Mommy Medicine: Treating sore, cracked and stinky feet
SALT LAKE CITY — The world of health and medicine can be confusing to many parents. But Nurse Suzy is here to help clarify some of the issues that are important to you and your family. This week's question: Do you have any easy suggestions for cracked heels? Answer:
Home Remedies for Dry Damaged Hair
Did you know that a human head has an average of 150,000 hair follicles? They need to be taken care of regularly, and should be subjected to as little chemicals as possible. Most people who face hair problems turn to commercially manufactured products to look for a solution. These products contain high levels of chemicals that may give short-term results, but cause damage to the hair on a long-term basis.
A Cup O' Joe: DIY Facial Scrub
The following article was written by PETA intern Sofia Hueter. Many of us are accustomed to the daily ritual of guzzling cup after cup of coffee to stay awake because it is so ingrained in our society that habitually drinking something with caffeine in it every few hours is the best way to fight fatigue. Caffeine does, in fact, help to ward off our lingering morning drowsiness, but drinking coffee, though often delicious and enjoyable, is not the only way to get the caffeine fix that your body craves. Did you know that your body can absorb caffeine through the skin? Although the exact concentrations of caffeine that can permeate the layers of your skin is still being researched, scientists do agree that, even if soaking your body with coffee doesn’t deliver the same kick that several cups of coffee do, it can provide you with a nice energy boost.
7 ways to get rid of dark circles/ANY type of scar/Stretch Marks.
These 7 ways I am sharing, are the MOST EFFECTIVE ways that makes those ridiculous scars disappear, no matter what type they are (acne scars, tissue scars etc). Make sure you are NOT allergic to any of the ingredients I am going to mention. 1st Solution: (For dark circles and scars) You Need: 1/2 tsp Turmeric 1 tsp yogurt (at least 10% fat) 4-5 drops Lemon Juice Directions: You can find turmeric powder in any Asian/Indian stores.
8 hair care treatments you can make yourself
Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast — but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that. And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does?
Fun Friday - DIY Beach Hair
I love the messy hair/bohemian look. I also love the beach. So, here is a DIY Sea Salt Beach Hair Spray that I can not live without anymore! The hair just looks so pretty, just like after a day at the beach. And it works for any hair length! Here you go, the tutorial on how to make the beach hair spray:
Victoria's Best Kept Secrets
I have been watching the VS Fashion Show since it first aired. in 2001. I love it. It’s like the Olympics of sexiness. Do I think that everyone should go around looking like a Victoria’s Secret Model? No, that’s absurd. I do think that everyone looks a WHOLE lot more like one than they realize, though… and sometimes it feels nice to prove to yourself or anyone else that the gap between us and them.. isn’t quite as big as you might think.
Egyptian Secret for Dandruff and Hair Loss
Researchers say that this Egyptian herbal blend helps treat dandruff, seborrhea, and maybe even balding. The primary ingredient is ginger, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Learn the secret Egyptian anti-dandruff, anti-hair-loss formula from master herbalist James A. Duke, PhD. Love This? Never Miss Another Story.
Cat Eyeliner Tutorial
Cat eyeliner has got to the most unpredictable thing in makeup. You never know what shape you'll end up with. One wrong move & you'll have to think of ways to make it look right. I thought I'd share with you how I've been doing mine, because I think it's almost mistake-proof. So, here's a step-by-step tutorial: Apply eyeshadow on lid.
6 secrets I learned at makeup artist school - StumbleUpon
total-beauty TODAY Style TODAY Jan. 12, 2012 at 9:50 AM ET /
Essential Oils for Hair Care
Have you ever noticed how few people over 50 have shiny, healthy hair hair you’d die for? There aren’t very many of them. Though it may be part of the natural aging process to lose some of your crowning glory, it’s not a natural process for it to lose its gleam and glow. This lack of life is almost always due not to aging but to the unhealthy practices of overwashing, blow drying, and using chemical products such as sprays, perms and gels.
Dorm Room Spa: 3 Easy DIY Beauty Recipes to Try - College Fashion - StumbleUpon
Photo Credit It’s that taxing in-between time of the semester again – spring break is over, papers and projects are coming due, and finals are looming ahead. It’s clear that college students are stressed right now, and with that stress comes the need for relaxation. And what better way to unwind than by pampering yourself and indulging in some me-time? Of course, as college students, we can’t all afford to shell out for a trip to a high-end spa.