Phone Scoop
Facebook's Paper App for iPhone Refreshed with New Features Facebook today made Paper version 1.1 available to the iPhone. Paper re-encapsulates Facebook content and presents it in a more appealing digital magazine. Today's update adds a number of new features including: birthdays and other events, photo commenting, group updates, new story buttons, more article covers, and accessibility options. Paper is only available to the iPhone at the moment, though Facebook said an Android version is in the works. Paper 1.1 for iPhone is free to download from the iTunes App Store.
Android Updates
Sony is beginning to roll out the Android 4.4 KitKat update for several of its Xperia devices, including the Xperia Z1, the Xperia Z1 Compact, and the Xperia Z Ultra. The update includes the latest and greatest from Google’s Android team, as well as some tweaks and updated features from Sony. Aside from updating the guts of the software to Android 4.4, Sony is including a tweaked status bar and quick notification toggles and some interface revamps to make it feel more similar to Sony’s own Playstation 4. The update also updates Sony’s native apps on the devices, including apps like MyXperia, Smart Connect, and Smart Social Camera, and several of Sony’s other media apps are getting cloud integration with Sony Entertainment Network. » Read the rest
Your 5 Customers, or How To Sell To Damn Near Anybody
I will try to be brief. Please understand that it has taken me five years to write this article, so if I cannot be brief, please forgive me. Long ago, before I started this company and before I started this blog, I realized there was something wrong with marketing and sales training. It wasn’t right. It’s not that it wasn’t working, per se.
Cell Phone Plans: Expert and User Reviews
Total of 17 Sources For an explanation of how we rank reviews, see our ratings criteria page. 2013 U.S.
Autoblog — We Obsessively Cover The Auto Industry
Major Cell Phone Carrier Says You Shouldn’t Be Surprised They Were Ranked Worst Provider by Consumer Reports
Sprint fell to the bottom of Consumer Reports’ ranking of wireless providers — but the cell phone carrier says users shouldn’t be surprised. “While the findings in the Consumer Reports’ survey are disappointing, they’re not necessarily surprising,” a Sprint representative said, according to CNET. “We’ve asked customers during the past year to ‘pardon our dust’ as we build out and upgrade our network.” “[T]he findings…they’re not necessarily surprising”
U.S. Cellular reviews and ratings
Share your opinion and experience with this device. Influence others and their buying decisions, or just make your voice heard! 1.0 overallDOUCHEBAGS !By Ronald Wilson, posted: 6:52 PMhello better was actually hello more customers please believe our LIES ..sign up then we change the contract you are in..
Readers' Choice Awards 2013: Smartphones and Mobile Carriers
Apple or Samsung? iOS or Android? AT&T or Verizon Wireless? t often boils down to epic battles like these in the mobile communications world. That's why it's always very grounding when we call on the members of the PCMag community to find out which companies are delivering the top products, services, and support to their customers. As you'll see from the results from this year's survey on smartphones and mobile carriers, the companies rated best are not always the companies with the greatest market share or most charismatic CEO.
Which company offers the best cell-phone service?
cell-phone Herb Weisbaum NBC News contributor Nov. 21, 2013 at 12:52 PM ET We love our mobile phones. It’s hard to imagine life without them.