Objectivity in Journalism is a Fallacy
by Christopher Paslay Sean Hannity recently stated on his radio program that “journalism is dead in America.” He made this comment in response to the attacks the media is waging against republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Although I agree with Hannity that Palin’s private life has been tastelessly scrutinized, I find it interesting that Hannity buys into the myth that there’s such a thing as a “fair and balanced” news media. Total objectivity in journalism is a fallacy. Hunter S.
My AGL IQ and eWise tools help families curb power use
Hugo and Filiz Karahan, along with their children (left to right) Rasul, 18, Kadir, 23 and Adem, 22, who are using My AGL IQ to cut energy use at their Melbourne home. Picture: Tim Carrafa Source: News Limited FIND out how to save on your energy bills by completing the My Energy IQ Quiz at www.news.com.au/myenergyiq, and be in the running to win a year's supply of free energy from AGL. Prize available in NSW, SA, QLD and VIC. WE'VE compared lawns and cars with our neighbours' for generations - now energy companies are tapping in to the notion of "keeping up with the Joneses" to help households in keeping down their energy bills.
World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - Guatemala : Maya
Updated July 2008 Profile The majority of indigenous peoples in Guatemala are of Mayan descent. The Maya are essentially a regional group. In all an estimated 5 million Mayans live in the different Central American countries,
Substantive Objectivity: Embracing a Journalistic Norm of Verification
by Matthew L. Schafer Press critics love to discuss journalistic objectivity – or more to the point, whether such a thing actually exists at all. With the press (or at least cable television) returning to its partisan roots, it is unsurprising that journalistic objectivity is receiving renewed attention.
PM - Power company accepts it breached consumer law 21/05/2013
DAVID MARK: The energy company AGL has been fined more than one-and-a-half million dollars for engaging door-to-door salesmen who used lies and tricks to persuade people to change electricity providers. The marketing company involved, CPM, has also been fined. CPM says it was an isolated incident and insists its salesman saved the customer $120 on his power bill. Simon Lauder reports.
The Maya Indian Community of Guatemala
Printer-friendly version Profile The most populous country in Central America, Guatemala is also the only nation in the region where Maya Indian groups actually make up a majority of the population. These indigenous communities include the Maya K’iche, Kaqchikel, Mam, and Q’eqchi, among some 20 others.
Bible is standard for objectivity in journalism, Olasky says - Florida Baptist Witness
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)-All journalists are shaped by their worldviews, and the only way to bring true objectivity to journalism is to be shaped by the worldview of the Bible, Marvin Olasky said at the Baptist Press Excellence in Journalism Banquet in Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 7. The banquet-the culminating event of the sixth annual Baptist Press national Collegiate Journalism Conference-featured award presentations for students achieving excellence in the fields of print journalism, photojournalism, broadcasting, web design and yearbook. Olasky is editor-in-chief of World magazine, a syndicated columnist and a professor at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of 17 books, and his writing has appeared in such newspapers at The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and USA Today. "Only when we take up these biblical lenses can we see things as they really are," Olasky said.
EnergyAustralia facing 'difficult' conditions
China Light and Power has warned that its EnergyAustralia unit is facing continued "difficult" trading conditions, with little respite expected anytime soon. "Market conditions in Australia remain difficult," the Hong Kong company told shareholders in a quarterly trading update on Monday. "Suppressed wholesale prices, declining energy demand, regulatory uncertainty and intense retail competition are continuing to exert considerable pressure on the financial performance of the business." Along with Origin Energy and AGL, EnergyAustralia is one of the three largest integrated power utilities in Australia, operating a suite of power stations along with holding around a quarter of the electricity market.
Mystery of the Maya - The Maya today
The Maya today number about six million people, making them the largest single block of indigenous peoples north of Peru. Some of the largest Maya groups are found in Mexico, the most important of these being the Yucatecs (300,000), the Tzotzil (120,000) and the Tzeltal (80,000). The Yucatecs live on the warm and tropical Yucatán Peninsula, and the Tzotzil and Tzeltal live in the highlands of Chiapas. Other large Maya groups include the Quiché and Cakchiquel Maya of Guatemala, the Chontal and Chol Maya of Mexico, and the Kekchi Maya of Belize. Each of the 31 Maya groups throughout Central America speaks a different, mutually unintelligible language, although all belong to the Mayan language family.
Objectivity in journalism faces more questions in the age of new media : Making It Better
Objectivity is one of those cardinal principles of journalism which denotes that journalists and media houses should be impartial in their reporting and coverage. There has been a long standing debate on whether journalists and media houses are indeed or can be objective. Many media houses will insist and market themselves as the most of objective newspaper, radio or television station. The New Vision and Daily Monitor recently were tousling using statistics from the same report each saying it is the most objective and trusted newspaper in Uganda. Many media houses always advertise themselves as objective and thus what they report or say should be trusted. Journalists covering an event
Origin Energy to provide free in-home displays
Phil Craig, Executive GM, Origin Energy Sydney, Australia — (METERING.COM) — June 14, 2013 – Sydney based Origin Energy is to supply a free in-home display to customers in Victoria with a smart meter who sign up to the company’s Smart DailySaver rate plan. In addition customers will get up to 10 percent discount on their electricity usage charges for 12 months. The device, which Origin Energy says has a value of Au$150 (US$144), connects wirelessly to the smart meter and with its color display shows electricity usage and costs, as well as historical data.
The Mayans still face poverty to this day, one of these reasons is because most can’t get a high paying job. The reason that most can’t get a job like that is due to the fact that they got reduced to poverty and slavery so none of the parents even earned any money for the family's well living so they clearly didn't have money for education, just as the Native Americans. by mayanempire Oct 31