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Error Detection ← Computer Science Unplugged The world is noisy place, and errors can occur whenever information is stored or transmitted. Error detection techniques add extra parity bits to data to determine when errors have occurred. This activity is a magic trick which most audiences find intriguing. In the trick the demonstrator is “magically” able to figure which one out of dozens of cards has been turned over, using the same methods that computers use to figure out if an error has occurred in data storage. Additional resources:Mordechai (Moti) Ben-Ari from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel has programmed the Error Detection and Parity Unplugged activity in Scratch which can be downloaded in a zip file of the complete set of activities.

Cooperative Learning Original module developed by Rebecca Teed, John McDaris, and Cary Roseth Enhanced by KimMarie McGoldrick with assistance from Jim Cooper, Dan Marburger, Jennifer Rhoads, Karl Smith What is Cooperative Learning? Cooperative Learning involves structuring classes around small groups that work together in such a way that each group member's success is dependent on the group's success.

Créateur de mots croisé You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced? You can go to the old version by clicking choosing it below. 2 reasons crosswords will not generate: Binary Numbers ← Computer Science Unplugged The binary number system plays a central role in how information of all kinds is stored on computers. Understanding binary can lift a lot of the mystery from computers, because at a fundamental level they’re really just machines for flipping binary digits on and off. There are several activities on binary numbers in this document, all simple enough that they can be used to teach the binary system to anyone who can count! Generally children learn the binary system very quickly using this approach, but we find that many adults are also excited when they finally understand what bits and bytes really are. Activity description (PDF)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Medications Page Image: When it comes to taking care of our children, we all want to do the right thing. With treatment for anxiety, the right thing is what works best for your child's needs. With effective treatment, the prognosis for anxiety disorders is very good, but left untreated, the interference from anxiety will become more disabling over time. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)-an active skill-focused intervention-is the treatment of choice for anxiety, with the most research evidence for it's lasting success with children. Children have approximately a 70-80% response rate with CBT, and the gains are maintained over time. Ambassador Summary The IAU Dark Skies Ambassadors is a program that invites keen enthusiasts worldwide to be dark sky advocates and spread the word of the concern of light pollution. Dark Skies Ambassadors organise actions, get others to do events and/or do events, and help advertise events. Joining the program could also create a peer-supporting environment and provide visibility of events.

PATHS® Program from Channing Bete Company Educators and students share about the PATHS® program and social and emotional learning Create the school you've always dreamed of thanks to: improved student behavior reduced classroom disruptions greater academic engagement and achievement! Inspiring Stars & Stars Shine for Everyone Telescope Collaboration [News UPDATE]: Deadline for submissions extended to June 1, 2020. In 2020, and following the much successful collaboration during the IAU100 celebrations, we will team up once again with the Belgian initiative Sterren Schitteren voor Iedereen (Stars Shine for Everyone - SSVI) and Leiden University/Universe Awareness (UNAWE) to distribute 15 telescopes to underserved communities around the world. The telescopes were signed by astronauts and scientists including three Nobel Prize winners, with the help of The SSVI project is a cooperation between Volkssterrenwacht A.Pien vzw (Public Observatory Armand Pien) and Ghent University.

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