111 Low-Cost or Free Online Tools for Nonprofits
The number of low-cost or free online resources and tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Many nonprofit professionals are overwhelmed by the all choices and as mobile media continues to grow, prepare to be mind-boggled by all the new technology options that will be available to your nonprofit in coming years. That said, to be alerted of new low-cost or free resources and tools available for nonprofits, please subscribe to the Nonprofit Tech for Good 2.0 e-Newsletter [see right column]. A section of the e-newsletter entitled “Resource of the Week” features a new resource/tool in each edition. 1. Zeen :: zeen.com
If you're not careful in how you approach your employer, you risk humiliating yourself, pointing out your flaws and even throwing co-workers under the bus unintentionally. The good news is you got the job. But the bad news is you're worried you might be settling for a position that isn't the right fit for you. So where do you go from here? Have you ever felt a little bit out of your element? Of course you have.
OPEN SOURCE GOD: 480+ Open Source Applications
Open source software is booming: here we round up over 480 open source applications for you to use or build upon. Feel free to add more apps in the comments. And don’t forget to subscribe to Mashable for the latest web news and resources. Also see the other entries in this series: ONLINE PRODUCTIVITY GOD, WORDPRESS GOD, ONLINE MEDIA GOD and FIREFOX GOD. Accounting
It’s for this reason that devices like the Kindle and the Nook are fast gaining popularity. Rather than utilizing the backlit screens we know from computers and cell phones, these devices mimic paper. The result is easier to read in the sun, and is in general easier on the eyes than a screen. It’s not practical to give up traditional screens on conventional computers, however. Windows and Mac users have the option of using F.lux to offset this, and Varun wrote about last year in an article called Get Better Monitor Lighting That Feels Good To Your Eyes and Jackson followed up with an article called Use F.lux To Sleep Better After Late-Night Computer Activities.
Top 8 Tools for Sending Large Files
July 22, 2014 A few weeks ago Digital Inspiration posted a very informative article outlining the different web tools that can be used to send large files online. He also created this handy chart where he compared between the different services that you can use to send large files. As you can see from this chart, Dropbox is the top of them in terms of file limit size. It offers unlimited file size followed by Google Drive which offers up to 1 Terabyte (1024GB).
21 Free Design Tools for Marketers on a Budget
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but let's be honest ... a pretty cover doesn’t hurt when it comes to your marketing. That’s why -- whether you're creating lead generation content, social media content, calls-to-action, or infographics -- your marketing materials should always be as visually appealing as possible. Problem is, actually creating all these beautiful visuals isn't exactly every marketer's forte. Oh, another problem? Design software can cost an arm and a leg (plus all the classes you need to take to learn how to work the darn stuff).
How to improve your job application and interview skills
University of Kent > Careers > Applications & Interviews CVs & Covering Letters | Application Forms | Interviews | Assessment Centres and Second Interviews | Aptititude Tests, Referees, Portfolios & Job Offers © These pages are copyright of the University of Kent Careers and Employability Service. The information and advice given in these pages is primarily for the benefit of University of Kent students and graduates. You are most welcome to link to these pages but should not use content in other ways without our permission.Page maintained by Bruce Woodcock B.E.Woodcock@kent.ac.uk Please email me if you wish to make any suggestions which would improve our services.
5 Great Ways To Put Your Dusty Old iPod To New Use
How long has your old iPod been in a drawer, unloved and dusty? Probably since the day you upgraded to a fancy new touch version or decided your smartphone would suffice from now on. But wait! Your old iPod is still a more than capable device that eats MP3s for breakfast and even takes advantage of a few old-school apps. If you’re short on uses for your old white chum these days, read on…
Overview facilitates several methods for backing up a DVD. The software enables direct backup of a single layer DVD-5 provided the user's computer has a DVD recorder.
20 Essential Apps And Websites For Digital Nomads
Living a life of perpetual travel is pretty exciting – new destinations, new cultures and new incredible people to meet and hang out with! However, working on the road can get pretty hectic at times. As a digital nomad I have found myself in rather awkward situations a lot – from missed deadlines due to incorrect time zone conversion to a nearly missed plane when I forgot to print out my booking and confused the time (I did catch that plane though!). Being your own boss is equally awesome and hellish.
How to write your academic CV (and how not to)
When writing your academic CV, as with any kind of writing, it’s not just the information you put in. How you present that information can make the difference between getting a job you love or finding yourself stuck in a job you hate. In other words, it can alter the course of your whole life. 1: Individual CVs for individual jobs The absolute number 1 golden rule is that you shouldn’t just write one CV, but should tailor it to each individual job you apply for.