iPad GUI PSD Design Template Now that Apple has officially released the iPad we want to start designing for it. While Apple’s interface builder is great, it doesn’t really allow us to create custom UI elements on the fly. We decided to take a page from our iPhone GUI PSD and create one for the iPad. The PSD was constructed using vectors, so it’s fully editable and scalable. You’ll notice there are a few new UI elements as compared to the iPhone interface.
eLearning Blog // Don't Waste Your Time " Developing a PLE Using Web ... Continuing my search to find out more about new techniques for eLearning has brought the PLE, the Personal Learning Environment, to my attention (see previous posts on PLEs ). In short the PLE seems to be an update to the VLE, but with a greater emphasis placed on the student and the learning materials, and less on the Institution ‘structure’ and management needs. Read this: What is a PLE? Much searching brought me to this presentation by Sarah Guth where she uses Web 2.0 tools (wiki, blog, podcast, etc) to encourage the students to self-develop their own PLE. Although this is based around a PLE for a language learning course, the principles can be applied to any kind of online activity/course.
An Overview of the Human Genome Project An Overview of the Human Genome Project What was the Human Genome Project? The Human Genome Project (HGP) was the international, collaborative research program whose goal was the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings. All our genes together are known as our "genome." The HGP was the natural culmination of the history of genetics research. In 1911, Alfred Sturtevant, then an undergraduate researcher in the laboratory of Thomas Hunt Morgan, realized that he could - and had to, in order to manage his data - map the locations of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) genes whose mutations the Morgan laboratory was tracking over generations.
Explore ... Discover ... Play: Thing 66: Directory 2.0 The world of the new web can be daunting. Sometimes the information overload of the newest, shiniest sites can paralyze even the most veteran web user. There are two great sites out there that can help you navigate and organize your 2.0 and beyond journey. One of them preselects and organizes sites and one allows you to customize your 2.0 search portal experience. All My Faves contains a staggering number of icons arraigned by categories of Home, Entertainment, Kids, Shopping, Travel, and Weekly Faves. This site reminds me of Yahoo in the early days.
edtechpost.wikispaces A Collection of PLE diagramsNOTE: You can log in with the guest account (edtechpost_guest, same password) to add your own PLE image to the wiki or email them to me at edtechpost@gmail.com. Index Tool-Oriented Use/Action Oriented People Oriented Hybrid/Abstract/Other Deploying iPhone Apps to Real Devices In our previous article on getting started with iPhone development, you learnt how to use the iPhone SDK provided by Apple to develop your first iPhone application. For testing purposes, you used the iPhone Simulator, provided as part of the iPhone SDK. While the iPhone Simulator is a very handy tool that allows you to test your iPhone applications without needing a real device, nothing beats testing on a real device.
100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers Are you a teacher now or studying to become one in the future? Have you been looking for a handy list of digital apps that will help you organize your life inside and outside the classroom? Well, you have come to the right place. With the world around us becoming more technologically advanced every day, developers are creating apps designed specifically to make your life as an educator easier. Check out our 100 helpful apps below!
Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and functional standpoint.[1] It remains the world's largest collaborative biological project.[2] The first official funding for the Project originated with the US Department of Energy’s Office of Health and Environmental Research, headed by Charles DeLisi, and was in the Reagan Administration’s 1987 budget submission to Congress.[3] It subsequently passed both Houses. The Project was planned for 15 years.[4] In 1990, the two major funding agencies, DOE and NIH, developed a memorandum of understanding in order to coordinate plans and set the clock for the initiation of the Project to 1990.[5] At that time, David Galas was Director of the renamed “Office of Biological and Environmental Research” in the U.S. Project[edit]
5 Amazing Methods to Find Similar Websites Based On Your Preferences Ever wondered how many other great websites are on the Interwebs that you would like but you’ll never find out about? Well now you can finnaly fill up your RSS reader with lots of websites you will certainly enjoy, recommended to you by similarity algorithms. Smart, ha? Pinterest as a learning tool: Do the two compute? Pinterest, the latest addition to hybrid forms of social networking, hosts a platform where users can 'pin' their favourite images to share with the world. At first glance, such a service may not seem to have much academic value -- but teachers around the world are utilizing Pinterest to make lessons more interactive. Not only can it be used to share ideas and lesson resources, but the notice-board styled platform allows for better organisation of ideas and images than other sites generally support, such as Facebook or Twitter.
iPad Application Design » Matt Legend Gemmell I held a 6-hour workshop at NSConference in both the UK and USA recently, focusing on software design and user experience. Predictably, an extremely popular topic was the iPad, and how to approach the design of iPad applications. I gave a 90-minute presentation on the subject to start each workshop, and I want to share some of my observations here. mixes – Your new PLE platform Check out our new tool SYMBALOO EDU Looking for a simple way for your students to share what they have found on the internet? Teachers at P.K.Yonge have introduced the students in their science classes to Symbaloo as a way to do PLE’s.
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There's no gallery, to see the result. Is that only private ? strange for a dashboard utility... by ocpourvoir Jun 19
New: 1: Netvibes introduced Wasabi which is a new integrated fedreeder. It's wonderful and near real-time. 2- a new service - lazyfeed.com - for those who like feedly may like this. it is an instant and real-time feedreader. However with introduction og Wasabi I think netvibes is much more desirable now. by rsharifi Dec 10
I prefer Feedly, I am also trying to remember a new Netvibes like service that just came out recently... Oh Threadsy. Any one tried Threadsy? by lbanry Dec 10