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Canciones y ELE

Canciones y ELE

Related:  Español TOOLSgheisai

CANCIONES MI TIERRA, DE GLORIA ESTEFANGAL BOGUÑA, MONTSERRAT A partir de la visualización de la canción, se estructura una actividad relacionada con la descripción física y de carácter, que incide sobre el vocabulario de la ropa. LA TABERNA DEL BUDA, DE CAFÉ QUIJANOLUCHA CUADROS, ROSA Mª Trabajo de léxico (profesiones, nacionalidades, ropa y complementos, familia y relaciones) a partir de la audición de la canción La Taberna del Buda del grupo Café Quijano. ME QUEDO CONTIGO, DE LOS CHUNGUITOSMIELGO CASTELLANOS, JUAN LUIS Práctica basada en esta canción para revisar la comprensión auditiva y el vocabulario de las partes del cuerpo. MUÉVETE, DE RUBÉN BLADESORTEGA MORENO, JOSÉ CARLOS Explotación didáctica de la canción del título para conocer los países de América donde se habla español.

Digital Notebooks for Google Slides or PowerPoint Even though you can use the landscape digital notebook for a presentation, I though of this template for a paperless assignment. You can choose between landscape or portrait mode. It comes with 3 predesign covers, but you can create your custom cover by editing the master. These digital composition notebooks include white digital paper with no lines, grid and ruled. I also added some editable highlight shapes. Ressources pour apprendre l'espagnol Sur cette page, vous trouverez notre sélection des meilleures ressources pour apprendre l’espagnol sur le web. Les différents sites sont groupés afin de vous faciliter la navigation : il suffit de cliquer sur un des liens du plan (par ex. podcast) pour retrouver les ressources souhaitées. Nous ajoutons régulièrement du nouveau contenu.Bon apprentissage ! Apprentissage général (cours en ligne, sites généralistes, blogs…)^ Nos articles de blog pour apprendre l’espagnolNous écrivons régulièrement des articles sur le blog pour vous aider dans l’apprentissage. EspagnolFacileDe très nombreuses leçons et exercices conçus par la communauté d’EspagnolFacile.

Extra en Español #01 ►A. Answer these questions in complete sentences in SPANISH. ►►01. ¿Cómo se llama el vecino de Lola y Ana?►►02. ¿Quién es Juan? How to Use Google Keep to Stay Organized - TalkBitz How to use Google Keep? Simply, It can keep memory in your life. Wondered? We always forgot most of the things to do in our daily busy life. Conversation Topics In order to improve your language skills, your conversation with language partners should be as diverse as possible. This way you can acquire a broad vocabulary and learn all the different sentence structures in a language. Below you can find some suggestions for conversation topics that would guide you to achieve this. Spanish Proficiency Exercises Spanish Proficiency Exercises is a compilation of brief video clips in which native speakers of Spanish from various locations throughout Latin America and Spain demonstrate various language tasks. The objective of the exercises is to provide students of Spanish with the necessary tools to be able to talk about the same topics in Spanish. In order to do, this Spanish Proficiency Exercises contains five major components. First, there is a simplified video clip. This simplified version is scripted, the native speakers talks slower, and he or she uses simpler words and less slang. Second, there are video clips of native speakers who also perform the proficiency tasks.

Free Google Slides or PowerPoint School Planner 2020-2021. Free Google Slides or PowerPoint School Planner 2020-2021 with hyperlinks. Katie Digital Planner was thought more as tutorial than a template, but since it was such a hit among educators, we decided to add a new one, especially for teachers and students, this time based on the school calendar for the north hemisphere. We chose blue, but as you can see on the screen shots, it’s completely customizable, you can change colors, and even the tab names by editing the master. The cover is made of digital cardboard paper, but if you want to change its color: go to 1. Les 4 règles essentielles d'une communication orale réussie Sharebar Vous avez peur du regard de l’autre, la peur du jugement ? La peur vous empêche d’exprimer ce que vous avez de plus profond en vous.

Canciones Para Aprender Español (Songs to Learn Spanish) Listening to music a great way to learn Spanish. Not only will it help you develop new vocabulary, some songs are great examples of usage of certain verb tenses. This post aims to introduce you to some great Spanish language based music while using the lyrics to give you a killer Spanish Lesson!! ONCE Y SEIS.

How to add content on the master to avoid moving or deleting it by mistake in... Locking the teacher content. If you want your students to work on your slides, you should work on the master. If you use Google Slides for assignments or if you wish to share your file with other users to work on, but want to prevent students or collaborators to move or delete something by mistake, you can add your “do not touch” content on the master. Prepare your texts and images as you usually add them on the slides. Once you have your content ready, select it all, cut it, go to Slide > Edit Master, right click on the layout, duplicate it and paste what you cut from the slides. (Choose keep source formatting when pasting.)

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