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Blow - On the Cutting Edge Exhibition

Blow - On the Cutting Edge Exhibition
Related:  Arts

Everything but the Paper Cut: Eye-popping Ways Artists Use Paper In the year since the Museum of Art and Design reopened in its new digs on Columbus Circle, they've been delivering consistently compelling shows--from punk-rock lace to radical knitting experiments. The newest, "Slash: Paper Under the Knife", opened last weekend and runs through April 4, 2010. The focus is paper--and the way contemporary artists have used paper itself as a medium, whether by cutting, tearing, burning, or shredding. In all, the show features 50 artists and a dozen installations made just for the show, including Andreas Kocks's Paperwork #701G (in the Beginning), seen above. Here's a sampling of the other works on display: Mia Pearlman's Eddy: Ferry Staverman, A Space Odesey: A detail of a sprawling work by Andrew Scott Ross, Rocks and Rocks and Caves and Dreams: Lane Twitchell's Peaceable Kingdom (Evening Land): Béatrice Coron, WaterCity: Between the Lines, by Ariana Boussard-Reifel: A book with every single word cut out:

Review: Duma Key « Book Chatter Duma KeyBy Stephen King (Scribner, Hardcover, 9781416552512, January 2008, 624pp.) The Short of It: Once again, King pulls you in with his vivid imagination, colorful characters and wry sense of humor. The Rest of It: I’ve got a thing for King. After surviving a construction accident that nearly kills him, Edgar is forced to come to terms with his new life. Why I loved this book: Memorable characters. When I mentioned that I was reading this one, a lot of you said that you were looking forward to the audio version. Needless to say, I added this to my list of faves for this year even though it’s not literary or considered one of those “must-read-before-you-die” books. Source: Borrowed. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Like this: Like Loading... Filed under: Book Review Tagged: | Art, © 2011 Book Chatter, Book Review, Duma Key, Fave Reads, Favorites, Fiction, Florida, Stephen King, Thriller

One man, 100,000 toothpicks, and 35 years: An incredible kinetic sculpture of San Francisco Thirty five years ago I had yet to be born, but artist Scott Weaver had already begun work on this insanely complex kinetic sculpture, Rolling through the Bay, that he continues to modify and expand even today. The elaborate sculpture is comprised of multiple “tours” that move pingpong balls through neighborhoods, historical locations, and iconic symbols of San Francisco, all recreated with a little glue, some toothpicks, and an incredible amount of ingenuity. He admits in the video that there are several toothpick sculptures even larger than his, but none has the unique kinetic components he’s constructed. Via his website Weaver estimates he’s spent over 3,000 hours on the project, and the toothpicks have been sourced from around the world: I have used different brands of toothpicks depending on what I am building. See the sculpture for yourself at the Tinkering Studio through the end of June.

hb24 - Böhm Stirling-Technik Finished model | Kit A vacuum motor that transports you back to the eighteenth century. The „Classic Smoking” transports you back to the year 1758, when Henry Wood patented the vacuum motor (also referred to as “flame eater”). Technical Data This could also interest you HB22 Smoking Colt Der Sound dieses Vakuummotors erinnert an den Lanz Bulldog W1 Windmühle Dieses hochwertige Aluminiummodell versetzt Sie in die Antike zurück HB26 Twin Bridge Ein Doppelzylinder, der sich als externer Antrieb einsetzen lässt R3 Riesenrad Das Riesenrad des Wiener Prater, passend zu unseren Stirlingmotoren HB32 Twin Tattoo Außergewöhnliches Design und zwei Zylinder in perfekter Harmonie Popular iPhone Cases Popular All « PrevNext » « Prev1234 ... 80Next » Video Transcript What is art? From the materials we use to the hands that ply them, we match the care that goes into everything we make to that of the artist that designed it. It begins with those thousands of artists entrusting their original work to another. It's the craftsmen that process, sort, inspect and pack your case. It's the high density materials that ensure premium protection. It's the proprietary inks that mean the design you buy is the design you get. All together, thousands of steps were taken to make your iPhone Case. This is our process. This is our art.

50 Watts Maladies Mentales Images from Le Livre de la Sante by Joseph Handler (Monte Carlo: Andre Sauret, 1968) volume 10: L'homme et son Esprit 2. View the entire series Une cure de sommeil, illus. by Hartley L'homme et son esprit, illus. Consequences des frustrations affectives dans la premiere enfance, illus. by Jean Alessandrini Maladies mentales et classes sociales, collage by Schmid Boxe et traumatisme cranien, photo Howard Sochurek-Magnum Les centres de la fatigue nerveuse, illus. Les relations du malade avec son medecin, illus. by Schmid Le psychanalyse, illus. by Patergnani La lutte contre l'alcoolisme, document Comite national de Defense contre l'Alcoolisme 'Le labyrinthe,' illus. Types psychiques et somatiques d'apres Thooris, Sheldon et Kretschmer Four blown-up details from the spread for "Les States de l'Eros," illustrations by Chaillet (channeling Hans Bellmer):

Knitting and Crochet Patterns in Art: Extreme Knitting, Banksy Tribute at While some people may think knitting and crocheting are just for grandmas, that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, in the last few years, there has been a huge resurgence in these techniques, and the projects go far beyond scarves and gloves. Crocheted and knitted artworks have taken the world by storm, both on the street—a movement referred to as “knit graffiti,” “yarn bombing” and “urban knitting”—and in modern art circles alike. Loved for the humanizing quality it lends to everyday objects, the medium continues to attract artists, who have no doubt been inspired by the pioneering works below. "Locker Room" Through his artwork, New York–based artist Nathan Vincent works to gender-neutralize objects associated with overt masculinity. Banksy Tribute “Captured” In 2009, textile artist Liliana Crespi installed a group of three 6- to 8-foot-wide "spiderwebs" at Sculpture Key West, an art festival in Key West, Florida. Unnamed Mexico City Bus Faces “Piano Dentelle” (“Lace Piano”)

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