Carl Kleiner
Linn Olofsdotter
She was born in Sweden, worked in Brazil and is now settled in the Portland area. The prolific illustrator and mixed-media artist Linn Olofsdotter is a global citizen of the most interesting kind. Her own life in different locales gives her many sources of inspiration and most likely helps her flex her illustration muscle to meet the needs of a vast variety of clients.
Francesco Giusti Photography
새로운 모습의 밀리미터밀리그람 웹사이트를 준비하고 있습니다. 우리의 어제와 오늘, 그리고 내일의 모습을 담아 밝은 얼굴로 여러분과 다시 만나려고 합니다. 웹사이트가 완성되기 전까지는 페이스북 페이지와 트위터를 통해 밀리미터 밀리그람의 새로운 소식들을 만나실 수 있으며, 10X10, 29CM 등 온라인 스토어와 직영점이 여러분을 항상 기다리고 있습니다. 매월 마지막 주 월요일은 정비를 위한 정기 휴무일입니다. We’re now renewing our websites in order to present ourselves and to hear from all of you, in better way.
Crim Crimea Tokyo
Pol baril
Arne Quinze
ONE WORLD by The People of Tomorrow Arne Quinze, Tomorrowland & De Schorre are building a state-of-the-art, permanent public artwork and invite the whole world to help. Follow the making of here! My Secret Garden / Rockstrangers Book Arne Quinze invited author Saskia de Coster for a unique project that will enlargen the scope of both the Rock Strangers project (Ostend) and the Secret Garden exhibition (Rotterdam).
highlighting interesting projects involving paper.
Quilled Paper Alphabet by Dan Hoopert 19 year old Uk-based graphic designer Dan Hoopert has crafted an intricate 3D alphabet series out of swirled quilled tendrils of paper as a personal project. The ornate detail in each of the letters is absolutely remarkable! For creation of typography in the realm of paper, this definitely sets itself apart from the rest. One can only imagine the amount of hours it took to produce this piece.
La Luna Electrica
justement: UranusRelated just got back from Montreal and my car has the diameter of Uranus kilometres on it (top that for nedleyness) (via cinoh-deactivated20120915) (Source : b-asik, via kikisloane)
Creative Inspiration: Process & Materials
Today’s dose of creative inspiration comes from the latest exhibit over in Gallery 543 at the Navy Yard. The title, “Finished exploration of process and material to find special finishes and fixtures for future projects,” is a bit of a mouthful – but it sums up the array of materials and patterns that grace the walls as we walk to our cafeteria each day. I can’t get enough of all the different textures and patterns in this exhibit , which is the work of the UO Store Design Build & Environment teams. From the paint spattered table to the plywood god’s eyes, it’s a fascinating way to look at materials we see every day in a new way.