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How To Create a Pure CSS Dropdown Menu

How To Create a Pure CSS Dropdown Menu
With the help of some advanced selectors a dropdown menu can be easily created with CSS. Throw in some fancy CSS3 properties and you can create a design that was once only achievable with background images and Javascript. Follow this tutorial to see the step by step process of building your own pure CSS dropdown menu. The menu we will be creating features two sub categories that appear once the parent link is activated by a hover. View the pure CSS dropdown menu demo <nav><ul><li><a href="#">Home</a></li><li><a href="#">Tutorials</a></li><li><a href="#">Articles</a></li><li><a href="#">Inspiration</a></li></ul></nav> First up we’ll need to create the HTML structure for our CSS menu. The first sets of sub-menus can then be added under the “Tutorials” and “Articles” links, each one being a complete unordered list inserted within the <li> of its parent menu option. The secondary sub-menu is nested under the “Web Design” option of the first sub-menu.

Learn how to Create Javascirpt Menu for Your Web Site Javascript is a client-side object oriented programming language. It is used to add dynamic features and interactive functionality to web sites. Javascript is a dialect of the ECMAScript standard. Javascript and Java are different programming languages, although they have some similar structures. In our Javascript menu tutorial we will show how to create a simple drop-down menu. However, you can easy create external .css and .js files and include them in the html file. You should replace myjavascript.js with your actual Javascript file. The drop-down menu will be visualized in the way shown below: The source code of the drop-down menu is as follows: In the above example we are using a timer, otherwise the submenus will be closed immediately after moving the mouse away from their area. Please note that the above code is tested on the latest version of Mozilla Firefox.

Amazing Hover Effects with CSS3 I have received a lot of questions lately about hover effects and how you can execute them using only CSS. There was a time when you would have to use jQuery to really make your effect stand out, but now CSS3 has some pretty amazing properties that help designers create some lightweight effects that truly stand out. Box Shadow This effect will create a shadow around your div container when you hover over it: Ut vulputate sem venenatis magna commodo ac semper nibh mollis. That one’s pretty simple and straightforward, but still kind of cool. Opacity Having something fade in on a hover can be seen almost anywhere on the web. If you want to create an even cooler opacity fade effect, you can take advantage of the new transition property. (this one only works in Chrome or Safari) The Switch and/or Reveal I have seen a lot of sites use an effect where something is revealed when you hover over an element. Hover over me to see something happen (this one also only works in Chrome or Safari) Position

How to Create a Dropdown Menu in HTML and CSS: 9 Steps Edit Article Edited by D1s1, Teresa, 80_Calo, Jeff and 5 others Two Methods:HTMLCSS A dropdown menu provides clear and hierarchical view of all main sections on the page and subsections contained within them. All you need to do for the subsections to appear is to mouse cursor over the main sections. This is our menu which was created with only HTML code and CSS. Ad Steps Method 1 of 2: HTML 1Create a HTML structure for your CSS menu. 4Add CSS to your HTML. Method 2 of 2: CSS 1Create a CSS file. 5Position your dropdown and align it to list item.

How To Create A Responsive Navigation Menu Using Only CSS In this tutorial we will be creating a basic responsive navigation menu with dropdown using only HTML and CSS. Many navigation menus (especially responsive ones) are created using a combination of HTML, CSS and Javascript. This simple CSS only method will demonstrate that Javascript isn't always necessary! The code we will create includes only the most essential CSS required for structure and basic styling. This makes it much easier to follow and understand the purpose of each line of code. It also means that the end product is primed and ready for your unique customization. Live Demo A Quick Message Big thanks to the commenters that informed us of an issue this code was having on mobile devices! The HTML As you can see I have declared the HTML5 doctype, and included the basic page structure. <! The CSS First of all, some basic styling to the ul and li elements to remove bullet points and other list styles. The following attributes are almost exclusively for aesthetic appeal. Complete Code <!

