Joongel, Internet The Easy Way
Search as More as You Want on One Page with Sputtik
TypePunch lets you search web, news, images and videos from Google, Yahoo, BBC, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube, nice, right?Now, let’s try another similar website, Sputtik, which will let you search more things from more sources. Besides web, news, images and videos, you can also search music, games, torrents, and so on, nearly everything you want. Sputtik dose not search BBC, but it searches Bing and Altavista, and what is more, you are able to suggest a site to Sputtik. I have just suggested BBC to it, wondering if there will be a BBC tag for the web search later.
Lycos is a survivor. Established in 1995, we were originally a search engine — before most people even knew what a "search engine" was. Times change, and Lycos has changed with them, evolving from a single search engine into a focused network of community and social sites that include,,, and of course, How has Lycos managed to survive so many market changes while others have perished? The key to our longevity is diversity; we have integrated and fostered different brands, sources of revenue, and meaningful online communities for over 15 years. Bringing people together to interact, have fun, and experience the best the web has to offer is in our DNA.
Skeleton of the Week, May 13: St. Notburga in Eben, Austria
St. Notburga is the most impressive articulated and dressed skeleton in Austria. She is the patron saint of the poor and domestic servants, and is displayed at the Chapel of St. Rupert in Eben, Austria, where she wears a fine white gown and golden necklace with a medallion of a heart.
Portail et moteur de recherche sur Internet - - Moteur, Metamoteur, annuaire... Apo
Scales and emotions
See also a post about making chords from scales. So maybe you want to write a song or an instrumental in a particular mood or style, and you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the scales. Here’s a handy guide to the commonly used scales in Western pop, rock, jazz, blues and so on. Click each image to play the scale right in your browser with the aQWERTYon. These scales have a major third (E in the key of C), which makes them feel happy or bright.
Musical instrument plans for download
New! 11 String Kantele This is great new addition for 2013 and adds an extra C# in the upper octave to give a full diatonic D scale, This is a versatile instrument for Strumming and picking and easy instrument to make. plans include 5 drawings in pdf format, stringing chart and notes, and pictures of completed instrument.
the quiet place
communication with the quiet place will be operated via the [spacebar] keycommunication with the quiet place will be operated via your fingergently squeeze that key, nowgently touch the screen, now in order to get the most out of your experience please silence your phone, turn on your speakers and press the [f-11] key or [cmd+shift+f] on macin order to get the most out of your experience turn up the volume and rotate landscapeagain, press [spacebar] to continueagain, tap to continue seriously though, silence your phone. it's pointless otherwisedon't worry - this is *not* one of those places that scare the crap out of youdon't worry - this is *not* one of those places that scare the crap out of you
Koistinen concert kantele with 38 strings Construction[edit] Small kantele[edit] Contemporary five string kanteles (2014)
Kantele - Instruments of Antiquity
What can we create for you?(Links lead to detailed pages with larger photos and more information...) Authentic: Citole: Cantigas styleWarwick style Drums: Bodhran
The Movement of Pure Hearts
I have joined the Movement of Pure Hearts because I consider love to be the highest value in life; and chaste love is the truest form of love. That is what I want to be able to give my “other half.” I have not met that girl yet, but I do believe with all my heart that I shall find her. Please enroll me in the Book of Pure Hearts and send me your blessing so that I can keep my pledge. David, aged 20;
je connais ce moteur depuis ses début et il reste une référence pour moi et m'aide encore pour mes recherches. by deepy Oct 31