What is servlet mapping?
Servlet mapping specifies the web container of which java servlet should be invoked for a url given by client. It maps url patterns to servlets. When there is a request from a client, servlet container decides to which application it should forward to. Then context path of url is matched for mapping servlets.
How to Use Terminal: The Basics
Glowing monitors filled with lines of scrolling green text aren’t limited to The Matrix; most IT gurus and power users prefer working with the command line over clunky graphical user interfaces because the CLI allows the user to operate directly with the system. While the command line can seem terrifying at first, starting at the basics will allow you to see that it’s not much different from the graphical world you are used to. Learning how to use Terminal will give you a better understanding of how your Mac works under the hood, and give you the skills needed to troubleshoot any issue. Choosing a Terminal Emulator Before you take the red pill and jump into the complex world of bins and bashes, you’ll need to choose a terminal emulator. Like web browsers, various emulators have different features and interfaces.
Java based Cilk Home Page
We are currently developing JCilk, a Java-based multithreaded programming language. JCilk extends the Java language to provide call-return semantics for multithreading, much as Cilk does for C. Java's built-in thread model does not support the passing of exceptions or return values from one thread back to the "parent" thread that created it. JCilk imports Cilk's fork-join primitives spawn and sync into Java to provide procedure-call semantics for concurrent subcomputations. JCilk integrates exception handling with multithreading by defining semantics consistent with the existing semantics of Java's try and catch constructs, but which handle concurrency in spawned methods.
and SciTE
SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs. It is best used for jobs with simple configurations - I use it for building test and demonstration programs as well as SciTE and Scintilla, themselves. SciTE is currently available for Intel Windows (XP or later) and Linux compatible operating systems with GTK+. It has been run on Windows 7 and on Fedora 22 and Ubuntu 15.04 with GTK+ 2.24.
Green Beans: Getting Started with Spring MVC
Spring MVC, a part of the core Spring Framework, is a mature and capable action-response style web framework, with a wide range of capabilities and options aimed at handling a variety of UI-focused and non-UI-focused web tier use cases. All this can potentially be overwhelming to the Spring MVC neophyte. I think it’s useful for this audience to show just how little work there is to get a bare Spring MVC application up and running (i.e. consider my example something akin to the world’s simplest Spring MVC application), and that’s what I’ll spend the rest of this article demonstrating. I’m assuming you are familiar with Java, Spring (basic dependency injection concepts), and the basic Servlet programming model, but do not know Spring MVC. After reading this blog entry, readers may continue learning about Spring MVC by looking at Keith Donald’s Spring MVC 3 Showcase, or the variety of other online and print resources available that cover Spring and Spring MVC. WEB-INF/web.xml```xml
Set up Git and Mercurial (Mac OSX) - Bitbucket
Skip to end of metadataGo to start of metadata To use Bitbucket, you need to install a DVCS tool on the computer where you write your code. Typically, this computer is a machine physically close to you like your home or work computer. This is your local machine or system. You also might write or deploy code to a remote machine – for example a lab computer or a server in a data center.
8 Useful and Interesting Bash Prompts
Many people don’t think of their command prompt as a particularly useful thing, or even pay it much attention. To me, this is a bit of a shame, as a useful prompt can change the way you use the command line. Well I’ve scoured the Interwebs looking for the best, most useful, or sometimes most amusing bash prompts. Here, in no particular order, are the ones I’d be most likely to use on my computers. Note – to use any of these prompts, you can copy & paste the “PS1=” line directly into your terminal.
Spring MVC - A Bare Essentials Example Using Maven
Spring's MVC is a request based framework like Struts but it clearly separates the presentation, request handling and model layers. In this post, I'll describe how to get the most simple of examples up and running using Maven, therefore providing a basis upon which to add more features of Spring MVC like handler mappings, complex controllers, commons validator etc.. Let's start with the pom.xml file. This will package up the project as a war file and only requires three dependencies namely the artifacts spring-webmvc, servlet-api and jstl. The spring-webmvc artifact will pull in all the other required spring jars like core, web, etc. Note that the scope of the servlet-api is provided and therefore excluded from the war file.
How to Switch Between Open Programs - Mac OS X Tips - LAPTOP
Without a taskbar, it can be difficult for ex-Windows users to discern which programs are open on a Mac and how to switch between them. Thankfully, Apple provides a number of keyboard shortcuts, gestures and visual indicators in OS X to help you out. 1. Use Command-Tab and Command-Shift-Tab to cycle forward and backward through your open applications. (This functionality is almost identical to Alt-Tab on PCs.)
K Tutorial - K Framework
Here you will learn how to use the K tool to define languages by means of a series of screencast movies. It is recommended to do these in the indicated order, because K features already discussed in a previous language definition will likely not be rediscussed in latter definitions. The screencasts follow quite closely the structure of the files under the tutorial folder in the K tool distribution. If you'd rather follow the instructions there and do the tutorial exercises yourself, then go back to and download the K tool, if you have not done it already. Or, you can first watch the screencasts below and then do the exercises, or do them in parallel.
There is a community edition and has great java/groovy support. I have heard people rave about it. I think it copes better with maven/ant/gradle than eclipse does. by superunknown Apr 10