Map - Your Local Fusion Center
Fusion centers -- places for state, local and federal officials to share and analyze information -- sprang up at the local level in the wake of the post-9/11 complaints about the failure to "connect the dots." In 2003, the federal government began contributing funding; to date, the Department of Homeland Security has provided more than $420 million in funding to 72 fusion centers across the country, but some localities have funded additional centers. Fusion centers are built upon the idea of cops on a beat -- local authorities will recognize potential threats to their communities and feed the system with intelligence about possible terrorists. But critics charge that the imperative to gather as much information as possible can lead to abuses and misinformation that can get into national databases.
Hardball: Inclusion, equality highlighted in Obama’s inaugural address
now playing Bundy doubles down on controversial commentsup next How will the Bundy saga wind down? Jeopardy contestants forget Herman Cain Running on, not away, from Obamacare Boehner mocks GOP over immigration reform The He-Coon who changed Jeb Bush’s future GOP leaders back away from Bundy Stewart, Hannity feud over Bundy heats up Ted Cruz, Mike Lee take shopping trip What did Hillary Clinton accomplish at State? Hope for a world one day without AIDS Kornacki on Hillary Clinton’s smartest move A look into the latest Bridgegate subpoenas Christie takes swipe at Letterman Rand Paul’s ‘inconvenient’ truth about Reagan Stewart vs Hannity over the Bundy Ranch New polls show tight races in Southern states Kornacki: Give Rand Paul some credit Reid: SCOTUS’ conservative path to injustice Memorable ads fill 2014 campaign cycle Tea party posed to strike big in 2014? The push to run on, not away from, Obamacare
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Facebook, the CIA, and You. // Brainsturbator
After over a decade of being immersed in the conspiracy theory culture—and I’m still there wether I like it or not—my core beef remains the same. It’s not something unique to conspiracy research. It’s a universal problem with all true believers: exaggeration for dramatic effect. Subtlety is interesting. Details are brainfood.
Up w/ Chris Hayes: The key force in the Obama administration: Joe Biden
now playing NBA investigating authenticity of tapeup next Can GOP win over more women voters? Will abortion drive the gender gap in 2014? How one billboard could change campaigns Has Cuomo alienated the Democratic base? How economic liberalism is fueling Democrats Unions and tea party find common ground What’s driving GOP opposition to common core? The South rises again... for Democrats? A closer look at US Senate races in the south Obamacare and Kentucky’s 2014 Senate race A ‘truly groundbreaking election’ What if Northwestern players don’t unionize?
The Ed Show
now playing Welfare cowboy continues freeloading crusadeup next Does US census bureau skew Obamacare data? Keep the Green Bay Packers in the union Talk about race sets off a firestorm of hate Stuck in the old days, against women’s rights That’s not ‘easy,’ at least not for unions Freeloading off government he won’t recognize Republicans investigate validity of ‘shoe-gate’ House approval ratings have 2014 implications Ohio ‘secretary of suppression’ keeps it up A blurred picture is worth a thousand words Badgering the government into secession Meet the new, hip Republican Party For 2014 wins, Dems must defend Obamacare Summertime in North Country beats NYC The impacts of race in 21st century politics Marsha Blackburn jumps on the 2016 bandwagon Is Jeb Bush not conservative ‘enough?’ Radical right fear the future of... comedy? Big donors’ influence on local elections
American Thinker: Useless Eaters
While Americans worry over government insurance plans, longer waits for treatment, and "healthcare rationing," a more sinister agenda lurks in the shadows of the healthcare bill now before the House of Representatives. Today's Medicare recipients could be the first to experience our government's new solution to America's "useless eaters." Section 1233 of HR 3200, the healthcare reform measure under consideration, mandates "Advance Care Planning Consultation." Under the proposal, all senior citizens receiving government medical care would be required to undergo these counseling sessions every five years. Further reading of the law reveals that these sessions are nothing more than a not-so-veiled attempt to convince the elderly to forego treatment. HR 3200 calls outright for these compulsory consultations to recommend "palliative care and hospice."
US Running on Myths, Lies, Deceptions and Distractions
The United States is headed for a plutocratic dystopia where a few gated communities sit like islands amidst a sea of bitterness, misery, and want. Why? Because the country is running on lies, myths, deceptions and distractions. Not surprisingly, they aren’t working very well for us. Let’s run through a few of the most destructive lies and myths. Corporations and the uber rich are the job creators: Uh, no.
University Presents: Useless Eaters
Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany The methods used for mass extermination in the Nazi death camps originated and were perfected in earlier use against people with physical, emotional, and intellectual disabilities. Developed from the article by Dr. Mark Mostert, this website describes the historical context of attitudes toward people with disabilities in Germany and how this context produced mass murder of people with disabilities prior to and during the early years of World War II.
Take Action
Both houses of Congress passed the STOCK Act, the bill that would stop congressional insider trading. But the version that passed in the House is substantially weaker than the version that passed in the Senate. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) did his campaign funders on Wall Street a huge favor by including a loophole for lobbyists and hedge fund managers who trade on congressional insider information. We can defeat Cantor’s loophole, which would allow Wall Street’s minions to prowl the halls of Congress in search of insider info that can be turned to cash on the stock market. Show your support for a strong STOCK Act. Sign the petition to demand that Congress eliminate Cantor’s Wall Street insider trading loophole.
25 Reasons Psychiatry Must Be Abolished
by Don Weitz 1. Because psychiatrists frequently cause harm, permanent disabilities, death - death of the body-mind-spirit. 2. Because psychiatrists frequently violate the Hippocratic Oath which orders all physicians "First Do No Harm." 3.
Hegelian Dialectic
Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being accomplished in society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it. The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.