The Right Words to Use in Your Job Search
Choosing the most effective words to describe your skills, actions, attitudes and accomplishments will make your job applications, resume and job interviews more dynamic. Following are two word lists. These words are "buzz words" that seem to open doors. The first list includes action verbs — words that say what you did. These words tell prospective employers about your skills and accomplishments. The second list includes descriptive words — words that describe you and your actions in a positive way.
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Living Inside Your Dreams: Astral Projection
Dream Awareness, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection By Robert Zucker "Living Inside of Your Dreams" is a condensed version of two manuscripts developed during a college independent study in the late 1970s.
Interview Tips for Teens
The key to successful teen interviewing is to do exactly what a professional candidate for employment would do. That's the best way to make a positive impression on a prospective employer and to enhance your chances of the getting the job. I worked with a teen going on her first interview for a volunteer position, and she got a job offer on the spot. Why was it so easy? She dressed appropriately, answered questions in an informed manner, had questions to ask the interviewer, and, in general, made a very good impression on the interviewer. These teen interview guidelines will help you make just as good an impression:
Top 10 Most Effective Job Search Websites
With the world economic climate still painfully low, more folks are losing their jobs than ever before. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. unemployment rate hit over 9 percent in May 2009. France unemployment jumped to 8.2 percent, Germany was at 7.6 percent in January, and the UK was at 6.77 percent in March.
Freelance Writing Jobs - 28 Places to Find Telecommuting Freelance Writing Jobs
Sunoasis Jobs A great list kept fairly up to date. Be sure to read this review (below) to find some time saving tips on getting the best jobs. Telecommuting Jobs This board features all kinds of telecommuting jobs- it's one of the places to go when you are frustrated by all the "freelance" jobs that are locale-based.
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How to Get a Degree Online
Edit Article Edited by Guru352, Jack Herrick, Ben Rubenstein, Sondra C and 19 others Somewhere along the line, you may have found your scholastic enterprise interrupted by career, family, or just life in general. You may also have found that the best jobs go to people with more education, so you've decided to look into going back to school, online, on your own time and own terms, and earn that degree. Online degrees have become plentiful, and there are schools popping everywhere. Finding a school where you can earn an AA, BA, BS, or MBA online is still a challenge for working adults.
Top Part Time Job Sites
When you're looking for a part time job, it makes sense to start with the job search engines and with the niche job sites that focus on part time and hourly jobs. You'll save some time searching, because all the jobs posted on these sites are for part time positions or you can narrow your search results to give you only part time job listings in your location.
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less
Autonomy and Freedom of choice are critical to our well being, and choice is critical to freedom and autonomy. Nonetheless, though modern Americans have more choice than any group of people ever has before, and thus, presumably, more freedom and autonomy, we don't seem to be benefiting from it psychologically.—quoted from Ch.5, The Paradox of Choice, 2004