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40个最新的创意进度条设计 以前的进度条设计以拟物化为主,现在扁平化风格流行,连进度条也改变咯。这是40款最新收集的进度条设计,很多是Dribble上的作品,应潮流而生,想瞧瞧扁平化风格的进度条是怎样的,就来看看吧。如果你对拟物化的创意进度条更加有兴趣,那么来这里瞧瞧《18个读取进度条的优秀设计案例》 ================关于优设网================ “优设网“是一个分享网页设计、无线端设计以及PS教程的干货网站。【特色推荐】PS礼仪手册:网页设计师必须修炼的内功技法,更是不可或缺的WEB设计指南 ,欢迎关注获取网页设计资源、下载顶尖设计素材。 Success Story: Frontback RubyMotion Success Story: Frontback Frontback was launched in early August and distinguished itself immediately among a sea of camera apps. Frontback is unique in that it includes the photographer in all the photos. Frontback got an excellent coverage in the tech press since its launch: TechCrunch, The Verge, CNET, The Next Web, and many more. It was also featured on Bloomberg TV and users of the app include Twitter creator Jack Dorsey and prime minister of Belgium Elio Di Rupo. The app is excellent, and was lovingly built using RubyMotion. What was the inspiration to create Frontback? 3 months ago, Frédéric did a post on Checkthis app with two pics, one with the front camera & one with the back, with only a “Front Back” title. You take the first picture in front of you in the first top half of the screen, then one at the back of your phone: you. What made you decide to use RubyMotion? So you came to iOS development from a frontend-web background.

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Ejecta - Impact A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS e·jec·ta, noun – debris that is ejected during the formation of an impact crater Ejecta is like a Browser without the Browser. It's specially crafted for Games and Animations. It has no DIVs, no Tables, no Forms – only Canvas and Audio elements. JavaScript code is executed directly by a JavaScript VM (JavaScriptCore), the HTML5 Canvas 2D and WebGL API is implemented in native code with OpenGL, Audio is implemented with OpenAL. Many HTML5 Games run out of the box, or with minimal modifications – with better performance, better sound support, Game Center integration and more. Perfect With Impact, Plays Nice With Others While Ejecta works nicely with straight forward Canvas animations, it grew out of a project to make the Impact Game Engine work natively on the iPhone. Older Ejecta versions (then called iOSImpact) implemented a lot of hacks and shortcuts to make it work. App Store Compatible Device Support Download
