28 Creative PowerPoint and Keynote Presentation Designs
There’s a certain art to putting together a solid presentation and PowerPoint and Keynote are the primary tools of the trade. The “art” comes into play when you’re trying to set yourself apart; so how you use the tools is of great importance. Often it is the design of the presentation itself that does the trick. In an effort to help you put together a great-looking presentation, here are 28 examples of creative presentation designs using Powerpoint and Keynote: 1. 1 Billion Hungry Project 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 40 More Slides + Memorable Quotes from Cannes Lions 2010 17. 18. 100 Beautiful Slides from Cannes Lions 2010 19. 20. 21. 22. 8 Minutes for Creative Refreshment 23. 24. 25. 2010 And Beyond 26. 27. 28. Presentation Resources There are plenty of great resources online for presentation design, here are a few: Know any other great resources? Popular search terms for this article: Mike Vardy an editor on Work Awesome. Sponsored Content
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Top 20 Best PowerPoint Presentation Designs
Looking for the best PowerPoint presentations to inspire you? We searched high and low to provide you with an out of this world list of the best PowerPoint presentation designs. Presentations don’t only have to be used the day of your pitch. Now with sites like SlideShare, presentations are a great medium for creating unique content. From Slideshares to Ted Talks, here’s a top 20 list of the best PowerPoint presentation designs.
The 10 Most Important Secrets of Powerful Presenters
I am one of those people who loves giving speeches and presentations. From what I have heard, I’m in a minority. Many people dislike giving speeches, but I’ve always had a hard time understanding that. My delight in giving talks is probably tied up with my love of theatre, my desire to be the center of attention (although I am actually an introvert), and my need for approval (and hence applause).
In the Trenches: Fighting Racism Online
Out in the real world, few people would proudly proclaim that they are racists. On the internet, things are different: The anonymity of the online world makes it easier for people to express racist viewpoints and make observations that they might feel too embarrassed to share in the offline world. Peer pressure is doing its damndest to stamp out racism out in the real world. Now, through the power of ridicule and peer pressure, the internet has taken up the fight online. Here are five sites that have thrown themselves into battle:
Keep Your Desktop Neat and Tidy With These Built-in Organization Wallpapers
I second that, Fences is an amazing program that honestly microsoft should start building into windows. For those of you who don't know what fences is, it is a program that runs and allows you to make areas on your desktop and label them, you can then throw as many icons as you want into those areas. The areas are scrollable so you can hide away many of your icons to get a cleaner look while still having access to everything. It also keeps all your icons organized when you change resolutions, so when you update your graphics driver you don't have to sort your desktop out anymore. Best of all the basic version is free. I third this. stardock fences is great.
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