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Spreadsheets - Berkeley Advanced Media Institute Tutorial: Spreadsheets Introduction A spreadsheet is a software program you use to easily perform mathematical calculations on statistical data and, such as totaling long columns of numbers or determining percentages and averages. And if any of the raw numbers you put into your spreadsheet should change – if you obtain final figures to substitute for preliminary ones, for example – the spreadsheet will update all the calculations you’ve performed based on the new numbers. You also can use a spreadsheet to generate data visualizations like charts to display the statistical information you’ve compiled on a website. You can use free applications like Google Docs to create a spreadsheet.

  Vietnam-Era Prisoner-of-War/Missing-in-Action Database   This database of over 160,000 records is designed to assist researchers in accessing U.S. Government documents pertaining to U.S. unaccounted-for military personnel from the Vietnam conflict as of December 1991. The title of this collection is "Correlated and Uncorrelated Information Relating to Missing Americans in Southeast Asia." The U.S. China Biographical Database Project (CBDB) Social network analysis (SNA) provides an alternative to the factor-based approach in L. Stone's discussion of prosopography. Charles Wetherell writes: “Conceptualizing community as collections of personal relationships … provides historians with a blueprint for evaluating when, how and why people in the past used kin and non-kin in the course of their lives.

Biological Imaging - Morphbank Morphbank :: Biological Imaging is a continuously growing database of images that scientists use for international collaboration, research and education. Images deposited in Morphbank :: Biological Imaging document a wide variety of research including: specimen-based research in comparative anatomy, morphological phylogenetics, taxonomy and related fields focused on increasing our knowledge about biodiversity. The project receives its main funding from the Biological Databases and Informatics program of the National Science Foundation (Grant DBI-0446224). Morphbank :: Biological Imaging was established in 1998 by a Swedish-Spanish-American group of entomologists and is currently housed at the School of Computational Science (SCS) at Florida State University. The project has grown immensely since its beginnings and presently includes a team of 15 biologists, computer scientists and information scientists who are working on developing the software.

Download Mathematica Developing, designing and building both software and hardware solutions require efficient tools for processing data and making the most out of the available information. Mathematica is an industry standard when it comes to computing data and integrating the results into professional workflows. Powerful simulation and visualization for both beginners and professionals Moreover, Mathematica is a development platform that will help you model, simulate, visualize, document and deploy a wide range of engineering projects, whether you are working at an industrial level or on a school assignment. In addition, Mathematica is based on a very flexible symbolic language and uses automation on virtually each and every one of its tools, whether it deals with computation, visualization or development. Designed from the get-go to help you work seamlessly with a large variety of programming paradigms

Data Visualization: Basics Tutorial: Data Visualization: Basics Introduction Data visualizations, frequently referred to as information graphics, are a powerful tool that will inform and educate your readers. Rossetti Archive Introduction to the of the Rossetti Archive WE present here the fourth of four projected installments of the Rossetti Archive. Center for Spatial Research On the eve of an historic and controversial peace agreement in Colombia we have launched an investigation into the spatial characteristics of the decades long conflict between multiple state and non-state actors in the country. We have provisionally titled this research Conflict Urbanism: Colombia. Our work is still in the beginning phases. We have formed a relationship with the interdisciplinary M.A. Program in Peacebuilding at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá.

ODLIS — Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science In classification, one of the distinguishing characteristics of a class, identified as a means of differentiating it from other classes. As defined in FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records), one of a set of characteristics enabling users of information to formulate queries and evaluate responses when searching for information about a specific entity. Attributes can be inherent in the entity (physical characteristics, labeling information, etc.) or supplied by an external agent (assigned identifiers, contextual information, etc.).

Answer All of Your Hashtag Questions With These 7 Incredible Tools <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic.<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> Hashtags are the biggest thing to happen to social media since, well, social media.

Extreme Presentation Tools - Extreme Presentation We’ve consolidated all the most useful tools from the Extreme Presentation method here. Feel free to contact us and let us know if there is anything you would like us to add. The tools are below. In each case, click on the link below the image, not on the image itself.

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