stopping off place: April 2013 Fascinating Experiments in Physics by François Cherrier, Sterling Publishing, NY, 1979 (originally published in France as Experiences de Physique Amusante, 1975) Publicaciones Acti / España: Revista de Auxiliares de Conversación Acti / España es una publicación anual que recoge un conjunto de actividades creadas por auxiliares de conversación y destinadas a motivar e implicar al alumnado de español del Reino Unido e Irlanda. Lo más destacable de esta revista es el ingenio de sus autores para crear actividades que, a la vez que cubren una parte del currículo, entretienen, son flexibles en cuanto a tiempo y nivel y presentan la realidad española actual, por lo que constituyen un excelente banco de materiales para este profesorado. Últimos números: Acti/España 17 (2013)
Steve Jobs 1955 – 2011: The ‘Concept Based Curriculum’ – Ken Robinson & Steve Jobs – Differentiated Teaching: Originally posted January 2010…. I wrote this post in January 2010 after an IBO workshop – The ‘Concept Based’ Curriculum. I remember carefully selecting Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement address to share, and support my educational philosophy. As teachers, and humans we need to reflect on our purpose, our goals and the footprint we leave behind. Galvanismo Caricatura de un cadáver galvanizado. Galvanismo, teoría de Luigi Galvani según la cual el cerebro de los animales produce electricidad que es transferida por los nervios, acumulada en los músculos y disparada para producir el movimiento de los miembros. Esta singular teoría recorrió los claustros universitarios europeos entre finales del siglo XVIII y primeras décadas del XIX. Los experimentos con animales, y hasta con cadáveres humanos, alentaban la secreta esperanza de que, mediante la electricidad, pudieran sanarse enfermedades que provocaban parálisis y aún reanimar un cuerpo muerto. Esas experiencias pueden considerarse un remoto antecedente del desfibrilador cardíaco moderno.
Proyecto Sherezade Introducción a los cuentos de noviembre En el circo de Rodolfo Lobo Molas, Argentina La duda de Martha Alicia Lombardelli, Argentina Cuentos para aprender español Rencontre avec mon tuteur 10 décembre 2013 Première rencontre avec mon tuteur: Benoit Prévost. Nous avons parlé des échéances de mon projet et des indicateurs de réussite. Johann Jakob Scheuchzer J.J. Scheuchzer, 1708. Ejemplo de imagen de Herbarium diluvianum Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (Zúrich, 2 de agosto de 1672 - 23 de junio de 1733) fue un médico y naturalista suizo, conocido sobre todo por su interpretación de los fósiles como vestigios del diluvio universal (teoría del Diluvio). Biografía[editar] Hijo de un médico municipal, Scheuchzer nace en Zúrich en 1672. GoAnimate - Make your own animated videos. It's easy and fun.
Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae The Great Art of Light and Shadow "The truth is, this Jesuit, as generally the most of his order, have a great ambition to be thoughte the greate and learned men of the world; and to that end writes greate volumes, on all subjects, with gay pictures and diagrams to set them forth, for ostentation And to fill up those volumes, they draw in all things, by head and shoulders; and these too for the most part, stolen from other authors. So that if that little, which is their owne, were separated from what is borrowed from others, or impertinent to their present arguments, their swollen volumes would shrink up to the size of our Almanacks. But enough of these Mountebankes*."[Robert Payne in a letter to Gilbert Sheldon, 1650]{*mountbanke = charlatan} "Whatsoever Mr.
Resource for teachers and coordinators By sophies on February 22nd, 2013 IB Position Papers are IB commissioned works by recognized experts in the field on topics of interest to the IB community. The papers represent the opinions of the authors commissioned to write them, and while they may generally align with IB philosophies, they do not necessarily represent the official positions or policies of the organization. [...]
Teaching in the Third Dimension: Moving into Concept-based Curriculum « i-Biology This post is a quick organisation of thoughts based on the new position paper by the IB. There is more in the paper than is discussed here, so please head over to the IB’s Position Papers site to read it. ……….o0O0o……… 3D Instruction, by H.
Arduino 1.0 with enc28j60 Ethernet Shield V1.1 - Arduino 1.0 with enc28j60 Ethernet Shield V1.1 18 december 2011 | Classified in: Electronic | Tags: arduino, ethernet, shield Here is how to use the enc28j60 Ethernet Shield V1.1 with Arduino 1.0. Music Text Composition Generator ( A free online music utility) The P22 Music Text Composition Generator allows any text to be converted into a musical composition. This composition is displayed in musical notation and simultaneously generated as a midi file. 1.
Street Ghosts project - Google Street View made Street Art and Public Concern In this project, I exposed the specters of Google’s eternal realm of private, misappropriated data: the bodies of people captured by Google’s Street View cameras, whose ghostly, virtual presence I marked in Street Art fashion at the precise spot in the real world where they were photographed. Street Ghosts hit some of the most important international Street Art “halls of fame” with low-resolution, human scale posters of people taken from Google Street View. These images do not offer details, but the blurred colors and lines on the posters give a gauzy, spectral aspect to the human figures, unveiling their presence like a digital shadow haunting the real world.