Accordion with CSS3 Using hidden inputs and labels, we will create a CSS-only accordion that will animate the content areas on opening and closing. View demo Download source Today we’ll experiment some more with the adjacent and general sibling combinator and the :checked pseudo-class. Using hidden inputs and labels, we will create an accordion that will animate the content areas on opening and closing. There are many variations of CSS-only accordions around, most of which are implemented using the :target pseudo-class. So, let start! Please note: the result of this tutorial will only work as intended in browsers that support the CSS3 properties in use. The Markup We will be going through an example that uses checkboxes where one content section is open by default (the input needs to be ‘checked’). Note that we need to give each input an ID which we will then use in the for attribute of the label. Each article will have a class that will help us determine to which height we it to expand to. The CSS Demos

Guide des étapes par étapes à la mise en place d’un forum BBPress - Partie 1 - Bb press français Partie 1- Les instructions de configuration étape par étape du forum BBPress Les instructions de configuration étape par étape de BBPress BBPress est un plugin pour WordPress qui permet d’avoir un forum pour votre site. BBpress utilise le concept de votre site quand c’est possible pour répondre à vos attentes. Cela peut très bien marcher sur certains thèmes, mais ne marchera pas bien sur d’autres, donc différents styles seront nécessaires. En dehors de la boite, il fonctionne bien avec TwentyTen, et je comprends TwentyEleven. La mise en place de WordPress nécessite certaines ou toutes les étapes suivantes en fonction de la manière dont vous voulez qu’il apparaisse. Les instructions ici génèrent un forum qui travail à l’intérieur d’un thème TwentyTen. Qui ressemble à : Cliquer sur cette image pour voir en taille réelle. En résumé vous avez besoin de : La partie 1 traite les étapes de 1 à 8 La partie 2 traite l’étape 9 Installer le plugin

100 Great CSS Menu Tutorials Navigation is such an important part of your website. It’s how your visitors navigate to the main areas of your site and makes it easy for them to find your good content. CSS is of course the perfect language for designing beautiful navigation menus. It can be applied to any type of website and is very flexible. Today we would like to show you 100 of these tutorials; 75 horizontal CSS menu tutorials and 25 vertical CSS menu tutorials. Horizontal CSS Menu Tutorials 1. View Tutorial | Demo 2. View Tutorial | Demo 3. View Tutorial & Demo 4. View Tutorial | Demo 5. View Tutorial | Demo 6. View Tutorial | Demo 7. View Tutorial | Demo 8. View Tutorial 9. View Tutorial | Demo 10. View Tutorial | Demo 11. View Tutorial | Demo 12. View Tutorial | Demo 13. View Tutorial | Demo 14. View Tutorial & Demo 15. View Tutorial | Demo 16. View Tutorial | Demo 17. View Tutorial 18. View Tutorial | Demo 19. View Tutorial | Demo 20. View Tutorial | Demo 21. View Tutorial & Demo 22. View Tutorial | Demo 23. View Tutorial | Demo 24.

Orman Clark’s Vertical Navigation Menu: The CSS3 Version Next in the Orman Clark's coded PSD series is his awesome looking Vertical Navigation Menu. We'll recreate it with CSS3 and jQuery while using the minimal amount of images possible. The only images we'll be using are for the icons - I'll be creating a sprite using a new tool called SpriteRight, but this is optional. Additionally, I'll be using GradientApp to create my CSS3 gradients, but again this is optional. Step 1: Basic HTML Markup Let's start off by throwing in some basic markup, an empty HTML5 document: And now the markup for our menu; an unordered list within a containing wrapper. Lastly, we create the submenus by placing an unordered list nested within each of our existing list items. Okay, there may seem a lot there but don't let it confuse you. I've also added a class to each list item, just so it'll make styling easier later on. Step 2: Fluid Fonts We'll first make sure our menu displays correctly. Now to explain how the wrapper font size works. Step 3: Main Menu CSS Okay!

BuddyPress - Le Tutorial complet en mode pas-à-pas Il y a quelques jours, le WordCamp me donnait l’opportunité de parler de mon plugin WordPress préféré : BuddyPress. Lors de ma conférence, je vous ai présenté globalement ce puissant moteur de communautés. Or le WordCamp, c’est aussi une rencontre communautaire, et je suis heureux d’avoir fait la connaissance de Fabrice (WP Formation WordPress) avec qui j’ai beaucoup échangé pendant ces 2 journées dédiées aux amoureux de WordPress. Il m’a notamment proposé de publier des "tutos" sur son site, et c’est pour moi l’opportunité de prendre le temps d’entrer un peu plus dans le détail de BuddyPress et ce de manière très opérationnelle. Je vous propose donc une série d’articles pour découvrir BuddyPress en mode tutorial pas-à-pas. Dans ce 1er épisode, nous allons commençer par créer un annuaire de membres pour notre site... @iMath Episode 1: Mettre en place un annuaire de membres WordPress Out of the box Petit rappel de ce que nous propose WordPress pour organiser les membres de notre blog : Tada !

