GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITE SERVER Download data by country | DIVA-GIS Select and download free geographic (GIS) data for any country in the world Sources Formats The files have been compressed and grouped in ZIP files. Vector data are stored as ESRI shapefiles Grid (raster) data are stored as DIVA gridfiles Each "shapefile" consist of at least three actual files. Gridfiles are used in DIVA-GIS. A gridfile with "country mask" indicates that the areas outside the selected country are masked out. A DBF (dBase file) is a dbase format database table. Resolution The resolution is the size of each grid cell expressed as the length of one side of one (square) cell.
Spectral Hourglass Wizard (Using ENVI) | Exelis VIS Docs Center Use the Spectral Hourglass Wizard to guide you step-by-step through the ENVI hourglass processing flow to find and map image spectral endmembers from hyperspectral or multispectral data. The Wizard displays detailed instructions and useful information for each function. From the Toolbox, select Spectral > Spectral Unmixing > Spectral Hourglass Wizard to start the workflow. The hourglass processing flow uses the spectrally over-determined nature of hyperspectral data to find the most spectrally pure, or spectrally unique, pixels (called endmembers) within the dataset and to map their locations and sub-pixel abundances. The name of the corresponding ENVI function appears at the top of the panel during each step. After starting the Spectral Hourglass Wizard, refer to the following sections for help:
overpass turbo AVHRR NDVI3g 30+ Years of LAI3g and FPAR3g Data Sets We are providing you free access to a 30+ year long global data sets of vegetation leaf area index (LAI3g) and fraction vegetation absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR3g). These data sets were derived from the third generation GIMMS NDVI3g data set (hence the suffix "3g"). The data sets are at 1/12 degree resolution, 15-day composites (2 per month) and span the period July 1981 to December 2011. Please note the following: (1) If you wish to submit an article to the special dedicated to NDVI3g/LAI3g/FPAR3g of the open source journal "Remote Sensing" you are welcome. (2) The article describing the LAI3g/FPAR3g by Zhu et al. can downloaded from the Special Issue (3) To obtain the data sets, please contact Ranga B.