A Crash Course on Creativity
With the power to cross borders and languages, music serves as a compelling tool for unlocking creative potential. Creativity: Music to My Ears is a six week course designed to explore several factors that stimulate creativity in individuals, teams, and organizations. In each session we will focus on a different variable related to creativity, such as reframing problems, connecting and combining ideas, and challenging assumptions. All of the projects in this experiential course will deal with some aspect of music, including listening, creating, and sharing. No musical talent is required - just an interest in exploring the role that music plays in our lives. To deepen your understanding of music, throughout the course we will include video clips from experts in the music industry, including world-renowned Warner Music recording artists, Stanford music scholars, and industry executives who work to bring new and innovative musical expression to a global audience.
2011/12 Lectures
Why PSI? PSI is a different kind of physics master's training program aimed at ambitious and driven young minds who want to be at the cutting edge of science and discovery. PSI could be the perfect fit for you if: You know you want to pursue theoretical physics, but have not yet committed to a sub-field such as cosmology, particle physics, or quantum information. The PSI program will expose you to the full breadth of theoretical physics in courses taught by world-leading minds in each area, allowing you to discover your area of interest.
Assessing MOOCs at HigherEdTech conference
LAS VEGAS -- You probably won't be surprised to learn that amid all the high-profile speakers (such as the former Harvard University President Lawrence H. Summers and ex-New York City schools chief Joel Klein) and the many topics discussed (the rise of "big data," the transformation of the textbook industry) at last week's HigherEdTech Summit here, MOOCs reigned. As was true throughout the last year, when massive open online courses roared onto the scene and dominated talk about technology (and many other things) in higher education, quite a bit of the daylong discussion at the summit (part of the mammoth and glitzy International Consumer Electronics Show) revolved around how game-changing MOOCs have been and will be.
UPDATE: we're doing a live, updated MOOC of this course at stanford-online July-2014 (not this Coursera version). See here: CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. Computers can appear very complicated, but in reality, computers work within just a few, simple patterns. CS101 demystifies and brings those patterns to life, which is useful for anyone using computers today. In CS101, students play and experiment with short bits of "computer code" to bring to life to the power and limitations of computers.
As California Goes?
California has taken centre stage in the discussions around online learning and MOOCs in recent weeks, prompted by passage of tax increases (see more and more) to cover rising deficits in the state's higher education system. An organization called 20 Million Minds (20MM) organized a conference to discuss proposals. E-Literate provided very good coverage of the event, which was called Re:Boot California Higher education - a post listing statements made before the conference, some opening thoughts from Michael Feldstein, Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg's introduction, and bottleneck courses.
MOOCs are really a platform
We can officially declare massive open online courses (MOOCs) as the higher education buzzword for 2012. Between Coursera, edX and smaller open course offerings, nearly $100 million in funding has been directed toward MOOCs in that past 8 months. Newspapers from NYTimes to Globe and Mail to publications such as the Chronicle of Higher Education, TV programs such as NPR, radio programs such as CBC, and a few hundred thousand blog posts have contributed to the hype.
Giza 3D - Dassault Systèmes
3841 tombs and monuments listed. Thanks to 10 years of collected research, Dassault Systèmes was able to reconstruct the Giza Necropolis as accurately as possible.
TZM Response To ‘Kony 2012′ Campaign
Recently, a viral phenomenon flared up as a result of a video campaign entitled ‘Kony 2012′, which encourages the viewer to become passionate about chasing down a man named Joseph Kony, who is apparently involved in gang warfare, rape, severe child abuse, slavery, murder and the like in Uganda and it’s neighbouring countries. This is obviously extremely inhumane and abhorrent behaviour to say the least. The methods in which the film presents the problem are very emotive, and judging by the public response, appears very effective on pulling on the viewer’s heartstrings. The suggested method of then bringing KONY to “justice” is a mass publicity campaign and hence political pressure plus funding to the affiliated organisations, via military intervention. So essentially the solution is to catch the “Bad Guy” and therefore this behaviour we want to see eradicated will no longer exist.
MOOC's for Credit come to California
Take note, folks. It’s here: “MOOCs” for credit. California Governor Jerry Brown, San Jose State University President Mo Qayoumi, and Udacity co-founder and CEO Sebastian Thrun held a press conference this morning to announce a pilot program that marks a first for the state: San Jose State will award college credits for special versions of select Udacity classes.
5 Potential Ways MOOCs Will Evolve
In order to understand where MOOCs are heading (at least taking a stab at guessing their future), it’s important to know what the stated goals are. In case you’re still new to MOOCs, here’s a helpful rundown of the guiding principles behind MOOCs : Aggregation. The whole point of a connectivist MOOC is to provide a starting point for a massive amount of content to be produced in different places online, which is later aggregated as a newsletter or a web page accessible to participants on a regular basis.