Pure Vegetarian By Lakshmi
Born as a prince in the seclusion of Himalayan foothills, Siddhartha Gautama’s father shielded him from seeing disease, old age and death since birth. It wasn’t until at the age of twenty-nine, he met an aged man with a wrinkled face and bent back, outside the palace. The prince was shocked to hear from his charioteer that everyone’s life will eventually come to an end. Upon encountering a citizen who had fallen sick, a decaying corpse and an ascetic, he became resolute to understand and overcome suffering. Six years later, he was known as Buddha, the awakened one. We live in the same world. 2000 years have not swept away duhkha, loss and pain.
Saffron Lane :: Seasonal Food, Celebration + Life
Welcome to Saffron Lane, a blog dedicated to seasonal food, celebration and life. I'm Elizabeth, a chef, food writer, recipe developer and food stylist.My culinary career began at an early age. While other ten-year-olds were setting up lemonade stands, I was meticulously crafting gourmet chocolates and picking fresh berries from the backyard (to pair with them, of course) for my stand.
The Freelancer's Fashionblog
Ez itt a világ legjobb tojásos reggelije - Street Kitchen
Csináljátok meg ezt a reggelit és utána ne menjetek dolgozni, hanem lógjatok meg. Tényleg! Hozzávalók 4 fő részére: 1 db kápiapaprika (vagy pritamin)1 vöröshagyma2 db újhagyma8-10 tojás10 dkg prágai sonka5 dkg kecskesajt (vagy feta)5 dkg olajbogyó4 ciabatta zsemle5 dkg bébispenót1 evőkanál balzsamecet2 evőkanál olívaolaj
Homemade Hot Sauce!
Some of us are hot sauce people. I hear the other some of us say that it “takes over” and “burns” and all that nonsense. Clearly, I am hot sauce person. It’s actually rather disconcerting how much so sometimes.
Katzen & Spatzen
food, life and photographyCannelle et Vanille
Mascarpone cream and strawberry sauce | Emiko Davies
Mascarpone cream and strawberry sauce Posted by Emiko on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 · 10 Comments A week ago when we left Tuscany, the fridge was full of strawberries. Ripe, perfumed spring strawberries, so red, pretty and tempting that we couldn’t help it – we kept buying punnets whenever we saw them. Needless to say, there were quite a few strawberries to consume before heading back to Melbourne’s autumn.
I'd like to think that if all good things must end, even better and more beautiful things start right up again! 2013 brought changes at home and at work, with family and friends and, most of all, in our selves and the course ahead. After three and a half years of life in the country chronicling our adventures, shopping flea markets with new friends and producing stories for magazines, Jaithan and I took one last look at our Butler's Pantry... ...and packed it all up. Every.