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5 Ways Schools Can Make Learning Relevant for Students By Tanya Roscorla on November 10, 2014 Eric Sheninger talks about how to make learning work for students at TedxBurnsvilleED. Screenshot of the talk by Tanya Roscorla 50 Web 2.0 Twitter Applications & Sites As twitter is growing rapidly so the twitter applications too. Lots of twitter applications are available on internet but here i am not going to discuss about the twitter applications, i will showcase the best designed and web 2.0 twitter applications. Designers really worked hard to design such applications according to web 2.0 standards. In this showcase, i will show 50 web 2.0 twitter applications and sites. 8 Ideas, 10 Guides, And 17 Tools For A Better Professional Learning Network Personal learning networks are a great way for educators to get connected with learning opportunities, access professional development resources, and to build camaraderie with other education professionals. Although PLNs have been around for years, in recent years social media has made it possible for these networks to grow exponentially. Now, it’s possible to expand and connect your network around the world anytime, anywhere. But how exactly do you go about doing that?

Role of Teacher in Personal Learning Environments Shaikh, Zaffar Ahmed and Khoja, Shakeel Ahmed (2011) Role of Teacher in Personal Learning Environments. pp. 1-10. In: Proceedings of the The PLE Conference 2011, 10th - 12th July 2011, Southampton, UK. The aim of this paper is to discuss the changing roles and competencies of a teacher in context of prevailing developments accomplished by the vast availability of social software, which have made easy the development of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs). This has been accomplished by an in-depth review of the literature on teachers’ socially situated competencies and roles with regard to the tasks and guidance they provide to students shape their PLEs. Review process provides an insight of PLE research studies, constructivist learning theories, and teacher changing roles. Repository Staff Only: item control page

9 Characteristics Of 21st Century Learning The label of “21st Century learning” is vague, and is an idea that we here at TeachThought like to take a swing at as often as possible, including: –weighing the magic of technology with its incredible cost and complexity –underscoring the potential for well thought-out instructional design –considering the considerable potential of social media platforms against its apparent divergence from academic learning Some educators seek out the ideal of a 21st century learning environment constantly, while others prefer that we lose the phrase altogether, insisting that learning hasn’t changed, and good learning looks the same whether it’s the 12th or 21st century. At TeachThought, we tend towards the tech-infused model, but do spend time exploring the limits and challenges of technology, the impact of rapid technology change, and carefully considering important questions before diving in head-first.

The Difference Between Technology Use And Technology Integration Bring TeachThought Professional Development To Your School! The Difference Between Technology Use And Technology Integration by TeachThought Staff Using technology for learning makes sense. Technology creates access, transparency, and opportunity. Any smartphone or tablet is media incarnate–video, animation, eBooks, essays, blog posts, messages, music, games. Web 2.0 productivity tools Target audience: Nonprofits, foundations, social benefit organizations, NGOs, educators, students, journalists, Web publishers, general public. Following are Web 2.0 tools we’ve come across that have increased our productivity. Part of the early adopters creed is to share discoveries with others. Please add your own recommendations in the comments! Academic search Socialbrite recommends:Alternatives:

Teaching time investment: Does online really take more time than face-to-face? Rebecca Van de Vord and Korolyn Pogue Washington State University, USA Abstract Enrollments in online programs are growing, increasing demand for online courses. The perception that teaching online takes more time than teaching face-to-face creates concerns related to faculty workload. edtechpost.wikispaces A Collection of PLE diagramsNOTE: You can log in with the guest account (edtechpost_guest, same password) to add your own PLE image to the wiki or email them to me at Index Tool-Oriented Use/Action Oriented People Oriented

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