Using jQuery To Manipulate and Filter Data When a webpage is designed to display large tables of data, a great amount of consideration should be dedicated to allowing the user to sort through the data in a structured manner. In this article, I will go over four techniques: hover effects, zebra rows, filtering, and sorting. There are some important notes we must address before looking at our Javascript code. Zebra Rows Zebra Rows are a very common data organization technique that are both easy to implement and have a powerful impact. Now on to the actual Zebra Rows. This is fairly trivial; we are telling the table background to be white, and to stretch to 100% of the parent element's width. Here we are setting up a class for the "odd" table rows that sets an alternate background-color and font-color. This code, while short, has a few gotchas to consider. Note: While using jQuery to apply alternating row colors is a simple solution, it is not degradable if a user has JavaScript disabled. Hover Effect Filtering Data style.css Wrap Up
Demo | jQuery.popeye 2.0 | an inline lightbox alternative x Note: To see the full potential of CSS3 styling (shadows, gradients, rounded corners, alpha transparency), please view this page in a modern webkit or mozilla browser (Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4, Opera 10.50, Chrome 4). Other browsers will degrade gracefully. Except for IE6, though, which I didn't bother to include. Feel free to come up with your own solution ;-) Example 1 The first popeye-box uses the standard options: it floats to the left and opens to the right, its navigation and caption show on mouseover. By placing the navigation inside the stage area (where the image is displayed), we can get it to hover above the image. No need to read this, just dummy text ;-) Vivamus ut nisi id libero interdum pretium. View HTML code used in this example Example 2 The navigation stays fixed to the right of the image. There is no enlarge button, but a click on the image enlaregs and shrinks it nevertheless. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. View HTML code used in this example
Easy Tabs And Sliders With tabSwitch tabSwitch is a jQuery plugin for creating tabs & sliders very easily. It is possible to choose from 7 different effects (fade, show, toggle..) with 2 view styles. Any type of HTML can be used & tabs can be switched as previous-next or directly into a specified one. The look of the viewport can be customized via CSS & every single tab can have its own class. To see the simplicity of usage, here is how it is called & customized: And, tabSwitch can auto-display each tab/slide. grids JSON SIDEWAYS – jQuery fullscreen image gallery Last updated on Nov 20, 2010 Originally published on September 12, 2010 by malihu, under Templates & web apps. A simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery library and CSS. The gallery features fullscreen images in various modes and custom scrollbars. SIDEWAYS image gallery is made by implementation of some previous scripts and tutorials posted on this blog and some (minor) CSS3. I’ve included the complete gallery code on page 2 of this post. Changelog▾ This work is released under the MIT License. Donating helps greatly in developing and updating free software and running this blog
12 jquery tooltip for web developer jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. As Web developers we are always in search of new tutorials and resources, tips, tricks for our readers . Today we listed Most Desirable Collection Of Javascript/Ajax & CSS Tooltip Scripts etc. If you enjoyed this post, please consider to leave a comment or subscribe to the feed and get future articles delivered to your feed reader. 1. jQuery Ajax Tooltip 2. 3. jQuery Tooltip Plugin Demo: 4.JavaScript Tooltips : 5.Rich HTML Balloon Tooltip : 6. 7.Non-Ajax Balloon: 8.Using another object as the balloon's anchor : 9.Javascript Tool Tip Script : 10.qTips CSS Tooltip:
DataTables (table plug-in for jQuery) JSON, un format pour échange de données avec JavaScript JSON ( jison ou jayson, jason en anglais) est reconnu par JavaScript, après que l'ECMA ait définit la fonction eval qui parse le format, dans le standard ECMAScript, en 1999. Il a été popularisé par le développement d'Ajax. Le terme JSON revient souvent lorsque l'on parle d'Ajax. On sait qu'il s'agit d'un format de fichier alternatif à XML, et ce format a ses adeptes. Mais qu'est-ce exactement que JSON, et quels sont ses avantages? JSON vs. Les avantages de JSON: La vitesse de traitement. Les avantages de XML: XML est extensible quand au langage, on peut créer des formats comme RSS, SVG. Noter que XML aussi bien que JSON ne conviennent pas pour stocker directement des données binaires de taille importante. La syntaxe de JSON Les éléments de JSON sont: Un objet: contient d'autres objets ou des variables. L'objet Il contient un membre ou une liste de membres, chaque membre étant de la forme: "nom" : "valeur" La syntaxe de l'objet est: { membre, membre, .... } Le tableau [ valeur, valeur, ....] <?
Commented On Sliding Login Panel with jQuery 1.3.2 Sliding login panel with jQuery - Demo This script is based on my previous script "Show/Hide Login Panel with Mootools 1.2" but now works with jQuery 1.3.2 instead of Mootools 1.2. Click "Log In | Register" on top to open the demo. Download this script here » Please note the Login and Register forms in this demo will not work "out of the box" without a user login system pre-installed on your site (e.g. This page is valid (X)HTML & CSS. What's new in this version? Panel has been redesigned to be "slicker". Known Bugs Rollover effect for the login button doesn't work in IE6 because of 24Ways' script. And now some Lorem Ipsum to fill the page Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Sigma Ajax Grid -- Ajax editable data grid - DHTML grid control with flexibility and user API. Written in pure javascript, Sigma grid is an open source AJAX data grid for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table. It is very powerful yet easy to use & integrate with php,, jsp and RoR. sigma ajax grid master / details sample screenshot What New In 2.4 More methods and events provided for programming Full source code with comments More examples coming in our wiki. Samples Master/Details - Cell phones shop User defined cell renderer - Image cell - Dynamic search - Math formulas for cells - Show and hide grid - Main menu - Resizable grid - CSS Based Themes - Checkbox in paginal grid - Print - Charts and graghs - Lockable header and column - Frozen Columns - Movable columns - Resizable columns - Sortable columns - Export To PDF - Export To Excel - Export To XML - Export To CSV - Highlight row in condition - Flexible API - Ajax driven paging - Ajax driven sorting more... New Features Here is a list of sigma grid new features. Document