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The Eight Pillars of Innovation

The Eight Pillars of Innovation
The greatest innovations are the ones we take for granted, like light bulbs, refrigeration and penicillin. But in a world where the miraculous very quickly becomes common-place, how can a company, especially one as big as Google, maintain a spirit of innovation year after year? Nurturing a culture that allows for innovation is the key. At that time I was Head of Marketing (a group of one), and over the past decade I’ve been lucky enough to work on a wide range of products. What’s different is that, even as we dream up what’s next, we face the classic innovator’s dilemma: should we invest in brand new products, or should we improve existing ones? "As we’ve grown to over 26,000 employees in more than 60 offices, we’ve worked hard to maintain the unique spirit that characterized Google way back when I joined as employee #16." Have a mission that matters Work can be more than a job when it stands for something you care about. Think big but start small The best part of working on the web?

Innovation Starts with Empathy By Dev Patnaik, Founder and Principal, Jump Associates A few years ago, my publisher asked me to write a book about innovation. They’d read some of the articles I’ve written on the subject over the years, and they wanted more. And although I was flattered, I had to tell them no. The world didn’t need another book on innovation — there are too many as it is. I instead made them a counter-offer: Maybe what the world needed was a book about empathy. At Jump Associates, my colleagues and I have had the chance to collaborate with some of the world’s most amazing companies. Every one of us understands empathy on an individual level: the ability to reach outside of ourselves and walk in someone else’s shoes, to get where they’re coming from, to feel what they feel. How many times have you stared at a competitor’s new product and said, “We had that idea two years ago, but we just didn’t act on it.” This isn’t about market research. The line between inside and outside the company starts to blur.

Do We Really Need 'Chief Innovation Officers' in Ad Agencies? Four of them tell us what they do - Less, But Better I was ruminating on David Armano’s new role at Edelman, as EVP, Global Innovation & Integration (details here). Armano describes his new role as ‘doing what keeps your business on the front line’. There’s been a rash of Chief Innovation Officer / Director of Innovation roles within agency groups and holding companies. Indeed, I myself argued strongly for the (at the time) unusual title of Executive Director of Innovation at BBH, back in early 2010. But do we really need them? If so, why? I asked four of the most prominent and respected of this new mutation of communications professional to try and capture what their role is in a tweet-length summary. Edward Boches (Chief Innovation Officer, Mullen) Opening minds. Saneel Radia (Head of Innovation, BBH New York) Help BBH NY do what we aren’t currently doing but want to. Faris Yakob (Chief Innovation Officer, KBS&P) Asking Why? Rishadt Tobbacowla (Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer) Help drive future competitive advantage. Like this:

Rethinking creativity & innovation (for LiveWire) Blog - Les brevets freinent-ils l'innovation? | ParisTech Review Les justifications intellectuelles du système des brevets sont diverses. On mettait jadis en avant la légitime protection des droits des inventeurs, à l’époque moderne celle des investissements en R&D. Un raisonnement macro, enfin, insiste sur le fait qu’en protégeant les droits des créateurs, on offre une puissante incitation à l’innovation. Une histoire ancienne La forme moderne des brevets émerge au tout début de la révolution industrielle. Par rapport aux monopoles et privilèges octroyés auparavant par l’Ancien Régime, ce système est à la fois plus fermé et plus ouvert. Les brevets sont publiés, c’est-à-dire que les connaissances qu’ils protègent sont publiques : aujourd’hui, en France, la publication intervient 18 mois après le dépôt, cinq ans dans le cas de molécules pharmaceutiques. Parallèlement, dans le contexte des marchés mondialisés, le rôle des brevets est devenu extrêmement sensible. Une épidémie de brevets? L’innovation scientifique menacée? Une culture dépassée?

La fin de Kodak, victime du dilemme de l’innovateur Le dépôt de bilan annoncé de Kodak marque la fin d’un long déclin d’une icône de l’industrie américaine. Victime du développement de la photo numérique, Kodak n’aura pas réussi à se reconvertir à partir de son métier de chimiste. Un exemple classique d’une entreprise leader dans son domaine (la photo argentique) qui meurt, incapable de tirer partie d’une nouvelle technologie. La réalité est plus nuancée. Kodak est en fait un des tous premiers à avoir activement travaillé à la photo numérique. En 1992, pour un de mes projets clients de l’époque, nous avions acheté un appareil photo numérique. Kodak n’a pas raté la révolution numérique, mais elle a été victime du très classique dilemme de l’innovateur, décrit par le chercheur Clayton Christensen. Pour aller plus loin, voir mon billet sur Christensen et l’innovation de rupture ici. J'aime : J'aime chargement…

Top 100 Innovation Articles of 2011 We launched Innovation Excellence on August 1, 2011 and with the new web site we are now able to start a new annual feature pulling together the Top 100 Innovation Articles of 2011. We do some other rankings too. At the beginning of each month we will profile the twenty posts from the previous month and we also publish a weekly Top 10 as part of our Innovation Excellence Weekly email, so an annual Top 100 seems like a logical fit. Did your favorite make the cut? But enough delay, here are the 100 most popular innovation posts of 2011 (each receiving 2,800 – 32,300 page views): If you’re not familiar with Innovation Excellence, we publish 2-6 new articles every day built around innovation and marketing insights from our roster of contributing authors and ad hoc submissions from community members.

24 hours in apps media disruption | Technology In 2012, smartphone and tablet apps are at the heart of disruption across the media and entertainment industries. Which sounds like a grandiose claim, but the evidence is there to back it up. In fact, the last 24 hours alone provide a good snapshot of it. It's happening in the publishing world. Start with Next Issue Media, which is a joint venture between US magazine publishers Condé Nast, Hearst, Meredith, News Corp. and Time Inc. The company has released an Android tablet app called Next Issue offering 32 digital magazines from its founders, including Elle, Time, Vanity Fair and Sports Illustrated. They're available as standalone-issue purchases and individual magazine subscriptions, but the most disruptive element is the all-you-can-read subscription: $9.99 a month to get all of the bi-weekly and monthly mags, and $14.99 a month for that plus all the weekly ones. It's the equivalent of Spotify or Netflix for digital magazines. Spotify subscriptions Talking of which... More disruption.

Book printed in ink that vanishes after two months Gain instant and exclusive access to over 5,000 of the most creative ideas, innovations and startups on our database and use our smart filters to take you direct to those that are most relevant to your industry and your needs. Not interested? You can still browse articles published in the last 30 days from our homepage and receive your daily and weekly fix of entrepreneurial ideas through our free newsletters.
