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How to create animated presentations. PowToon - The PowerPoint Alternative

How to create animated presentations. PowToon - The PowerPoint Alternative

10 Unexpected Things That Will Radically Improve Your Life Platitudes won't help you. I know, I've tried to implement them all. They're frustrating. Go for it! Live for today! Stay motivated! No kidding. I'm more interested in how we can radically improve our lives. Here are 10 unexpected things you can do daily to radically improve your life: 1. Four years ago when I launched my agency Silverback Social, I just did it. I still remove the "how" from most of our agency issues. Obsessing over your "how" will only lead you to full-on panic. 2. My dress shirts and suits are all custom-made. When you have clothes that fit well, you feel better. I can select any shirt in my closet and know that the fit is perfect and I will feel and look great all day. 3. Meditation can reduce stress, improve your concentration, and increase happiness. When you're washing your hands today, slow down and really think about how you're washing your hands. Realize that your thoughts and feelings aren't you. 4. I'm also smart enough to know that you can overdo anything. 5.

PowToon LearningApps - interactive and multimedia learning blocks The Miracle Morning, ou comment obtenir la vie dont vous rêvez, en vous levant plus tôt J’ai tendance à lire tous les livres de productivité et développement personnel sur lesquels je peux mettre la main. “The Miracle Morning” est l’un de ceux qui m’ont été les plus bénéfiques. Je me suis dit que ça valait bien un article pour partager ses enseignements. Si vous aimez tout avoir en un minimum de temps, où si vous n’êtes pas fan de l’anglais, j’ai fait un résumé du livre que vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement à la fin de la page. Les 4 idées-clés de « The Miracle Morning » Vivre la vie de ses rêves, ce n’est pas impossible.Il faut se fixer les bons objectifs.Prendre conscience des obstacles qui nous empêchent de les atteindre.Prendre un moment, chaque jour, pour se préparer et créer son parcours vers la réussite (vous l’avez compris, il s’agit du matin). Qui est Hal Elrod et pourquoi veut-il qu’on se lève plus tôt ? À 20 ans, Hal Elrod est heurté par un conducteur ivre à plus de 100km/h. Aujourd’hui, Elrod marche. Ce que l’on apprend de « The Miracle Morning »

How To Create a Presentoon #1 DISEGNI DA COLORARE GRATIS ONLINE, giochi gratis da colorare, disegni gratis per bambini Giochi gratis per bambini COLORARE Puoi trovare anche giochi in flash didattici (matematica, logica, geografia, inglese) e giochi gratis di puro divertimento: BEN 10, cartoni animati, Gormiti, Hello Kitty, Winx, Winnie the Pooh, Avatar, Era glaciale,truccare le modelle, arredare meravigliose camerette, memoria, Bratz, gare di auto e di moto, fantastici puzzle, disegni da colorare on line, giochi strapparisate e creare on line! E per altri giochi, ricordate che i bambini hanno una caratteristica straordinaria: riescono a creare divertimento e gioco con qualsiasi cosa. Date loro la parte centrale di cartone duro di un rotolone di carta e lo vedrete diventare un lancia missili, un binocolo, un'arma segreta, una spada, una paletta del vigile... Date loro dei fogli di carta e li vedrete diventare teatro di disegnini improvvisati, scenari inaspettati, scritte in cui esprimono quel che li stuzzica o li affascina..

Comment gérer ses articles D'habitude, la remise des prix igNobel est l'occasion d'un article ici. Mais plutôt que de vous résumer les recherches les plus loufoques primées comme d'autres l'ont très bien fait, je vais plutôt les utiliser comme exemples en terminant enfin l'article promis à la fin de "Comment gérer sa bibliothèque". Un scientifique, ça lit beaucoup. Et vite, souvent en diagonale, voire seulement l' "abstract" et les "références". L'abstract pour décider si l'article mérite une lecture plus approfondie, et les "références" listées en fin d'article pour identifier d'autres articles potentiellement intéressants à lire. Pour une thèse, comptez un bon millier d'articles à bibliographier, dont quelques centaines à citer dans vos propres articles et mémoire. Et là vous allez découvrir la jungle. Pas étonnant donc que les premiers logiciels de gestion bibliographiques datent des tout débuts de l'informatique personnelle. Alors, Zotero ou Mendeley ? Références:

How To Create a Presentoon #2 My Company Tried Slack For Two Years. This Is Why We Quit. Three years ago, our remote company joined Slack. Until then, we had relied on a mix of email and an internal tool called Wedoist for all our communication. But our steadily growing team based across several time zones made it hard to stay on the same page and feel cohesive. Something had to change. But then, two years in, we decided to quit Slack cold turkey. Group chat apps like Slack are built for a specific kind of communication –one-line-at-a-time, real-time conversations. Related: Slacklash: Group Messaging Apps Are Stressing Some People Out It Was Addictive Because conversations in Slack happen on a one-way conveyor belt, our team began feeling like they had to stay constantly connected to keep up. It Was Built For Shallow Conversations Slack was useful for quickly checking on things, but we found that it was a troublesome channel for big-picture discussions. Even when conversations stayed on topic, everything still required an immediate response. It Was Disorganized Real Time Off

How To Create a Presentoon #3 Productivity Isn’t About Time Management. It’s About Attention Management. According to conventional wisdom about time management, you’re supposed to set goals for when you want to finish a task. I decided to try it for this article. The target was 1,200 words, so I sat down at 8 a.m. and gave myself three hours, which would allow me to write at the leisurely pace of six words per minute. I then spent the next six minutes writing a grand total of zero words, staring at a flashing cursor. The only task I completed was a Google search of whether the cursor was named in honor of all the writers who have cursed it. (Yes, I know you’re mocking me, you poor blinking excuse for a rectangle.) Eventually I got frustrated and shifted to attention management. So instead of focusing on how quickly I wanted to finish this article, I asked why I agreed to write it in the first place: I might learn something new when synthesizing the research; I’d finally have somewhere to point people when they ask about productivity; and it might help some of those people.

Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown Have you ever found yourself stretched too thin? Do you sometimes feel overworked and underutilized? Do you feel motion sickness instead of momentum? Does your day sometimes get hijacked by someone else’s agenda? Have you ever said “yes” simply to please and then resented it? If you answered yes to any of these, the way out is the Way of the Essentialist. The Way of the Essentialist involves doing less, but better, so you can make the highest possible contribution. The Way of the Essentialist isn’t about getting more done in less time. In Essentialism, Greg McKeown draws on experience and insight from working with the leaders of the most innovative companies in the world to show how to achieve the disciplined pursuit of less. By applying a more selective criteria for what is essential, the pursuit of less allows us to regain control of our own choices so we can channel our time, energy and effort into making the highest possible contribution toward the goals and activities that matter.
