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Search | LearnCentral (If you're looking for more general public networking for education, we recommend Classroom 2.0 for educators and Student 2.0 for students.) Start by (LearnCentral accounts have been transferred over), then please feel free to , to or , or to just . Thanks for being here, and "keep collaborating!" Steve Steve Hargadon P.S. Glencoe Online - Explore Virtual Math Manipulatives Virtual manipulatives are visual objects on the computer screen that the student can manipulate through mouse clicks, or through drag-and-drop movements, which moves or modifies that visual object in some way. The learning process comes from the student observing the behavior of the object and then understanding how and why it changes the way it does after being manipulated. This "understanding" makes up the learning process through virtual manipulatives. Main Page of Glencoe Manipulatives When you first access the Glencoe virtual manipulatives tool, it looks a lot like a paint or drawing application. Choosing a Grade Once you choose the grade level, the other two menu items adjust accordingly to only include the choices that are age appropriate. Choosing a Background The variety of choices in each of these options is impressive. Workmats are simply layouts that teach different lessons, including Black Calendar, Part-Part-Whole and Horizontal Split. Boat for Bears Boat for Bears in Use

Open Source Physics Computational Resources for Teaching The OSP Collection provides curriculum resources that engage students in physics, computation, and computer modeling. Computational physics and computer modeling provide students with new ways to understand, describe, explain, and predict physical phenomena. Tracker The Tracker tool extends traditional video analysis by enabling users to create particle models based on Newton's laws. Learn more about Tracker Curriculum Packages OSP curriculum packages combine computer simulations with tutorial materials and student worksheets. Browse curriculum resources by topic and learn how to customize packages Featured Curriculum Package Ghostly Images JS Package The Ghostly Images Package contains Javascript models and worksheets for 1D kinematics to illustrate the connection between motion diagrams ("ghostly images") and position-time plots. EJS Modeling Learn more about EJS Programming Access programming resources Tools Launcher – Simulation packages.

Selecting the Right Technology Tool: Wikis, Discussion Boards, Journals, and Blogs (Essays on Teaching Excellence) Part Two Selecting the Right Technology Tool: Wikis, Discussion Boards, Journals, and BlogsTami J. Eggleston, McKendree UniversityThe POD Network Teaching Excellence Essay Series, 2010-11 In this essay, Eggleston discusses how daunting many faculty find selecting the right technology tool can be. To help with this task, she compares common electronic tools and uses Bloom’s Cognitive Domain Taxonomy (1956) and Chickering and Ehrmann’s Seven Principles of Good Teaching (1996) to connect these tools with skill development teaching goals and effective teaching practices. You can read the entire article or browse CFT resources on academic integrity including our teaching guide on technology and learning which features information on blogs and wikis. In this blog post, we’ll expand on Eggleston’s essay and offer you an overview of blogs. What is a blog? Blogs are part of what Randall Bass and Heidi Elmendorf, of Georgetown University, call “social pedagogies.” When to use a blog Ready to get started?

home beta) | Aprendizaje PARA TODOS, de Todos y Por Acerca De Casi Todo Applets per la matematica Una raccolta scelta e assistita di programmini, denominati applets, da usare online. Per permetterci di migliorare la nostra offerta, chiediamo cortesemente ai docenti di rispondere online al nostro brevissimo questionario di valutazione. Gli applets sono stati sviluppati dal “Freudenthal Institut Researchgroup in Mathematics education” di Utrecht, in Olanda nel corso di parecchi anni di ricerca e di sperimentazione. Ogni programmino è accompagnato da una breve descrizione e da una scheda didattica dettagliata. Gli applets sono scritti nel linguaggio di programmazione Java. 60 APPLETS ORDINATI PER ARGOMENTO Numeri / Stima / Operazioni Equazioni Algebra / Calcoli Algebra geometrica Geometria

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