B a r b a r a . C a n e p a
------ First of all, I have to say a foreword ------Je dois faire une introduction avant tout © Barbucci/Canepa/Editions Soleil FB really replaced blogs, this is really a fact. Even for me, who was always punctual with posts, it's now been months I've been away from the blog. and I didn't even notice that I was away for such a long time. I apologise, then. Today, I would really like to renew this blog, simpler and more useful , but I don't have much time.
September 23, 2016, at 12:00 AM With these two NSFW pages and a Ch12 preview, that's a wrap for chapter 11! Unsounded's been going since July of 2010.
Lilo All Grown Up
Chris Sanders is the director of the Dreamworks movie How to Train your Dragon He is known for co-directing, co-writing, co-storyboarding, co-designing, and voicing the Lilo & Stitch movie. Here's some of is art.
Aurélie Neyret illustration
James Jean: La imaginación perversa
Yo soy de esas enamoradas de James Jean, este señor sorprendente que tiene esa capacidad de hacer todo increíble. A él lo conocí hace unos años por sus libretas de bocetos, fue su moleskine la primera que me inspiro a tener cuadernos de dibujos y retratar gente en los medios de transporte (por ahí tiene un boceto de un tren que va mas allá de la gracia). Hoy lo comparto con ustedes por que por casualidad vi fotos de sus mas reciente exposición y recordé lo necesario que es compartir cosas de este tipo, cosas tan buenas y deliciosas de ver.
American Japanese Pin-up girls by ONEQ
Self-taught Japanese illustrator ONEQ‘s work reminds me of one of my favorite artists: Rockin JellyBean, but with a vintage twist. She recognize him as one of the most influential artists in developing her art, as well as Simon Bisley. [via supersonicelectronic]
chez Reno
Bien le bonjour les gens ! Je ne peux pas y couper, c’est effectivement les 10 ans de ce blog étrange et j’en vois au moins 3 qui sont au rendez-vous ça fait plaisir !
Randy Scott Slavin
Par QRieuZ, Mercredi 25 avril 2012 à 10:04 :: Photo :: #6617 :: rss «Alternative Perspectives» est une série réalisée par le photographe et cinéaste Randy Scott Slavin présentant des paysages à 360°. Chaque image est réalisée à partir d’une centaine de photos assemblées ensemble pour construire ces scènes surréalistes. Plus d’images sur son portfolio.
Guillaume Bianco
Santiago CARUSO - Illustrator
loish blog
cake or death
Hi. I’ve been trying some new things for a small project. Starting tomorrow, the Arludik Gallery is hosting a new show titled Merveilleux! for which I did a small ink piece.
Monday, February 20, 2012 My Blueberry Nights Saturday, February 11, 2012 Crank Wednesday, February 1, 2012