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Turmeric Tea Recipe

Turmeric Tea Recipe
For a while it felt like someone was sticking a hot poker between my shoulder blades, particularly if I moved my neck in certain directions, like left or right. And the mornings? Ouch. I'm not entirely sure what I did, but I think it might have something to do with lifting sixty pound boxes up stairs. Over and over. Apologies for the complaining, but it was something that had been bothering me for the past few weeks, and nothing was really helping until it occurred to me to bump up the turmeric in my diet. One thing - use mildly hot water here, but not boiling - to help preserve the properties of the raw honey. - More Turmeric Recipes - - More Drink Recipes - Turmeric tends to stain anything it comes into contact with, so be careful. 1/3 cup / 80 ml good, raw honey 2 1/2 teaspoons dried turmeric lemon lots of freshly ground black pepper Work the turmeric into the honey until it forms a paste. For each cup of tea, place a heaping teaspoon of the turmeric paste in the bottom of a mug.

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