Community Co-operative with Limited Liability, for the Mental Health Sector (KOI.S.P.E, TO.PS.Y), of the Prefecture of the Dodecanese At the beginning of the 1990’s, steps were taken to reduce the amount of people receiving asylum in Leros’ State Rehabilitative Institution because of mental illnesses. During this time, the first unofficial, co-operative therapeutic units were established.
Social Firms Europe CEFEC
General Secretary Petru Vasile Gafiuc, The Regional Association for Adult Education Suceava (AREAS), Romania Is a founder and president of AREAS, a NGO which was established in January 2005 in Suceava-Romania. He has a Law degree and master degree in Management for Adult Educations Institutes. Also he practices as a trainer and counselor in low, writing projects, community development and organizational development. From 2002 until present he was coordinator of many projects financed by Phare CBC Programs and from 2005 he is a coordinator for several projects in mental health field in cooperation with Promente OberOstericht from Austria looking to develop in special occupational therapy and professional counseling for people with mental disabilities in Suceava.
The processes of social innovation
This week’s innovation conversation is more closely aligned to the original notion of RSA-style interdisciplinary conversations. We initially framed this discussion around social enterprise, then social design, finally the broader notion of social innovation. Last weeks technology innovation conversation surprisingly concluded that it was creating new relationships that matter in technology adoption and we find some similar themes emerging here; the importance of the social context, how to enable the social processes of innovation, whilst not forgetting practical business examples already being implemented. Maverick Networks; In terms of social context Nick Jankel comments that RSA fellows in the 18th Century had “the temporal and emotional freedom to think, meet, talk and co-create The Enlightenment.” However it now seems that you need to be an institutional ‘maverick’ to become innovation.
Big Society: R.I.P.?
In my opinion Big Society is one of the most inspiring governmental initiatives … where has it gone? I have been a fan from the beginning – at its core I saw the potential for this powerful idea to disrupt and transform some of the imbalances in society that have accidentally become self-generating, arising as they have from genuinely well-meaning, but frequently out-of-date approaches to solving complex, interrelated problems. I have seen Big Society as an energising concept that could help regular citizens see the potential of deploying their own ideas, energies and talents to making and shaping where they live, moving away from viewing their immediate physical and social environments as deliverables, external to their own agency and resourcefulness.
Is Social Business Defined by Shared Value? [Infographic]
What does it mean to have a ‘social business’? The term is thrown around more than a hot potato these days and nobody can seem to pinpoint its definition. Does it mean a traditional business who engages in social media? Does it mean a business that earns revenue using social media? Does it mean a company that builds social media tools/networks?
An Open Source Approach to Medical Research (October 3, 2011)
An interview with Stephen Friend about using using open source to encourage collaboration and share health information. This is the second in a series of interviews where we speak with leading innovators who are appropriating lessons from open source thinking—once purely the domain of the software engineer—for social change. Stephen Friend is an Ashoka Fellow in the United States working to transform the culture and practice of closed information systems present in biomedical research to align with and support health outcomes by establishing a commons. He is president of Sage Bionetworks.
The Rural Initiative for the Social Economy - Ireland
RISE believes that the starting point for growth is an evaluation of your organisation as it currently exists. In assisting existing social economy enterprises and those in transition towards the social economy, RISE will introduce new quality standards in sustainability auditing. Available only to RISE participants, the Organisation Sustainability Audit will assist your organisation to analyse the current stage of development and map out pathways for its continuing sustainability. The review of sustainability is the launch pad for the remainder of the comprehensive business supports available under RISE. It is assumed that those organisations in transition towards the social economy may require most if not all of the supports available. There is the choice for your organisation to select from the available tailored support as required.
Is social enterprise suitable for all public services?
Should the UK have a social enterprise running its police force, or is there a limit to what public services social enterprises should try to run? This was the question being asked in the 'Role of social enterprise in the arena of public services' event this morning at OxfordJam – the fringe event to Oxford's Skoll World Forum. "Would Mark Duggan have been shot by a social enterprise police force?" asked session host Rodney Schwartz, chief executive of social enterprise support business ClearlySo. An advocate of social enterprise having a larger role in public services, he questioned whether a social enterprise police force might be more compassionate and fair. Plenty of participants believed social enterprise involvement in public services should be limited.
Great Leaders are First Great Human Beings…
I admit it. I still make New Year’s Resolutions. Some of them I even follow through on. Those who can look deeply into themselves develop the eyes of wisdom to see not just what is directly in front of them, but also what lies on the road ahead." (Keishu Shinso Ito) For instance, one year I pledged to quit my cushy VP job, go back to University and get a Master’s of Education in Sustainability so I could start a sustainability learning centre.
About / Galway Traveller Movement
The Galway Traveller Movement was set up as an Independant Traveller Organisation in 1994. It was established by Travellers and settled people in Galway with the ultimate aim to achieve equality and self-determination for the Traveller community in Galway city. Since its inception it has been a force in creating positive social change for Travellers with a strong emphasis on mobilising Travellers to work collectively to challenge discrimination in all its forms.
The size and scale of Chinese social entrepreneurship
Can social enterprise in China overcome its challenges? Photograph: Str/REUTERS While the social entrepreneurship field has been around for several decades in some countries, it has only begun to emerge in China in the last decade. So there is little understanding about the current organisational structures, origin, size, scope of work and impact of social enterprises in China.
Social Enterprises are businesses set up to tackle social, economic or environmental issues.
The Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Task Force (SEETF) was established in 2009 to promote social enterprise and social entrepreneurship as a viable and vibrant part of the Irish economy and society. Among its principal areas of work are: · developing and refining policy on the general area of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship · building closer contacts with government on relevant policy issues
How to build a social enterprise that makes money
Mixing money making with social mission is not alwasy easy in social enterprise. Photograph: Martin Barraud/Getty Images "If you're not making money, that's a nice hobby you've got there!" Blunt commercial advice from a blunt commercial adviser. But it was exactly the advice social entrepreneur Jude Ower, founder of online gaming company PlayMob, wanted. For Jude, a 'highly commercial' approach is the best way to help the charities PlayMob supports.