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Ethan Zuckerman’s online home, since 2003

Ethan Zuckerman’s online home, since 2003

Les TIC au service de la paix 2008 Bangkok 19-05-2008 (Bangkok) Célébration de la Journée du Vesak des Nations Unies 2008© UNDV2008 La révolution des TIC offre une réelle chance d’engager un “multilogue” pour promouvoir la compréhension mutuelle et la paix, a déclaré hier à Bangkok (Thaïlande) Abdul Waheed Khan, sous-directeur général de l’UNESCO pour la Communication et l’Information. Le sous-directeur général de l’UNESCO pour la Communication et l’Information assistait hier aux célébrations organisées par l’Université bouddhique à l’occasion de la Journée du Vesak (anniversaire du Bouddha) des Nations Unies. Dans son discours, M. Khan a déclaré que l’Internet et les téléphones portables étaient devenus des instruments essentiels de la diffusion de l’information à travers le monde et qu’ils garantissaient un certain niveau de liberté d’expression même lorsque le contrôle règne. M. Vesak, jour de la pleine lune de mai (quatrième mois du calendrier lunaire), est la date la plus importante pour les bouddhistes du monde entier.

Voices That Poison Jonathan Stray How technology can shape the future of peacebuilding at the local level June 6 2014: Helena Puig Larrauri talks about the role that technology plays in peacebuilding at the local level, and the potential it has to change the future of preventing and resolving conflicts around the world. Thanks to these tools and the social and organizational forms they help create, local peacebuilders are now better equipped to challenge state-sanctioned or socially normative narratives and notions of identity. This week, the Coalition Centre for Thai Violence Watch (CCTVW) is busy aggregating reports sent in from the streets of Bangkok to calculate a weighted index of violence risk, which will be published on their website and Facebook pages twice a day. The violence watch system is already very smart, and next week I’ll be joining a developer from Elva (a Georgian tech start-up) to work with the CCTVW team to make their processes and tools even more efficient. Alternative infrastructures for peace Making space for new visions Creating digital trust networks

‘Beyond School Books’ – a podcast series on education in emergencies | Basic education and gender equality | UNICEF ‘Beyond School Books’ – a podcast series on education in emergencies By Rudina Vojvoda UNICEF talks to Christopher Tuckwood, of the Sentinel Project for Genocide Prevention, and Sanjana Hattotuwa, the Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, about the use of technology to support peacebuilding. NEW YORK, United States of America, 6 June 2014 – ‘Innovation’ has been a buzzword of this decade for good reasons. The world has changed in front of our eyes, and we have become witness to the ways in which innovative ideas can drive industry transformation, market creation and humanitarian response, to name just a few. But what does innovation mean in the context of peacebuilding? AUDIO: Listen now The model of the Sentinel Project is simple: Identify signs of violence and situations of concern at an early stage, and then work with the threatened community to find ways of stopping violence. “We try to take a pretty broad approach in terms of gathering information,” Mr.

Utilisation et fonction des TIC dans la prévention de conflits, la cartographie des crises et la réponse humanitaire L’OECD écrivait en Mars 2009 : « les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) améliorent l’efficacité de la réponse en situation d’urgence. Toutefois, la majorité des organisations inter ou non gouvernementales ne vont pas au delà de l’email et du site internet pour distribuer l’information et organiser leur collecte de données. » L’objectif de ces trois livres blancs de la Harvard Humanitarian Initiative est d’analyser l’utilisation et la fonction des TIC dans la prévention de conflits, la cartographie des crises et la réponse humanitaire. Voici une synthèse de certains points abordés par Patrick Meier and Jennifer Leaning, en 2009 dans le livre blanc : Applying Technology to Crisis Mapping and Early Warnings in Humanitarian Settings. Pour étudier la situation et faire des propositions, les livres blancs utilisent les notions de « big world » et « small world ». Le « big world » est une perspective occidentale, institutionnelle avec une organisation pyramidale.

LAGO wikipedia Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Il lago Maggiore, le cui sponde sono in parte sul suolo italiano e in parte svizzero, comprende anche undici isole Un lago (o bacino lacustre) è una grande massa per lo più d'acqua dolce raccolta nelle cavità terrestri. I laghi di grosse dimensioni sono alle volte chiamati "mari interni", mentre talvolta i piccoli mari sono chiamati laghi. Due esempi sono: il Grande Lago Salato ed il Mar Morto. Tipi[modifica | modifica sorgente] In realtà ci sono differenti tipi di laghi: laghi di superficie (comunemente chiamati soltanto laghi)laghi sotterraneilaghi stagionali, un esempio di lago stagionale è il lago Eyre in Australia che è riempito quando le piogge stagionali sono abbondanti.laghi subglaciali, un esempio di lago subglaciale è il lago Vostok che si trova sotto i ghiacci dell'Antartide.lago proglacialelago sottomarino, che sono laghi di salamoia sottomarini. Origine dei laghi[modifica | modifica sorgente] Fine dei laghi[modifica | modifica sorgente]

BEHAVIOR DESIGN – Persuasive Tech The best design solutions today change human behavior. Yet despite decades of research, challenges remain for people who design to influence. First, “persuasion” seems a dirty word. It shouldn’t be. We should now embrace that we’re in the business of behavior change. Behavior change is a step-by-step process. What Matters in Behavior Design 1. 2. 3. Designing for behavior change via social and mobile tech is new, with no leading books or conferences to provide guidance. Behavior Design Project Team The following people have contributed their time and energy to this project. Caverna di ghiaccio al polo Sud Big data and humanitarianism: 5 things you need to know Aid agencies are exploiting new technologies to gather near real-time information to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. Credit: QCRI/UNDP Consider this: There was more data produced in 2011 than in all the rest of human history combined. Humanitarian organizations are trying to come to terms with how this ocean of information can help them deliver better services to vulnerable communities. 1. It could even help the humanitarian community pre-empt crises, or respond to them more quickly. 2. “Global Pulse is an initiative that came out of the global financial crisis,” he explains. Earlier this year Global Pulse ran a competition in which they made data from a mobile phone provider in Côte d’Ivoire freely available, and challenged researches to find innovative uses for it. 3. Social media is one source of big data in which access is easier because much of the information is already public. 4. Big data, especially when generated by social media, has its limitations.

Immagine satellitare del più grande ghiacciaio del mondo