Flat Dropdown Menu Tutorial Recently, the new Flat Accented Dropdown Menu was added to our library of Drop Down Menus. As a nice followup, we'll be explaining its creation process in this flat dropdown tutorial! Demo HTML Base For all the menus on this page we use the same HTML template, which looks as follows: <div id='cssmenu'> <ul> <li class='active'><a href='index.html'>Home</a></li> <li class='has-sub '><a href='#'>Products</a> <ul> <li class='has-sub '><a href='#'>Product 1</a> <ul> <li><a href='#'>Sub Item</a></li> <li><a href='#'>Sub Item</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class='has-sub '><a href='#'>Product 2</a> <ul> <li><a href='#'>Sub Item</a></li> <li><a href='#'>Sub Item</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href='#'>About</a></li> <li><a href='#'>Contact</a></li> </ul></div> We contain everything within a div with the id of "cssmenu". CSS Base @charset "UTF-8";@import url( Style Time In this portion, we setup our links, menu, and submenu properies. Final Tweaks

The Beginner's Guide to BuddyPress (Open Source Social Networking) BuddyPress is plugin that adds social network like abilities to the acclaimed CMS WordPress. Adding features like a better profile for your blogs writers which combined turn it into a fully fledged social networking site. Most of the possibly for this great plugin aren’t even existent yet! As more and more sites start to use BuddyPress its true power, and that of WordPress is astonishing. Despite all this BuddyPress isn’t too hard to set up and use. In its early days a BuddyPress install required WPMU to run on, although since 1.2 that’s all changed, as BuddyPress can now run on a single WordPress install. BuddyPress adds the following functionality to WordPress. Activity Streams: Members can follow the activity of their friends or groups on your site. Extended Profiles: The default WordPress profiles don’t even compare to these ones. Friends: Members can add each other as friends, this allows them to communicate and track each other easily. 10 Extremely Useful BuddyPress Plugins Tweetstream

Creating a Dropdown Menu with HTML & CSS – Inspirational Pixels Today we’re going to look at how to make a HTML and CSS dropdown menu. No JavaScript or jQuery required! Take a look at the demo to test it out and see what the end result looks like. The below HTML and CSS dropdown menu relies on z-index for some of the functionality, which can sometimes trip up beginners. If you get stuck, don’t hesitate to ask me a question. You might also like: Creating a Responsive Menu with HTML, CSS & jQuery Table of Contents Skip to the HTMLSkip to the CSS 1 HTML Structure Finished HTML Ek Mukta Font If you would like to use the same font as I’ve used you need a link to it in the header. Wrapper and Nav We start off with a wrapper div and give it a class of menu-wrap. First Unordered List The first unordered list we’ll be using needs a class of clearfix (more on why when we write the CSS). Nested Dropdown Menu For the dropdown menu we put another unordered list inside the one we already have and the HTML code is complete. 2 CSS Styling Finished CSS Base Styling Menu Setup

Initiation au positionnement CSS : 3. position absolue et fixe La position absolue et la position fixe permettent de placer une boîte par rapport aux limites de la zone d’affichage ou du conteneur. Comment les utiliser dans une mise en page CSS ? Cet article fait suite à l'initiation au positionnement CSS: 2.position float. Une boîte en positionnement absolu peut être placée n'importe-où dans le code HTML et s'afficher à l'endroit de votre choix. Ceci s'avère très utile en particulier pour : placer les menus de navigation en fin de page, pour améliorer l'accessibilité de votre site en donnant un accès immédiat à son contenu dans les navigateurs textes, tout en les faisant apparaître en haut de page ou encore dans une colonne pour les navigateurs graphiques ; créer plusieurs colonnes au positionnement indépendant de l'ordre dans lequel elles se trouvent en HTML. Le fonctionnement de la position absolue Le positionnement absolu « retire » totalement du flux le contenu concerné : sa position est déterminée par référence aux limites du conteneur. En CSS :

CSS Navigation Bar
