The Critical Thinker Academy
[This is a long one, but don't miss out on the huge discount offer at the end of this post. ] Transitioning to a New Business Model People who have been following me for a while know that my ultimate goal is to be able to create educational content full time, from any location in the world, and be able to make a living wage doing it. I don't want to rely on a salaried position at an academic institution to earn a living. I originally ran this site as a paid monthly membership program, but my administrative and teaching duties made it very difficult to maintain a regular update schedule. So for the last year and half the site content has been freely available while I waited for my term as department chair to end and I could resume a regular content creation schedule.
Related: New Learning Skills
Praise versus Encouragement
Most of us believe that we need to praise our children more. However, there is some controversy regarding this point. If we always reward a child with praise after a task is completed, then the child comes to expect it.
Organizing an Essay
There are many elements that must come together to create a good essay. The topic should be clear and interesting. The author’s voice should come through, but not be a distraction.
Ten Virtues for the Modern Age
The Virtues Project comes as a response to the wave of discussion and feedback that followed the publication of my book, Religion for Atheists, and a growing sense that being virtuous has become a strange and depressing notion, while wickedness and evil bask in a peculiar kind of glamour. My ultimate aim for the project is that it ignites a vital conversation around moral character to increase public interest in becoming more virtuous and connected as a society. In the modern world, the idea of trying to be a ‘good person’ conjures up all sorts of negative associations: of piety, solemnity, bloodlessness and sexual renunciation, as if goodness were something one would try to embrace only when other more difficult but more fulfilling avenues had been exhausted. Throughout history, societies have been interested in fostering virtues, in training us to be more virtuous, but we're one of the first generations to have zero public interest in this. 1.
9 Great Online Libraries for Educators
Libraries are significant resources for written text and educational materials. It is true that the surge in blogs, search engines, ebooks catalogues, and document sharing communities has tremendously weakened the online presence of libraries but still often times libraries provide a treasure trove of information and rare documents that you can hardly find elsewhere. As educators, we should at least know about two or three library resources where to look for and find precious documentations.
How 30 Minutes a Day Can Increase Your Intelligence
If you ask me, where humans go wrong is with their lack of patience. That, and their recent acquired taste for instant gratification. The reality is that things take time. Richard Branson didn’t become a millionaire overnight.
OWL Engagement
This resource was written by Jaclyn M. Wells.Last edited by Allen Brizee on March 23, 2009 . Summary:This resource covers the three-part organization of successful GED essays. The resource also covers outlining.
Debating a Christian – The Atheist Handbook
Email by Jeremy L. Moran, JT Eberhard, Adam Brown, and other contributors Part 1. Opening Statements. Part 2.
A Brief History of Open Data
Data is currently in the spotlight, be it open data or big data. It is important to consider these two types separately, even if they share a common object: data. Big data focuses primarily on the possibilities offered by exploiting a volume of data in exponential growth. Whereas with open data, the creation of value depends on the ability to share data, to make it available to third parties, rather than on sheer volume.
Formula for success in learning
If you have found this place in the vast cyberspace of the web, you are probably not the one to convince that knowledge is power, and that solutions to most problems facing humanity could be found if we were armed with more understanding of how the world works. While knowledge is power, information can be overpowering. An increasing proportion of the population suffers from Information Fatigue Syndrome, i.e. from stress related to being overwhelmed with an unmanageable glut of information. This text introduces you to simple steps toward managing information and toward rock-solid knowledge. No cheap miracles. Just a clear and straight approach based on facts and science.