Visualize memory training (eidetic memory training) How to develop visualize and face memory Not everyone say I can describe a face by memory. However, it's wrong to consider your interlocutor attentively and try to remember his face exactly. Artist scrutinize faces of passengers through shading eyes. Animating Stories I have been playing with story animation tools for a long time, learning from colleagues’ blogs and links on Twitter. Recent posts include Burcu Akyol’s 4-3-2-1 Action! Online Tools For Making Movies in the Language Classroom and Shelly Terrell’s presentation on Digital Storytelling
Comic Creator The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on). The organizers focus on the key elements of comic strips by allowing students to choose backgrounds, characters, and props, as well as to compose related dialogue (shown at left). This versatile tool can be used by students from kindergarten through high school, for purposes ranging from learning to write dialogue to an in-depth study of a formerly neglected genre. The tool is easy to use, made even easier with the Comic Strip Planning Sheet, a printable PDF that comic creators can use to draft and revise their work before creating and printing their final comics. After completing their comic, students have the ability to print out and illustrate their final versions for feedback and assessment. Grades K – 3 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson
X - Game Maker: Tutoriais Créditos: Ben 10 da CasaDosJogos (Mas... Eu sou Pedru... E na CDJ [CasaDosJogos] eu sou o Ben 10... Então vou me dar créditos!) Education Services Australia Snappy is a unique and easy to use tool for putting together visual stories. It's free! Snappy can be used to create interactive presentations and digital photo stories. All it requires is a PC running Adobe AIR (see below).
10 Awesome Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. This means more eyeballs on your important information, more people rallying for your cause, more backlinks and more visits to your blog. In short, a quality infographic done well could be what your blog needs right now. Designing An Infographic Make a Video Online. GoAnimate ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! Dicas Intermediarias De Game Maker Nivel:IntermediarioCréditos especiais à: hiperbite e Mathy220 Aqui estão alguns comandos básicos sobre GML, vejam: Comando básicos: if: Esse código serve para quando você for fazer alguma coisa, ou quando acontecer alguma coisa. EX:
Memory Game Maker Downloads... Information... Examples... What is a Memory Game? Tips for making a good game information used in the pairs needs to be a clear unambiguous match there can only be one possible match for each card. game_maker_language <div>JAVASCRIPT REQUIRED</div> The Game Maker Language (GML) Game Maker contains a built-in programming language. This programming language gives you much more flexibility and control than the standard actions. This language we will refer to as GML (the Game Maker Language). In this section we describe the language GML and we give an overview of all the (close to 1000) functions and variables available to control all aspects of your game.