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Repository maps
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SPARC Europe DuraSpace Technologies The DuraSpace technology portfolio crosses the boundaries of institutional systems, the Web, and cloud infrastructure and inherently addresses representation and preservation of digital content. Our open source software and services help to ensure that current and future generations have access to our collective digital heritage and currently power more than 2,000 sites in 90 countries. DSpace ( is a turnkey institutional repository application, Fedora ( is a framework for building digital repositories, VIVO ( is a locally hosted system for showcasing the scholarship of an institution, and DuraCloud ( an open source platform and managed service that provides on-demand storage and services for digital content in the cloud. We are continually improving and expanding DuraSpace open technologies to provide you with durable, flexible software solutions that integrate seamlessly with your infrastructure.

DRIVER | Home Find - Directory of Open Access Repositories Search or Browse for Repositories <intR>²Dok "Ergani - Historical Archive of Aegean" Repository 4TU.Centre for Research Data AAB College repository Aaltodoc Publication Archive ABACUS. Aberdeen University Research Archive (AURA) Abertay Research Collections CADAIR (Aberystwyth University Repository) ABU Zaria Research Publications Academic Digital Library (Akademickiej Bibliotece Cyfrowej) (ABC - KRAKÓW) Academic Research Repository at the Burgas Free University (Научен портал на Бургаския свободен университет) ARRChNU (Academic Research Repository at the ChNU) Academic Research Repository at the Institute of Developing Economies (ARRIDE) Academica-e ARCA - IGC (Access to Research and Communications Annals) ARAN (Access to Research at National University of Ireland, Galway) ARRT (Access to Research Resources for Teachers) ACEReSearch Acervo Digital da Unesp

PLoS eSciDoc.PubMan, a publication repository software MPG.PuRe This is the publication repository of the Max Planck Society. It contains bibliographic data and numerous fulltexts of the publications of its researchers. The repository is based on eSciDoc.PubMan, a publication repository software developed by the Max Planck Digital Library. Currently we are working on the migration of the data base of the predecessor system eDoc into this repository. Read more Search for publications here ... or browse through different categories. Tools and Interfaces Search and Export Do you want to integrate your PubMan Data within an external system? Service for data transfer Do you want to fetch data from external sources like arXiv, BioMed Central, PubMed Central or Spires? Validation service Check your XML data for formal correctness with our validation service. Control of Named Entities (CoNE) Search and administrate controlled vocabularies for persons, journals, classifications or languages. SWORD-Interface

Welcome to the Registry of Open Access Repositories - Registry of Open Access Repositories A Contratiempo | Sonidos y sentidos: Entrevista con Steven Feld Sonidos y sentidos: Entrevista con Steven FeldRita de Cácia Oenning da Silva 1Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina Aunque para cualquier etnomusicólogo Steven Feld no requiere presentación, la presente entrevista titulada Sonidos y Sentidos, que apareció recientemente en la Revista de antropología de la Universidad de Sao Paulo 2, abre con una introducción de su realizadora, Rita de Cácia, en la que da buena cuenta de lo interesante y valioso del entrevistado y de la entrevista misma. Enfatiza también Feld en la importancia de publicar en formatos alternativos al texto: Cds, Dvds, para ver y escuchar, y se esfuerza por argumentar la importancia de realizar antropología no solo del sonido sino a través del sonido, pero a la vez reconoce las dificultades del aval académico con que aún cuentan estos formatos y medios de divulgación del conocimiento. De paso, por si fuera poco, nos ilustra sobre su vida, su postura ante la investigación, y su proyecto editorial de libros, discos y videos.

Overview of Open Access in the EU member states 16 de Marzo de 2010 Europe, and the EU member states, already have a strong tradition in Open Access, both in building infrastructures for Open Access repositories and stimulating the establishment Open Access journals and transition of traditional publishing to Open Access. Open Access Repositories in Europe The DRIVER project helped to establish and develop repositories in each of the European countries, and stimulated Open Access archiving by promoting policy development at the national level. Institutions wishing to set up a repository can find extensive directions and recommendations on the DRIVER support site. Open Access publishing in Europe There is a growing number of Open Access Journals; most disciplines are now represented. OpenAIRE and the European initiatives The NOADs of OpenAIRE Most of the EU member states have built expertise on OA. The OpenAIRE network of Open Access desks is structured similarly to the Europe-wide information network on European Research Programmes.

EPrints | open-source digital repository platform About EPrints Welcome to the home of EPrints, the world-leading open-source digital repository platform. Developed at the University of Southampton, EPrints has been providing stable, innovative repository services across the academic sector and beyond for over 15 years. We are proud of the stability, flexibility and pragmatism of our software. About EPrints Services EPrints Services is our not-for-profit commercial services organisation, which has been building & hosting repositories, training users and developing bespoke functionality for over 10 years. The EPrints team is committed to working closely with clients to develop tailor-made repositories that fulfil their requirements, and we are proud to be supporting EPrints installations throughout the world.

Home - EuropeanaLocal SONIC IDEAS Bienvenidos Ideas Sónicas / Sonic Ideas es uno de los frutos del CMMAS y al mismo tiempo es el primero de una serie de proyectos orientados a la investigación y difusión de todos los aspectos relacionados con la música, las artes sonoras y la tecnología. Esta publicación está dirigida a un amplio grupo de lectores, incluyendo investigadores, artistas, músicos, compositores, intérpretes y musicólogos. El objetivo principal de esta revista semestral, es estimular, generar y difundir información sobre las actividades y los desarrollos en el área, promoviendo la interacción entre compositores, intérpretes, investigadores y escuchas anglo e hispanoparlantes. Abierta a todos los puntos de vista estéticos dentro y fuera del ámbito académico, esta publicación pretende difundir nuevas y desafiantes perspectivas para aproximarse a la tecnología, explorar la influencia de ésta en la música y en las artes sonoras y promover la investigación seria y el debate sobre estos temas. Welcome

USAL. Universo CNRI Handles - Handle.Net Registry
