Startkit – en termins arbete med BFL | Kvutis Startkitsupplägget, som består av åtta lärmoduler, är tänkt för att komma igång med kollegialt arbete med BFL. Klicka på bilden för att komma till startkitet Innehåll i startkit1 Förutsättningar2 Upplägg och innehåll3 Annat stödmaterial
Why Teach Meets ROCK! | From the Sandpit.... “Teaching without Twitter is like walking around with your eyes closed” (unknown) “It’s time to realise that teachers who leverage social media for learning are at a greater advantage than those who don’t” (@gcouros) “Teaching without Twitter is like playing tennis with a golf club” (@joe_kirby) “I had no one to speak to about this stuff before Twitter. It’s a revelation to find out I’m not alone. I could not agree more with the quotes above, Twitter has been a revelation and an eye opener to the many fabulous professional learning opportunities, I did not even know existed 4 months ago….Teach Meets for example!! I admit to also being fascinated by the Teachmeet phenomenon, a self confessed CPD geek and magpie, my own Twitter handle @Dubai_Teachmeet was an attempt to set up such CPD events, where I teach in the UAE.. professional development at grass roots level, bottom up, by teachers for teachers, exactly the way it should be! TM Presentation here Problem? Helen’s #TMLondon Blog post
PARCC Integrating Technology Resources 5 Minute Marking Plan by @TeacherToolkit and @LeadingLearner Marking is an occupational hazard for all teachers. Whilst the “5 Minute Marking Plan” can’t do your marking for you (sadly) it will help you focus on the job in hand and help ensure you maximise your students’ learning and your own. This planner adds to a growing number of 5 Minute Plans produced by @TeacherToolkit including the “5 Minute Lesson Plan” and the “5 Minute Assembly Plan” which are available on @TeacherToolkit’s website. The thinking that underpins the plan seeks to highlight those elements of marking that have greatest impact on learning, namely: Sharing the key marking points (you may refer to these as success criteria). The time spent on marking students’ work must also help you identify common errors, so you can: Require students to correct and improve their workRe-teach elements of the lesson, scheme of work, programme of study or syllabus to help close key gaps in students’ knowledge, understanding or skillsInform future teaching programmes The big picture? Like this:
Dissecting Formative Assessment – Post Two In our first post in this series, we mentioned the five strategies that Dylan Wiliam has identified as core to successful formative assessment practice in the classroom. To recap they are: 1. Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and criteria for success 2. Engineering effective classroom discussions, activities, and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning 3. 4. 5. Our first post dissected the first strategy – clarifying, sharing and understanding learning intentions and criteria for success. In general, many classroom discussions consist of lower-order questions (closed end questions, yes/no questions) which are answered by a few motivated students. + 54% were managerial – What are you working on now? + 38% were lower-order thinking – What is war? + 8% were higher-order thinking – How might life be different if peace were declared in the Middle East? + asking higher-order questions, + collecting responses simultaneously from all students…
Vikten av effektiv feedback - sluta sätt ut betyg! - Sara Bruun I mitt förra inlägg skrev jag om hur du kan ge snabb och indivduell feedback genom att använda Google Formulär och Flubaroo . Idag fortsätter jag skriva om vikten av feedback, hur du kan arbeta smartare och bli mer effektiv i ditt arbete. Inför dagens text har jag läst en riktigt bra bok i ämnet- Återkoppling för utveckling av Helena Wallberg. (Gothiafortbildning 2015) I Helenas bok finns många tankeställare, men bäst av allt väldigt tydliga och konkreta exempel på hur du kan arbeta med feedback i ditt klassrum. Mitt eget mål för läsåret 2015/2016 var att utveckla sättet jag ger feedback på. Vi lärare måste alltså undervisa eleverna om hur de använder sig av feedback och att tanken faktiskt är att de ska lära sig något av de kommentarer de får. Själv har jag fastnat för att ge muntliga kommentarer genom att jag skärminspelar elevernas uppsatser. Ett annat toppentillägg att använda är Kaizena. Lycka till! / Sara Här kan du se hur Kaizena fungerar:
So what is #Stickability? by @TeacherToolkit and @Head_StMarys Stickability is a term used within the notable 5 Minute Lesson Plan. I have decided to write a short post, based on the demand for clarification. Definition: What is ‘stickability’? So, that’s the definition (above quote). Do your lessons have ‘staying power?’ (or preferably, ‘sticking power’?) Do your lessons have ‘sticking power?’ Regardless of all the other content written within The 5 Minute Lesson Plan, ‘Stickability’ is fundamentally what learning and lesson planning should be all about. What is the fundamental aspect of the lesson, you need students to learn? And questions to ask yourself (the following lesson)? How will you know that it has stuck? Twitter-collaboration: I would like to quote a Twitter-colleague Stephen Tierney, Headteacher of St. Developments via Twitter I make reference to @Head_StMarys and a photo-quote – shown below – due to the following lesson planning structure Stephen has shared: ‘Outstanding’ teaching focuses on ‘the learning’ and not the planning, or activities.
