10 Search Engines to Explore the Invisible Web
Not everything on the web will show up in a list of search results on Google or Bing; there are lots of places that their web crawlers cannot access. To explore the invisible web, you need to use specialist search engines. Here are our top 12 services to perform a deep internet search.
Use Similes to generate Fresh Ideas
Similes is a powerful and effective group brainstorming method. You state the challenge and then get everyone to write down on their own sheet of paper – ‘Our problem is like…’ Each person then completes the sentence. They must do this in silence so that they are not influenced by each other’s ideas. You are looking to find a broadly similar challenge in a completely different field. So if for example your problem is in business then you would ask who has had a problem like this in warfare, sport, entertainment, transport, history, politics, education, health, research, music etc. etc. The likenesses do not have to be accurate – they are feelings rather than exact analogies but each can act as a trigger.
Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better
If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven’t gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge. Newcounter knowledge is the backbone of society’s progress. Great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and others’ quests for knowledge have led society to many of the marvels we enjoy today.
JS keyCodes
When a KeyboardEvent fires, you can test which key was pressed because that event contains information you can write logic against. document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { console.log(event.which); } For example, by pressing "a", you'll get 65.
Workplace Learning: The Individual’s Perspective
A few weeks ago I published a series of posts that looked at how we learn at work and how to support these different ways of learning. This was a very L&D-centric view of workplace learning, with training at the centre and the outer – and larger – concentric circles containing the other ways of learning at and for work. In this post, however, I want to consider the Individual’s Perspective of Workplace Learning.
Using Github as a Knowledge Base — TeamSnap Developer Portal
The Search for a Knowledge Base Google reports 109,000,000 results for the search query "Knowledge Base". 65,300,000 are returned for "Knowledge Base Software". As a software developer, that ratio strikes me as about right - developers love re-inventing the wheel and I enjoy tongue in cheek intros for blog posts. ;-) So, as the TeamSnap engineering team continues to grow from a humble base of a handful of developers and LOC's under our belts to a more mature organization, it was time for us to make a decision about how we wanted to try and capture our internal knowledge in a way that was easily accessible and digestible (knowledge consumption) while still being reasonably easy to contribute to and search (knowledge documentation). What We Wanted in a KB
Lesson 10: Google Docs and Reader
Everyone has used Microsoft Word to create documents such as letters, resumes, recipes, etc. Now there is a way to do all the things you used to do in Microsoft Word (and more!), but online using your gmail sign in as part of the Google family.
Self-University Week / AUTODIDACTIC PRESS - lifelong learning advocate
Self-University Week September 1-7 Autodidactic Press has sponsored Self-University Week since 1989. It is our intention to continually expand this celebration until the value of lifelong learning is indelibly etched into the national consciousness. Chase's Annual Events lists the first seven days of September as Self-University Week. The purpose of Self-University Week is to remind adults (in or out of school) that each of us has a responsibility to help shape the future by pursuing lifelong education.
Javascript RegExp - MDN reference
The RegExp constructor creates a regular expression object for matching text with a pattern. For an introduction to regular expressions, read the Regular Expressions chapter in the JavaScript Guide. SyntaxEdit Literal and constructor notations are possible:
How do YOU learn at work?
One of the early tasks that the learning professionals in my L&D Challenge undertake is to consider how they themselves learn at work. It is clear from what they share with the group that they learn in a multitude of ways – and that very little of it happens through conventional trainingit happens both inside and outside the workplace, andit is a continuous, ongoing process not a series of intermittent events. I’ve plotted some of the key ways on the diagram below. But it is not just those who are undertaking the Challenge who are learning very differently, it is also very clear from the results of my 9 year Top 100 Tools for Learning survey that this has been the case for many people for sometime now. Furthermore the results of my Learning in the Workplace Survey (which has now been taken by over 5,000 people worldwide) show that they rank conventional training and e-learning as the least valued way of learning at work.
How to CPU Mine X11 Algorithm Coins - CPU COIN LIST
While GPU mining is usually the death of CPU mining, the X11 algorithm does not give the GPUs a large advantage over CPUs. These are instructions to CPU mine X11 algorithm coins on a pool with Windows 64-bit and have the coins deposited to the client/wallet on your computer. These instructions will work on all X11 coins, you just need to get the wallet for your coin. CLIENT INSTALL – The best source for the client/wallet is usually from the coin’s announcement thread on Bitcointalk. If the coin is listed on the site already, the thread is listed on that coin’s page.
Portail Innovation et expérimentation - Article - Former à l'innovation, innover dans la formation
How to Learn on Your Own: Creating an Independent Scholar Resource Plan
One of the most challenging and gratifying parts of learning alone is the opportunity to search for and select your own learning material. Students in traditional classrooms usually don’t get to decide how they are going to master course content. Instructors decide for them in the form of textbook selection, quizzes, tests, group projects, etc.
Javascript expressions and operators - MDN reference
This chapter documents all the JavaScript language operators, expressions and keywords. Expressions and operators by category For an alphabetical listing see the sidebar on the left.