golden rules of songwriting: You want to be world class, right? God. Well. So.