I Teach Bay 6 Steps to Add Voice Comments to Google Docs Here is a step by step guide to show you how you can add " Voice Comments " within your Google Docs. This application is developed by 121 Writing. Here is how you can do it : 1- Head over to your Google Docs and click on " Create". scroll down to the bottom and click on "connect more apps " 2- Type in the word " voice " in the search panel then click on connect in front of " voice comments " 3- Go back to your Google Docs and right click on the document you want to add voice comments to then select open with voice comments 4- The document will open in a new window, click on the record button as shown in the screenshot below. 5- To share your voice feedback click on " share with collaborators ". You and your collaborators can access it Google Docs via the "Comments" button on the top-right corner beside the Share button.
Dissecting Formative Assessment - Post One Dylan Wiliam has identified five strategies that he has come to believe are core to successful formative assessment practice in the classroom. Over the next five formative assessment blog posts, we’ll break each strategy down for better understanding of how it fits into the big picture of formative assessment. First, here are his five strategies: 1. Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and criteria for success 2. 3. 4. 5. This blog will cover the first of the five strategies – clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and the criteria for success. Setting expectations is crucial in so many aspects of life, whether on the job, on the playing field, or in the classroom. In 2000, C.A. Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and what creates success transcends teachers, students and peers.
Formativ feedback – JL Skolutveckling Jag har skrivit om summativ och formativ feedback tidigare och att det inte är något motsatsförhållande mellan dessa (som en del hävdar (det ena anses ofta som fult och det andra anses ofta som fint)), utan att bägge ska användas i ett målstyrt system, men vid rätt tillfällen och på rätt sätt. Jag har också skrivit om att det finns många lärare som skriver långa formativa kommentarer, men som inte har lärt/tränat eleverna att ta emot och använda sig av formativa kommentarer och som därmed gör en massa arbete (med väldigt låg verkningsgrad) i princip i onödan och som får en arbetsbelastning som inte är rimlig eller hållbar. Idag såg jag en film som innehöll en bild som illustrerade precis det jag tänkt på på ett illustrativt sätt. Det är Martin Lackéus på Chalmers som gjort en film om formativ bedömning. Exempel för att totala antalet bedömningar för läraren ska bli 100 stycken: Jag skulle vilja lägga till att med 25 elever kan man göra 4 bedömningar per elev. Källor:
#GoodinTen – Requires Improvement CPD programme, by @TeacherToolkit #SLTchat Classroom teachers; aspiring leaders; educational experts and senior teachers come together online – most Sunday evenings – to discuss the following school leadership topics as part of #SLTchat (Sundays 8pm). You can find links to SLTchat (and this discussion) here. What I am about to share, was formulated out of discussions that took place during 2nd June 2013: Improving teaching and learning for teachers with low motivation?How do you improve ‘Requires Improvement’ teachers? #SLTchat 2nd June 2013: The results were collated from a choice of 6 topics and voted for by anyone. Click to visit the web-poll You can find the full archives of this particular debate, here; The series of tweets that instigated this post are shown below: Click to go directly to the tweet and my tweet-response to this question was: Sharing good practice: As a result, I am sharing a new CPD programme I have curated for teaching staff. The programme: What if?
Science The State Board of Education has adopted the more rigorous Ohio Revised Science Content Standards as part of Ohio's New Learning Standards for academic learning. The Kindergarten - Grade 12 Ohio's New Learning Standards will be fully in use in Ohio classrooms by 2014-2015, when assessments that align to the standards are in place. ODE encourages districts to start implementing these Ohio New Learning Standards in Science now to better prepare students for 2014-2015 and beyond. Achieve released April 9, 2013, the final version of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). As a lead state in the national initiative, Ohio will review the document to determine what future action should be taken. Content Standards and Model Curricula In October 2013, Career Connections strategies were added to the Instructional Strategies in the model curricula. Ohio Mathematics and Science Partnership Program Grant Problems and Ideas Related State Developed Assessments – Science and Social Studies