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jQuery UI

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A Digital Design Workflow: Tools in Review The world probably doesn’t need one more article about ever-changing design tools, but I’ve had a few people ask what I use in my work at Worthwhile and why, so here are a few thoughts on my current design tool chest and my process. It’s a great time to be doing graphic/web/ui design and prototyping because the competition is increasing, and the tooling options keep getting better and better. At the end of the day, our tools don’t matter nearly as much as the output—it’s the work that matters. In digital design, making only static comps is usually not enough anymore, but I doubt we’ll completely move beyond the need for static design ideation.

20 Awesome Resources for Twitter Bootstrap Lovers Generators Bootstrap Custom Build Before diving into great third party Bootstrap resources, it’s worth pointing out a great little tool right from Twitter that allows you to completely customize an impressive range of Boostrap features so that you can create a custom build that’s perfect for your project. If you haven’t checked out Bootstrap in a while, you should give this a look because it’s new with Twitter Bootstrap 2.0. Not only can you use it to take an overweight download and transform it into something lean, you can also save yourself a lot of CSS work by customizing colors, fonts etc. before you even initiate the download.

Starting With jQuery - How to Write Custom Validation Rules This series of posts on using jQuery with no prior knowledge comes to its fifth iteration. Today, I'm going to look more in depth at the Validation Plug-in. We'll be looking at what rules the Validation Plug-in comes with out of the box followed by an example of how to create your own rules. Examples Examples Boolean Operations Candy Crash Satie Liked To Draw Chain Tadpoles Popular Nordic Ruby Conference El Sendero del Cacao Full Frontal 2011 Naomi Atkinson Design The Boston Globe Herjen Oldenbeuving Designing Future-Proof UI – Medium Increasing The Longevity If we want our UI design to stand the test of time and go beyond the conventional expiry date, we can incorporate a number of principles into our workflow and way of thinking that will make it less likely to cause big changes in the future, or put another way, more likely to cause little change. This isn’t a definitive guide, but these principals can certainly go a long way.

Customize Twitter Bootstrap To Not Look Bootstrap-y - Aj freelancer NOTICE: This article is outdated. Please read my article on how to build Bootstrap 3.0 themes the proper way. Thank you! How to select a radio button with jQuery A simple example to select a radio button with jQuery dynamically. A radio buttons group, with a name=”sex”. <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male">Male</input><input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female">Female</input><input type="radio" name="sex" value="Unknown">Unknown</input>

DocumentCloud's VisualSearch.js Created by Samuel Clay, @samuelclay. VisualSearch.js enhances ordinary search boxes with the ability to autocomplete faceted search queries. Specify the facets for completion, along with the completable values for any facet. You can retrieve the search query as a structured object, so you don't have to parse the query string yourself. Here's an example of a search on that uses facets. The project is hosted on GitHub.

Screenshots - CSS-Tricks Gallery Illustration by Erica Sirotich Loading... 10 Rules of Good UI Design to Follow On Every Web Design Project Gone are the days of Geocities sites with their hardcoded, never-changing HTML. Sites and apps today are dynamic and interactive. Our job as designers is to make it so that the interface through which they interact with our web UI design is as close to ideal as possible. Luckily, there are some nearly universal rules of that can help. We have put together what we think are the best design principles so that you can enhance all your future web design projects.

15 More Twitter Bootstrap Resources Twitter Bootstrap now gaining popularity in web development area, because it providing many common usable user interface component, combining with nice simple themes, css framework and javascript element. Many tutorial and resources has been developed to help us getting familiar with bootstrap, in today post I post some more bootstrap resouces that might be useful, I say it “more” cause there are the same article showing bootstrap resources and tools (posted on the bottom of this post), well at least these haven’t been listed before. Yii Bootstrap Bringing together the Yii PHP framework and Twitter Bootstrap . Yii-Bootstrap is an extension for Yii that provides a wide range of widgets that allow developers to easily use Bootstrap with Yii.

Checking if Cookies are Enabled UPDATE: The information contained on this page is ancient and obsolete. Seek counsel elsewhere! One of the uncertainties facing any web developer are the myriad browser configurations of different end-users. Some users may disable cookies due to fear that their personal information is being compromised, while the more security-paranoid may even disable JavaScript. This can pose a problem for web mechanisms that rely on cookies to store session identification and other neccessary information.

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