25 Different Kinds of Sugar
998StumbleUpon It just so happens that I have a wretched sweet tooth, I love to bake, and I have to watch my blood sugar—a challenging combination on the best of days. Many people are in the same boat, and there’s a lot of confusion out there about the different kinds of sweeteners available today, how to use them, and whether they are healthy and safe to use. Here is everything you ever wanted to know about sugar, plus the lowdown on all the many different types of sweeteners on the market today. Caveat Emptor
Health Journal - Health News and Health Articles
Whether you have a history of working with asbestos, you know someone who does, or you’ve simply seen the legal advertisements on TV, you’ve probably heard of a disease called mesothelioma. And as with most diseases, it can be scary if you don’t understand it and you worry that it might affect you or someone you love. Let’s try to increase our understanding of this serious condition. Here are some common questions you might have about mesothelioma, with answers and sources to help you learn more. What is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a type of cancer.
7 Truly Unusual Ways to Be Happy
We've heard about meditating, exercising, and decluttering our lives in our quest to be happy. Tried all those? Then these quirky tips are for you. By Adrienne Farr Loading
Fitness Tips For PMS Symptoms
Triggering everything from pimples to bloating, cramps to spontaneous tearful outbursts, PMS and period symptoms not only have the ability to ruin your day, but they can also put a damper on workouts. Since exercise actually alleviates many of these uncomfortable feelings, here are some of the best ways to handle common PMS symptoms while working out. Bloating: Swelling in your lower abdomen doesn't always inspire you to sport a fitted tank or leggings. Forget impressing anyone and go for comfort by wearing loose-fitting pants that have wide waistbands and a tank that hides a pooch.
The Candida Cycle
Candida’s Fuel of Choice: Sugar Yeasts, such as candida, feed on sugar. Women with recurrent vaginal yeast infections may begin to feel as if candida is a permanent fixture of their bodies, and indeed it can carry with us all our lives. That does not mean, however, that candida has to be in control of your life.
10 Ways To Naturally Lower Your Blood Sugar
High blood sugar is called hyperglycemia versus low level blood sugar which is called hypoglycemia. Blood sugar levels are considered high when they’re above 110 mg/dl first thing in the morning (assuming you weren’t midnight snacking). You can get a simple kit to monitor your blood sugar and find out what foods might be affecting you negatively and what your fasting blood glucose level is. Besides high blood sugar making you feel wonky, it can negatively affect many organs over a longer period of time.
Top running tips for 2014 New Year’s resolutions fading fast? Don’t put those trainers away just yet! Marathon runner Liz Yelling, supporter of online running community Jantastic (www.jantastic.me), has these tips for runners of all ages and stages… Start slowly and build up.
Better Habits, Better Sleep
Trouble sleeping? Beat insomnia and other sleep problems with this easy timeline to a better night's rest. from Instant Health Answers Loading There are many things you can do every morning, afternoon, and evening to greatly increase the chances that you’ll sleep deeper and longer at night. After talking to sleep experts about the best “sleep hygiene” practices, we put together the following easy daylong timeline.
Cute, Cheap Fitness Clothes Shopping
Having killer workout gear can help motivate you to stick with a routine, but that doesn't mean you have to invest in an all-Lululemon wardrobe. If you're looking for activewear that's cute, cheap, and somewhere in between a ratty old t-shirt and whole-paycheck performance wear, here are five inexpensive options. Old Navy: The retailer known for cheap basics has an activewear line that also lays the foundation for your workout wardrobe. Old Navy workout clothes include colorful tanks and tees and basic black leggings and capris, all in material that's made for fitness, like compression fit and moisture-wicking material.We like: Fold-Over Yoga Pants ($20) Target: Target's C9 by Champion collection is one of my favorite low-cost options for many reasons.
Fruit Rollups « The Copycat Cook
(Psst – looking for advice on how to eat gluten-free or dairy-free? Check out my one-to-one nutrition consulting services here.) Did you ever wrap a fruit rollup around your finger as a child, then gnaw away at it until you were left with a sticky, goopy mess? I sure did. Gross. Rest assured, I ate these fruit rollups like a grown up with the utmost dignity and decorum.
Anaerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise Anaerobic exercise is an exercise intense enough to trigger lactic acid formation. It is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power and by body builders to build muscle mass. Muscle energy systems trained using anaerobic exercise develop differently compared to aerobic exercise, leading to greater performance in short duration, high intensity activities, which last from mere seconds to up to about 2 minutes.[1][2] Any activity lasting longer than about two minutes has a large aerobic metabolic component.
How to Get Gwyneth Paltrow's Butt: Moves From Tracy Anderson
Transcript Gwyneth Paltrow has worked out with trainer Tracy Anderson and her team for six years, six days a week, and is always raving about them. And she credits Tracy and her team for getting her bum into tip-top shape. Join FitSugar as we go one on one with celebrity trainers as they show us how to get the bod of their famous client. Gwyneth has said you've taken her long, square butt and completely redesigned it. How did you do that?
5 Easy to Grow Mosquito-Repelling Plants
As the outdoor season approaches, many homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts look for ways to control mosquitoes. With all the publicity about the West Nile virus, mosquito repelling products are gaining in popularity. But many commercial insect repellents contain from 5% to 25% DEET. There are concerns about the potential toxic effects of DEET, especially when used by children.